- chore: updates version
- chore: updates CHANGELOG
- fix: char position over the label
- fix: slot width in options menu
- chore: remove commented code
- feat: added extended ASCII support
- chore: check triangle intersection before clipping
- chore: added triangle vs frustum intersect
- chore: remove near and far planes from clipping check
- chore: remove mazecraft from world types
- chore: fix character alignment
- chore: control alpha blending
- chore: apply back face culling before clipping
- chore: fix close blocks update
- chore: remove cam offset in first person mode
- chore: separate transparent and solid clipped data
- chore: fix clipping vertex data and UV mapping
- chore: fix dynamic array growth
- chore: initial frustum clipping algorithm in world space
- chore: added clipping lib
- chore: added camera position to chunk update
- fix: block draw data index
- chore: ajust the sfx volume
- fix: remove pumpkin from spawn position
- chore: set happy theme when level done
- chore: play level done sfx
- chore: added next level dialog
- chore: implements minigame level reset
- refactore: move files
- chore: added mini game tab at create and load screens
- chore: update mazecraft level params
- fix: next level generation
- fix: crash on loading next level
- chore: added custom assets and loading next level screen
- chore: added custom mazecraft playlist
- fix: unloading a not loaded texture causing a crash
- chore: implements save/load minigames
- chore: apply mazecraft rules and initialization of gameplay
- chore: apply mazecraft states for loading nad creating
- chore: added states to load and create maze craft mini game
- chore: added util methods for flaying and inventory
- chore: added mini game screen
- fix: comparison type
- chore: added mini game info model
- chore: added mini game file extension
- chore: added gameMode to save file
- chore: added mini game initial screen
- chore: change happy theme lightinig
- chore: added afterInit event
- chore: added missing case to switch
- chore: added MazePlayingState to game mode handler method
- refactore: apply game mode to StateGamePlay
- chore: added maze playing state
- chore: added GameMode prop to NewGameOptions model
- chore: implemented custom g_ticksCounter setters
- chore: comment unused code
- chore: added sky color set methods
- refactore: moves GameMode enum to constants
- (feat) Merge branch 'develop' into feature/mini-game/mazecraft
- fix: wrong behaviour when placing double slab at the same block space
- fix: wrong lighted faces with oriented blocks
- chore: remove code if DEBUG_MODE is disabled
- chore: added float type and remove comments
- chore: update roadmap
- refactore: apply DRY
- fix: remove block when has no visible faces
- (feat) Merge branch 'feat/chunk-update' into develop
- fix: frame dropping in particle renderization
- refactore: reuse add block method
- chore: implement single block update in a chunk
- chore: implements asyc draw data loading
- refactore: prevent to rebuild the vertex data every call
- fix: moon transparency
- fix: item selection at inventory
- fix: leaves transparency
- fix: transparency issue due to drawing order
- fix: slab top and bottom faces illumination
- fix: skin transition speed by delta time chore: update base method signature
- chore: explicit declaration
- fix: alpha correction
- fix: gravity after flying
- chore: updates version
- chore: updates CHANGELOG
- chore: update how chunks to load are sorted and calcuated
- refacore: async chunk load/unload
- chore: resize skybox
- chore: add AA and clip to player model
- feat: smoother sun and moon moviment
- chore: replace magic number
- chore: change variable update in debug only
- feature: improves clouds moviment by lerp
- chore: improves chunk loading chore: added chunk loading time to debug info
- refactore particle manager
- chore: added global debug variabel
- refactore: change some itens from pointers to reference and coment unused code
- chore: add vram inspection in debug mode
- fix: handled item color update
- chore: replcae concretes by wools
- chore: improve liquid height calculation
- fix: water flux rendering refactore: apply liquid orientation to metadata
- fix: dynamic ticks update on delta time
- refactore: apply sprite offset to allow loading font atlas
- chore: remove save and quit option from in game menu
- fix: player and handled item lighting
- chore: update light values
- feat: implements put block animation
- chore: remove unused properties
- refactore: highlight target block system refactore: block damage update
- refactore: improves chunk loading speed change switch case to map object
- chore: add FIXME
- feat: implements handled item animation
- feat: implements bobbing camera
- chore: remove FIXME
- refactore: move navigate call
- chore: add background to in game menu
- fix: invalid reference when draw distance is changed
- fix: update handled item draw data
- chore: fix slab UV
- feat: implements quick jump
- chore: remove unused variable
- feat: implements basic slab
- fix: clouds rendering refactore: apply new inverse matrix calc refactore: separate update and tick
- temp(WIP): implements inverse matrix with VU
- feat: validade save files
- chore: remove third part lib gzip
- fix: saving/loading state; refactore: uses zlib PS2 port to data compression
- fix: default deadzone values fix: player skin persistency
- Merge branch 'feature/skin-selector' into develop
- fix: cam type toggling
- feat: implements skin selection
- chore: implements change skin button in main menu
- chore: move skin preview code from state_main to screen_main chore: added player name under skin
- chore: load selected skin in my menu
- fix: target block detection
- chore: fix mob unloading and range update
- refactore: separate update and render pipelines
- fix: repeated updates at the same tick refactore: completely separate ticks and game loop updates
- fix: texture unlink
- chore: added TODO
- feat: implenented pig sound control
- chore: added pig sounds
- fix: pig waling animation fix: texture unlink when destroyed
- chore: add direction timer
- refactore: bbox updates to main loop fix: positions updates
- chore: adds virtual method getHitBox
- feat: implements multiples mobs instances
- feat: add mob manager to world
- feat: implements mob manager
- refactore: update enum names and constructors signature
- refactore: moves pig to mob directory
- feat: implements mob and mob categories
- feat: implements basic pig calss
- fix: chunk drapatent draw data
- refactore: update constants values
- refactore: chunks updates when the world is modded
- feat: implements fast chunk lookup
- refactore: removes unused method
- refactore: added neightbor chunks references
- refactore: removes unused prop
- feat: implements memory check for safe loading
- feat: unload draw data of hidden chuncks
- refactore: reduce memory usage
- fix: clear aabb tree after unloading world
- fix: comparing different types
- fix: memory leak
- feat: implements memory monitor
- refactore: use inline functions and pointers
- fix: increments max tree size
- refactore: prevent reconstruct a str every call
- refactore: reduce memory usage
- refactore: reduce memory usage
- fix: chunk overloading after water propagation
- refactore: turns g_AABBTree into a pointer
- chore: update initalization logs messages
- refactore: block and player extends entity
- feat: implements entity class
- fix: particles creation time
- feat: implements particles collision
- refactore: remove direct chunck access at collision test refactore: move terrain height update from world to player class fix: collision slyding in X and Z axis feat: apply aabb tree to collisions tests
- refactore: remove unused nearby chunks
- refactore: remove chuncks access in collision tests
- fix: copy by const reference
- fix: target block detection
- refactore: apply aabb tree to collision check refactore: separate camera and target blocks update
- feat: implements collision manager
- chore: add TODO
- feat: implements 3D segment vs aabb intersection
- refactore: remove unfinished code
- chore: add 3lib bvh for dynamic AABB tree
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/aabb-tree
- chore: coment unused code
- feat: implement handled torch item
- refactore: remove usings
- feat: implements handled item
- refactore: rename method
- refactore: remove unused code
- fix: liquid height
- fix: bbox rotation and accuracy refactore: move model and bbox creationto separated methods
- fix: torch hardness fix: target block update
- fix: oriented bbox creation in async chunk building
- feat: implemente basic torch
- fix: liquid propagation in down direction
- chore: remove unused code
- feat: implements volumetric liquid rendering
- fix: liquid propagation over vegetation
- fix: blocks light when propagating lava
- fix: stacked liquid height
- fix: lava illumination
- fix: visible faces of oriented liquids
- feat: added new items Ids
- feat: implemets orientation helper
- feat: implements volumetric oriented lava
- fix: increase lava on surface
- feat: add water and lava bucket fix(memory-leak): destroy concrete blocks
- chore: remove FIXME
- feat: implements volumetric water mesh rotation
- fix: remove return from set methods
- refactore: separate mesh builder by block type
- refactore: rename method
- fix: typo
- refactore: move mesh generation from chunk to meshbuilder
- fix: infinity while loop
- fix: lava generation in surface and metadata level
- fix: liqui propagation on init world; fix: liquid propagation to lower ground first
- chore: increase the number of lava sources
- fix: lava propagation
- fix: update liquid propagation values
- refactore: update g_ticksCounter to int type
- refactore: update ticks counter system
- feat: added basic flowing water sound
- fix: remove/add liquid
- feat: implements water valumes; reafctore: update liquids for water and lava
- fix: lava illumination
- feat: implements liquid initiation
- feat: added lava block
- feat: implements water propagation
- fix: block faces visibility and bbox rotation
- feat: implements block orientation
- refactore: prevent recreating packets every frame
- refactor: change code execution time and add chunks constants
- feat: implements manual LOD
- refactor: change const reference to pointer feat: apply isTicksCounterAt to remove some unecessary calls every frame;
- feat: implements isTicksCounterAt
- feat: define bag params by chunk distance fix: block placement
- refactor: remove unused property
- fix: change id prop size definition
- refactor: compress offset datafrom Vec4 to u32
- chore: add TODOs
- fix: reset breaking time when target block is changed
- fix: braking time of block in creative mode
- fix: floating world params
- refactor: remove static frame rate
- chore: adds a FIXME
- fix: floating world generation
- chore: update version
- chore: update roadmap
- chore: update changelog
- fix: player mesh scale in X axis
- chore: ajust sun and moon scales
- fix: day night sky colora refactor: removes ambientLightIntensity from WorldLightModel
- fix: seconds to ticks conversion, now the cycle is 20 min exactly
- feat: implements sun and moon entities
- refactore: create chunk init method and mode the params
- chore: add commented code for memory inspection
- fix: memory leak at options screen
- refactor: remove unused code
- fix: dynamic fov when player is flying
- feat: apply dynamic FOV based in player speed
- chore: ajust the animation speet to player speed
- feat: add camera options to options screen
- feat: implements dynamic cam sesitivity and inversion
- fix: birch log block texture mapping
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: etities rendering order
- fix: camera initialization in first person for default
- chore: update cam sesitivity
- chore: apply changes after save
- feat: implements third person cam
- feat: implements save settings and custom options
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: clouds light at night
- refactore: update code for faster block info loading
- refactor: code improvements
- refactor: replace scale vector by a const float
- refactor: removes block matix
- refactor: use index to map UV intead col and row
- refactor: pass value instead pointer
- fix: bottom line in hot inventory
- refactor: remove print method and gropu matrix defeinition
- refactor: apply els condition
- chore: update max distance for block breaking
- chore: updates roadmap
- fix: game crash when saving with max draw distance
- chore: updates roadmap
- feat: implements loading labels and multi languages
- chore: apply language to ingame menu
- chore: apply language to about screen
- chore: apply translation to create and load screens
- chore: translate main menu
- chore: add new method signature
- chore: implements language selection screen
- chore: implements language manager
- fix: max player speeds
- refactore: remove unused code
- chore: remove printing to log
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: particles light color
- chore: remove log message
- fix: remove vegetation from upper block when it is removed
- chore: implements get blocks methods
- refactor: property name and check if block is target
- chore: update roadmap
- feat: implements block hardness
- refactor: rename method loadTextures to loadBlocksInfo
- refactor: rename BlockTextureInfoRepository to BlockInfoRepository
- chore: updates roadmap
- chor: rename properties and implements particle types
- refactor: prevento call destroyExpiredParticles every frame
- chore: update particle speed
- refactor: remove unecessary code at particle creation
- feature: implements basic blocks particles
- feat: adds colored concretes
- chore: update roadmap
- chore: fix changelog date
- chore: update changelog and version
- feat: readds birch trees
- feat: add grass vegetation refactor: add cross blocks to blockinfo
- feat: implements cross block and adds flowers
- chore: remove commented code
- feat: adds gravel block
- fix: underwater overlay alpha
- chore: update changelog
- chore: sort chunks when current chunk changes
- chore: update changelog and version
- feat: improves memory allocation on chunk loading and replace vector push_back by emplace_back
- chore: remove switchThread while loading and unloading chunks, control loading flux
- fix: block face light factor
- refactor: prevent to realocata vertexData for every block
- refactor: change from std::array to C style array
- refactor: apply direct access
- hotfix: fix chunk loading
- chore: remove debug info from ELF
- chore: add FIXED_30_FRAME_MS const chore: update LOAD_CHUNK_BATCH value
- refactor: change var types and reserve vector memory
- chore: add GetBlockFromMapByIndex method
- refactor: reserve vector memory prevent: uncessary checks fix: remove ambient occlusion in water
- chore: add chunks counter do debug info refactor: remove unused code, change var types and code improvements
- chore: add visibleFacesCount prop refactor: remove unused prop
- feat: add countSetBits method
- fix: dynamic height and wrong VOID block in caves
- chore: apply nearvy chunks to player update
- chore : implements GetLightDataFromMap
- refactor: reduce number of used variables
- fix: set a max frame delay to deltatime
- feat: implements nearByChunks refactor: remane methods eand code improvements
- refactor: reduce a unecessary query
- feat: smooth clouds
- temp: diable v-sync
- fix: render blinking glich
- chore: update version
- feat: implement running feat: implements movement by acceleration fix: remove debug stuff
- fix: cam position
- fix: player gravity with dynamic fps
- fix: gravity values
- fix: sunlight at night
- fix: gravity values
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: water block height
- chore: update roadmap
- chore: update version
- chore: update changelog
- chore: increase flying speed
- fix: updateStateInWater x and z position feat: play splash sound on enter or exit water
- fix: prevent to break water
- chore: add sfx on swimming
- chore: add liquid sounds repository
- feat: add underwater overlay and swimming
- feat: implements water physics
- chore: fix return type
- chore: update gravity value
- chore: update player state in water
- chore: implements getBlockByWorldPosition
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/water-phisycs
- chore: remove memory leak
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/water-phisycs
- chore: add version to debug info
- chore: add broken block sounds repo
- chore: apply custom sounds config by block type
- chore: replace click by woodclick sound
- chore: add WoodClick to sfx repository
- chore: implements SfxConfig repository
- chore: implements SfxConfigModel
- chore: remove wet grass sound
- chore: add changelog
- feat: reduce bgm sound
- feat: registe new blocks sfx
- feat: reenable audio system
- feat: add print method for debug
- fix: block lights initialization
- refactor: rename function
- fix: sunlight light in async chunk loading
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: player arm position and scale
- fix: sun light propagation on remove block
- fix: water top height
- fix: rebuild light data after remove a block
- fix: clean garbage from memory allocation
- fix: camera direction when get back to main menu
- chore: update roadmap
- refactor: saparete update camera functions fix: camera movimentation on main menu
- fix: previous item selection
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: light data initialization
- fix: increase async light data loadin
- fix: collision in Y up direction
- chore: update roadmap
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: light block remove when change terrain
- chore: update roadmap
- feat: update block light on remove terrain
- refactor: remove unecessary checks
- feat: implement getBlockLightValue
- feat: add three more blocks
- feat: implement block light system
- feat: implement chunk light async loading
- fix: day night cycle
- chore: apply inline instruction
- fix: reload chunk light when modify the terrain
- feat: implements light data reloading
- refactor: searate data loading in more specific steps for reusability
- chore: update roadmap
- chore: update roadmap
- feat: fix sun light remove when place a block
- feat: implements sun light remove
- fix: sun light propagation and flood fill
- refactor: apply base color to all faces Will be helpful to fix the day night cycle
- chore: add debug print and var type
- temp: enable frame limiter
- fix: spawn area and calc light data when loading save
- feat: enable basic sun light spread
- fix: light data access get and set
- feat: implements light propagation
- temp: remove unused prop
- refactor: move light stuff to light manager
- chore: remove reference
- fix: update dead zone values to prevent drifting
- fix: ao values
- feat: adds player position to debug info
- fix: vertex order
- feat: implements ambient occlusion
- temp: disable dir lights
- Merge branch 'develop' of github-wellinator:Wellinator/tyracraft into develop
- fix: memory leak
- fix: water visibility
- Merge pull request #14 from wolfysdl/develop
- Update README.md with some refactor
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/develop' into develop
- fix: font width
- fix: typo
- refactor: remove static text sprite
- fix: typo and grammatical revision
- fix: font width
- fix: prevent performing an unecessary check
- fix: reapply dynamic delta time
- chore: update README
- chore: update README
- feat: add oak and birch log blocks to inventory
- fix: coal ore texture mapping
- fix: song playing while loading the world
- chore: remoce log
- fix: memory leak at texture repository
- feat: implements save slot overlay fix: load selected save null pointer check
- fix: memory leak when save and quit
- fix: game crash when try to navigate when there's no save data loaded
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: getting randon song index
- freat: implements dynamic songs loading refactor: moves get song method to sound manager
- chore: update roadmap
- refactor: reorder main menu buttons
- feat: implements quiting and saving dialogs
- fix: pausing when is at welcome state
- fix: dialog text position
- refactor: separate logic to a method
- chore: update roadmap
- feat: implements world name validation
- chore: update roadmap
- feat: implements welcome screen
- fix: text position
- fix: padding calc and char width
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: save counter info string position
- feat: implements confirmation on overwriting save
- feat: implements CheckIfSaveExist
- fix: text alignment
- fix: center dynamic texts
- feat: implements text alignment
- feat: fix world input editor
- feat: implements trim string method
- refactor: change variables names and composition for reusability
- fix: save list pagination
- chore: update roadmap
- feat: implements directory checking on game init
- feat: implements save game at in game menu
- feat: adds name prop to the save file
- feat: implements tabs transitions
- refactor: new game to tab style
- feat: adds name prop
- feat: adds special valid chars
- temp: removes origin toggle
- feat: implements loading from save file
- feat: implements GetNewGameOptionsFromSaveFile
- feat: implements load game screen
- feat: add load game button
- fix: add null check
- chore: add TODO
- fix: wrong block data when parsing on save feat: add camera params to save file
- chore: update roadmap
- feat: add save and loading data from mass storage
- chore: adds gzip-hpp lib for data compression
- chore: update roadmap
- chore: update roadmap
- feat: implements clouds moviment
- feat: adds static clouds
- refactor: change pointer to reference
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/fast-clouds
- refactor: call shrink_to_fit after clearing vectors
- refactor: remove unused method
- fix: move method call
- feat: add main args
- refactor: remove this keyword
- Merge branch 'merge-code-optimizations-partially' into develop
- Merge branch 'develop' into merge-code-optimizations-partially
- fix: item selection
- refactor: prevent loading the same textures multiple times
- refactor: turn font manager into a global service
- fix: prevent infinity loop
- refactor: remove FontChar object and apply Sprite directly
- chore: remove done todos
- refactor: apply the same texture loaded once
- feat: increasel loading/unloading data speed
- fix: seed input value initialization
- refactor: update how params are passed
- refactor: remove this keyword and turn method to static
- refactor: apply params by ref rename variables
- refactor: change variable types
- refactor: rename varaible change memory allocation
- refactor: rename param and remove this keyword
- refactor: chanches memory allocation and rename variable
- feat: implements clouds manager
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: closedir and add missing includes
- feat: implements draw distance range picker
- refactor: add draw distance setter
- chore: add debug info to target
- refactor: remove chunks from debug info
- fix: option selection on menu
- feature: add new buttons sprites and texture selection
- feat: implements dynamic texture packs loading
- refactor: organize resource files directories.
- feat: implements basic json reading
- feat: add 3lib for parsing JSON
- feat: implements TexturePackInfoModel
- feat: implements method to get files from dir
- Merge branch 'develop' of github-wellinator:Wellinator/tyracraft into develop
- refactor: seed generation algorithm
- feat: implements seed input and refactor new world menu
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- Merge pull request #11 from wolfysdl/develop
- refactor: new custom world options
- fix: memory leak on moving fast through the map
- fix: crash while breaking block
- chore: update roadmap
- chore: update roadmap
- chore: update roadmap
- chore: update roadmap
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: block placement refactor: world modification updates
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: world boundaries collision and accuracy on removing blocks
- fix: randomness of world generation
- fix: block placement
- refactor: remove comented code
- refactor: move terrain manager to world
- feat: add cross craft world generation
- Merge branch 'Wellinator:develop' into develop
- feat: apply fixed delta time
- feat: add FIXED_FRAME_MS
- refactor: chunk loading system
- fix: player arm animation
- fix: time conversion scale
- fix: menu skybox
- fix: transparency order
- fix: block rendering order (tranparency fix)
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: remove duplicated inventory item
- fix: reference to inventory index
- chore: uppdate roadmap
- fix: player keeps walking when the inventory is opened
- feat: implements inventory item selection
- temp: fix inventory item id
- feat: increase hot inventory size
- fix: inventory destruction and memory leak
- fix: command to label
- feat: implements invetory navigation
- refactor: move terrain manager input commands to game play state
- refactor: code style and remove commented code
- refactor: move player input commands to game play state
- feat: creates inventory entity
- fix: variable type
- refactor: remove unused variables and commented code
- refactor: sfx sound system
- fix: player collision at vertical axis
- temp: remove unused debug info
- fix: terrain modification updates
- feat: sort chunk loading by priority
- fix: limit updates to every 5 frames
- feat: implements async chunk loading
- fix: menu skybox clipping
- fix: player aniation on stop breaking a block
- fix: remove unecessary checks
- fix: walking animation state
- fix: moving state control
- chore: add is_moving stato to debug info
- refactor: animation state control
- refactor: move ticks update to PlayState, add prefix to global variable
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: face visibility through transparent blocks
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: time scale conversion
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: crash when loading a new creative song
- chore: update roadmap
- refactor: move creative audio listener
- chore: update roadmap
- fix: day night ambient light and sky color
- feat: add ticks to debug info
- fix: sky color transitions
- fix: real time to tick conversion
- refactor: apply tick manager
- feat: creates global tick manager
- feat: apply basic day cycle to world lighting
- feat: implements day night cycle manager
- feat: add dynamic light
- fix: bottom face visibility
- refactor: prepare for fog per vertex
- refactor: apply faster math implementation
- feat: implements up mapping per block type
- feat: simulate static light
- temp: increase draw distance
- Delete Makefile.pref
- refactor: remove duplicated code chore: add TODOs
- feat: add faces index methods
- fix: bottom face check
- fix: visible face calc refactor: improves block check algorithm
- feat: implements hidden faces culling feat: add face color to cube (debug stuff)
- refactor: initiate render with manual mode
- feat: implements custom player render pipeline
- refactor: redude some loops
- temp: disable log to file
- feat: implements frustum culling on chunks bboxes
- refactor: remove global variable noise
- temp: enable log file
- feat: filter blocks in broad phase
- feat: add option to print debug info to log
- refactor: chunk visibility checks
- refactor: isBlockHidden params
- refactor: remove vector iteration on load info
- feat: add block debug info
- fix: update isBreaking variable
- feat: add player state debug info
- refactor: vector to array
- feat: add block info to debugger utillity
- fix: width scale offset
- Merge branch 'develop' of github-wellinator:Wellinator/tyracraft into develop
- refactor: block type enum
- refactor: fix file name
- Merge pull request #10 from wolfysdl/patch-2
- Update README.md
- Update README.md
- feat: implements line breaking
- refactor: variables initialization and types
- fix: prevent breaking bedblock and memory error
- Merge branch 'master' into develop
- fix: delete unused var after generating terrain remove commented code
- feat: load all extended ASCII chars
- refactor: move files and remove log
- chore: updates roadmap
- reafactor: animation state control
- temp: load usb drive
- feat(temp): implements item switching
- chore: updates roadmap
- temp: increase breaking time
- fix: ajust flying speed
- chore: updates roadmap
- feat: add birch tree
- fix: flying speed
- refactor: replace params by model
- fix: render initialization
- refactor: replace pointers by engine ref at context feat: implements debug stuff at gameplay
- fix: memory leak, destroy manual pointer
- chore: updates roadmap
- fix: jump height in low fps
- feat: implements vertival (up direction) collision
- chore: updates roadmap
- refactor: apply font support
- refactor: remove unused variable
- feat: add basic font support
- feat: add caves options to menu
- refactor: caves generation
- fix: compilation warnings
- feat: add more block info
- fix: input handle at menu and creative game play
- refactor: bool types
- chore: updates roadmap
- fix: player arm position on toggle flaying
- feat: implements flaying on creative mode
- feat: improves terrain height scales
- chore: updates roadmap
- chore: updates roadmap
- chore: updates roadmap
- fix: ammount of chunks to load
- chore: updates roadmap
- refactor: rename chunk prop to semantic name fix: chunk bbox offset fix: chunk updates on terrain modification
- chore: updates roadmap
- fix: prevent putting block at player position
- chore: updates roadmap
- fix: cam getting into objects
- chore: updates roadmap
- refactor: change methods order and add TODOs
- refactor: code optimization
- fix: memory access when draw target block
- fix: player falling after modiffying world
- feat: implements basic chunk culling
- feat: improves target block detection and some code optimizations
- refactor: remove unused properties
- refactor: remove unused update for fps improvement
- chore: updates roadmap
- chore: updates roadmap
- fix: bug on two blocks height collision detection There was a wrong value at ray origin calculation
- fix: check nullptrs
- feat: add some thread switch on render phase
- featL add horizontal check to broad phase
- fix: memory leak on destroy terrain entity
- fix: some memory leaks
- fix: free used memory on destroy entities
- fix: memory leak, unload textures
- feat: implements game menu interface
- feat: implement pause state
- refactor: remove non implemented method controlGameMode
- refactor: create renderCreativeUi method
- refactor: render creative UI sprites only
- refactor: fragment ui render method to more specifc ones
- refactor: move render controller to state game play class
- refactor: rename state property to a semantic name
- refactor: mode in game logic control to state
- refactor: remove unused code and add deltatime to update method
- refactor: move creative audio listener to creativePlayingState
- refactor: move code to function handleGameMode
- feat: implements game play states
- temp: disable terrain density
- refactor: seed generation
- refactor: saparate block texture info from block manager
- refactor: separate sfx models to BlockSfxBaseRepository
- refactor: remove unused code feat: implements on walk sfx
- feat: add SfxStepCategory
- feat: implements SfxStepCategory
- refactor: rename methods and separate functions
- feat: add step category
- refactor: block sound model
- refactor: sound register functions
- fix: terrain seed generation
- fix: player tunneling on jump
- refactor: update seed value generation
- refactor: prettify and replace blocking code
- feat: set playClick volume
- fix: player StaticBBox calc
- fix: leaves sfx
- feat: add new menu song by lochgames
- fixL nullptr check
- fix: replace blocking code by warning
- fix: EE PC error
- fix: NewGameOptions struct to class
- refactor: rename variable
- fix: apply value checks
- temp: disable player sfx
- refactor: remove unused code
- fix: nullptr check and limit channels on play sfx
- fix: cpp compiler warnings
- chore: remove printf
- feat: implements basic game sfx
- chore: add todo
- feat: add block sounds to blcok_manager
- refactor: add blockType to SfxBlockModel and updates constructor
- feat: implements SfxDigCategory
- feat: add SfxDigCategory
- feat: update SoundFX
- feat: add Dig category
- feat: adds 'none' into SoundFX
- feat: implements SfxBlockModel
- chore: ignore res folder
- feat: implements in game music
- refactor: removes unused prop
- fix: remove stop song method call
- feat: implements CreativeAudioListener
- chore: ignore res directory
- refactor: remove multiple method declaration
- refactor: play sounds on actions btn only
- feat: implements click sfx on press button in menu
- chore: add tyra assert method
- fix: categories initialization
- feat: implements click sfx on press button in menu
- refactor: remove unused code
- feat: implements playClickSound
- feat: add SoundManager to menu context
- feat: implements playSfx
- feat: implements getter methods
- feat: implements getSound method
- feat: implements audio entities
- refactor: remove unused methods
- chore: add click sfx resource
- feat: play menu song randomly
- feat: add more menu soungs
- feat: implements sound manager
- chore: update roadmap file
- refactor: remove unecessary call and variable type
- feat: implements chunk load/unload controller per call
- chore: add some debugging stuff
- refactor: remove unused properties
- refactor: remove unecessary checks
- fix: memory leak on destroy chunk
- feat: implements player arm and animations
- fix: wrong texture name
- fix: update model player path
- refactor: realocate player model files
- remove: unsued models
- chore: add player arm model assets
- temp: disable tool render
- fix: player jump height
- fix: remove player model render when it is first person cam
- refactor: stop drawing player hitbox
- fix: rotated player hitbox and scale
- fix: model animation and Y origin
- feat: implements target bbox rendering
- fix: player model origin position at Y axis
- fix: prevent placing block at player position
- refactor: move variablas declarations
- refactor: improves position calculation
- refactor: rename staticBBox to hitbox
- fix: player hitbox position and scale
- fix: walking animation sequences
- feat: implements breaking animation
- feat: add new breaking block animations frames
- feat: implements player movment sensibility
- fix: player walk animation
- feat: apply smoother chunk loading
- refactor: implements CamType enum fix: first person camera position
- fix: player collision on animate and player height
- Merge branch 'feature/tools' into feature/player
- feat: basic render player
- fix: loading bar full length
- fix: uncomment render ui
- fix: tool mesh loading
- feat: add axe tool
- refactor: rename ITEM_TYPES to ItemId
- fix: add stone material
- feat: add axe tool class
- feat: add base Tool class
- feat: add ItemsMaterials
- chore: add axe assets
- feat(WIP): render player
- refactor: load player mesh
- refactor: update player assets
- feat: add WIP tag to enable water option
- feat: implements world options
- chore: update roadmap
- feat: apply ScreenNewGame
- feat: implements ScreenNewGame
- fix: multiples definitions of struct
- feat: add NewGameOptions
- feat: add assets from new game screen
- feat: implement screen about
- feat: add about screen assets
- feat: implements HotToPlay screen
- fix: circular dependency
- fix: how to play sprite size
- refactor: remove unused code
- feat: implements menu state and main screen
- feat: add menu options assets
- Merge branch 'feature/state-manager' into develop
- chore: remove printf
- fix: audio methods order
- fix: destructor problem in abstract class
- fix: menu skybox rotation and menu song
- refactor: move entities from context to state_game_play
- fix: Tyra update 2.1 - braking changes
- feat: adds MAX_FRAME_MS constant
- temp: identifying errors
- temp: diable log to file and USB
- fix: audio reference to context
- temp: fix break changes from Tyra V2
- chore: remove prints
- feat: add deltaTime to update method
- feat: implements state transition to game play
- feat: implements game play state
- chore: add TODO
- feat: implements loading game state
- refactor: loading screen to state loading game
- refactor: move camera ref to state manager constructor
- feat: implements transition from splash to menu
- refactor: change menu manager to game state
- refactor: encapsulate state and move camera ref to constructor
- refactor: implements context into state manager
- feat: implements context class
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/state-manager
- feat: add async load chunk (one per frame)
- refactor(WIP): splash screen state
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/state-manager
- fix: lift value
- fix: null pointers references in vectors
- refactor: chunk loading controller
- temp: show fps
- chore: add fixme
- feat: implement async chunk loading
- chore: update gitignore
- feat: implements fake async chunk unloading
- temp: display free memory
- temp: disable water generation
- feat: add ui btn sprites
- feat: add about background sprite
- feat: add how to play sprite
- feat: enable usb drivers loading
- feix: breaking changes from tyra update
- feat: add StateSplashScreen
- feat: add game state base
- chore: remove todo
- chore: add august roadmap
- feat: implements async chunk unloading
- temp: log fps in the console
- feat: implements block breaking overlay
- refactor: remove unused variables
- fix: overlay texture transparency
- remove: unnecessary consts
- feat: implements block removing timeout
- feat: implements getBlockBreakingTime
- feat: register block damage
- fix: BLOCK_DAMAGE_100
- feat: add BLOCK_DAMAGE ids
- feat: implements terrain height luminosity
- feat: implements fake async chunk loading
- temp: disable updateBlocks
- fix: block color after highlight
- feat: implements isChunkVisible
- fix: unnecessary chunk reloading
- refactor: improves tree shape algorithm
- chore: fix readme
- fix: oak leaves texture
- chore: add fixme
- temp: remove frustum check
- fix: mcPip model matrix
- feat: limit checks by frame counter
- feat(WIP): chunk culling
- fat: create chunck bbox
- fix: breaking changes from tyraV2 update
- fix: dynamic chunk loading
- fix: OVERWORLD size
- feat: implements basic chunck management
- refactor: move block manager to world class
- feat: implements basic chunck manager
- refactor: spaw area deffinition to world class
- feat: add multiples chuncks
- feat: add chunck info constants
- fix: water generation
- fix: gravity control
- refactor: gravity system with terrain height
- refactor: get next position; fix: player sliding;
- feat: implements watter generation
- feat: implements fraction movements and collision response
- feat: implements GetNormalFromHitPosition
- fix: block placement direction
- refactor: rename method and add movement check
- fix: horizontal collision detection
- feat: implements Minkowski Sum algorithm
- temp: debug stuff
- refactor: remove unused variables
- fix target block detection
- fix: apply default texture
- feat: add debug mode textures
- feat: implements custom Raycast on utils
- fix: unecessary checks were stealing FPS
- refactor: add some checks to prevent unecessary updates
- feat: add cam lookAt position check
- fix: memory leak
- feat: apply frustum cull on target block detection
- refact: migrate collision detection system
- fix: texture offset mapping
- temp: disable blocks updates
- fix: enable rand seed and block color refactor: remove unused code
- refactor: migrate block render to MinecraftPipeline
- temp: reset block matrices
- refactor: changes method name getBlockTypeByOffset
- temp: increase chunck size
- fix: selected slot position
- fix: sprites positions
- fix: move ambient light control to world class
- feat: implements loading screen
- chore: fix loading text sprite
- feat: implements loading screen
- fix: skybox mesh optimization
- refactor: replace menu assets
- refactor: splash sprites grid to single texture
- chore: update splash to single textures
- fix: slot dynamic width
- fix: skybox scale and position
- chore: increase skybox resolution
- fix: apply dynamic HUD scale and position
- chire: fix sprite position
- fix: hud sprites scale
- fix: sizes and positions on UI
- chore: resize sprites
- fix: menu sprites refactor
- chore: add audio module file
- fix: sprites size to log(2)
- fix: unload textures on destroy menu
- refact: replace static background by stybox
- chore: fix skybox assets
- fix: splash screen tile positions
- temp: set block position
- chore: update blocks textures
- chore: update splash screen sprites size
- temp: show free ram
- fix: moemory leak on clean chunck
- refactor: update block position to get set method
- feat: add m4x4 at blocks
- chore: update color for test
- fix: sprites height
- Merge pull request #5 from wolfysdl/patch-1
- fix: update pipeline
- fix: importing static_pipeline
- refactor: use pointer insted saving ref
- fix: add inline type
- fix: nullptr access
- fix: unload textures on destroy
- feat: implements player mesh loading
- chore: change player texture to png
- chore: change sprite bpp
- fix: sprite height and re-add background
- fix: sprite height
- refactor: apply const to params
- refactor: remove unused methods
- feat: apply mcPip to chunck render; refact: changes Block*_ to Block_ at chunck;
- fix: texture_atlas loading
- remove: delete individual textures
- refactor: chunck renderer and updates to use Tyra:MinecraftPipeline
- feat: implements getBlocksTexture
- refactor: update block constructor
- refactor: BlockTexOffset to BlockInfo
- chore: add blocks texture atlas
- refactor: BlockItem to BlockTexOffset
- fix: xp_bar_full file path
- fix: updates menu pad controls
- chore: change bpp to 32bits
- fix: render splash screen
- chore: remove printf
- Merge pull request #6 from h4570/feature/migration-to-tyrav2
- trap exception patch
- temp: remove code to test Tyra renderer
- refactor: replace Start class by TyraCraftGame class
- refactor: rename dir objects to entities
- chore: fix imports and types from Tyrav2
- refactor: update includes and struct to tyrav2
- chore: add vscode config by h4570
- Merge branch 'master' into develop
- chore: remove Zone.Identifier fiels
- feat: increase chunck size and anable fake FOG
- refactor: apply manhattan distance to increase performace
- fix: remove print function and disable v-sync
- refactor: improve update pipeline with pre loaded data
- Merge branch 'develop'
- refactor: remove unsused code
- fix: grass block vertex
- feat: implements basic trees generation
- fix: oak log texture order
- fix: oak lieves material texture
- feat: add OAK leaves and log blocks
- feat: enable ramdon seeds
- fix: reduce chunck and encrease jump height
- fix: increase lift
- fix: set all dealocated pointers to NULL
- fix: prevent putting block at player position
- refactor: collision system to prevent tunneling
- chore: add TODO with pseudo algorithm to prevent tunneling
- refactor: changes forces values to 3d vectors
- fix: ajust gravity and lift values
- fix: null blocks pointers references on chunck update.
- fix: apply NULL check
- refactor: improvements on updates cycles
- feat: implements time based movements
- feat: implements gravity based on delta time
- feat: increase gravity value
- chore: update makefile
- refactor: player collision system
- feat: add collision manger
- feat: adds world edge vectors
- fix: player position when is on a block stack
- feat: increase gravity value
- feat: implements basic LOD
- fix: increase lift jumping
- refactor: uses math methods from tyra engine
- fix: block size
- chore: readd --strip-all to makefile
- fix: visibility of a block behind a glass block
- fix: block id if glass item
- feat: create new items
- feat: add items assets
- feat: clear meshes and blocksItems on destroy BlockManager
- feat: add newers blocks meshs and refectore getMeshByBlockType;
- feat: add blocks id
- fix: apply ITEM_TYPES enum
- feat: adds more blocks textures and meshes
- feat: adds empty slot item
- feat: add stripped_oak block
- feat: put block from inventory
- refactor: rename function
- refactor: prevent unecessary updates on change slot
- refactor: prevent unecessary updates
- feat: implements dynamic inventory rendering
- feat: adds ItemRepository and Item
- feat: implements inventory selection
- temp: allow random seed
- feat: implements terrain height scale
- remove: external module, it's now embed.
- fix: grid lines on splash screen
- fix: move back to old renderer method to avoid freezing
- refactor: collision check to improve accuracy and performance
- refactor: improves chunck generation
- temp: changes the chunck size
- refactor: remove unecessary verification on isBlockHidden
- refactor: world edges verification
- feat: adds CHUNCK_DISTANCE constant
- refactor: improves sanitize method
- feat: implements chunck cliping
- feat: generate blocks data for bioms
- feat: increase world height
- refactor: improves trrain generation
- feat: adds biomes params
- feat: adds third lib
- temp: disable FOG for color issue on real console
- fix: initial position and reset player position
- fix: high image alpha
- fix: player spawn area
- Merge branch 'develop' into feature/terrain-generation
- feat: implements in game hud
- feat: add hud assets
- refactor: updates crosshair sprite
- refactor: change makefile preferences source
- fix: define spawn area
- temp: allow symbols in the bin
- refactor: reduce looping on update chunck
- Update README.md
- refactor: update target block and improvements
- fix: player height and gravity
- refactor: update terrain generation params
- feat: implements spawn area
- temp: change chunck size
- fix: decrease debounce for game mode change
- temp: add todo
- feat: implements basic game mode control
- feat: add gravity and basic collision
- refactor: improves block placement accuracy and performace
- refactor: improve block removement
- fix: FOG calculation
- refactor: improvees remove block method
- refactor: reimplement chunck with blocks with pre calculated indexes
- temp: hide player
- feat: add block util properties
- refactor: move player mesh control
- feat: implements chunck cache
- refactor: change noise lib
- refactor: improve rendering and fix memory leak on rebuild chunck
- fix: FOG wiht multiples materials and var type
- fix: texture link when multiples mesh materials
- fix: grass block glich
- refactor: improve block placement
- refactor: improve block removement
- chore: fix some stuff on README.md
- fix: ray direction
- fix: terrain generation rules
- fix: flat terrain generation
- feat: implements basic remove and place block
- fix: constants values
- fix: constants values
- refactor: rename method removeBlock to removeBlockAtIndex
- feat: add control handler and block removement
- fix: update md loader to new tyra version
- chore: remove TODO and FIXME
- fix: menu audio
- fix: remove print
- feat: implements skybox menu
- fix: imports and camera injection
- refactor: move setBgColorAndAmbientColor
- refactor: world dependency injection
- feat: implements pad control at menu
- feat: add select label
- feat: add splash scrren and menu
- feat: add cross button option
- fix: update title assets
- fix: title assets glich
- feat: implements basic menu
- feat: add basic menu assets
- chore: rename readme file
- Update readme.md
- Create LICENSE
- feat: updates readme
- feat: add slot sprites in menu
- refactor: remove state from splash
- fix: status update after splash screen
- feat: add tyra splash screen
- feat: add tyra splash screen assets
- refactor: move splash screen to state manager
- refactor: dependency injection organization
- feat: add tyracraft splash screen assets
- refactor: separate functions calls
- feat: add block properties
- fix: chunck renderer call
- feat: implements basic block intersection
- feat: adds MAX_RANGE_PICKER constant
- fix: reduce memory usage
- refactor: prettify
- Merge branch 'master' into feature/terrain-generation
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Wellinator/tyracraft
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Wellinator/tyracraft
- fix: updates TYRA_DIR from PATH
- chore: add makefile.pref
- Merge pull request #2 from wolfysdl/fix/Makefile+minnor-things
- Fix the bin folder on the makefile and some refactor
- chore: sync assets on rebuild
- chore: add sync-assets acript
- chore: add assets
- chore: add basic README
- refactor: move block controllers to block manager
- feat: implements fog by distance
- feat: increase chunck size
- feat: iplements FOG formulars
- feat: increase player speed
- fix: clear temp variable to prevent memory leak
- feat: changes chunck render limit
- fix: ajust simplex noise values and sacale
- feat: implements UI and add crosshair
- feat: reduce world size
- feat: implements first person camera mode
- fix: inverted player rotation
- feat: implements angle to radian conversion method
- temp: prevent rendering player mesh in FPS mode
- feat: adds cam type constat
- refactor: replace Node by Block
- fix: remove PRINT_LOG
- feat: implements random world generation by seed
- fix: change the checking order to improve chunck building
- feat: implements chunck optimization and adds water block
- refactor: tarrain generation and chunck building
- fix: checking order
- fix: momory leak on clear chunck
- feat: add more blocks
- chore: update gitignore
- feat: improve chunck render and terrain generation
- feat: implements basic procedural terrain generatrion
- chore: remove TODOs
- Merge branch 'dynamic-chunck-render' into master
- feat: improve chunk update
- fix: set player to the center of the world
- refactor: change class restrictions
- fix: remove printf
- feat: center the World and Chunck
- fix: resize skybox
- feat: update chunck by player position
- feat: implements basic terrain optimization
- feat: apply block drawing control
- feat: increase chunck size
- feat: implements chunck render
- delete: remove map class
- feat: configure base block
- temp: first render of chunk with glich
- feat: implements terrain manager in world class
- refactor: get variables from constants
- :refactor: modify TerrainGenerator to TerrainManager
- feat: creates constants file
- feat: create world base
- fix: replace player after resize chunck
- feat: implements block clip and resize chunck
- feat: add y axis to chunck
- temp: disable player render
- fix: apply player moves correction
- feat: load skybox
- fix: reduce chunck size
- feat: update player position
- refeactor: update methods signatures
- feat: implements basic chunck
- temp: load 2 block hard coded
- temp: disable gavity for test
- fix: bug fixes
- feat: add new fiels to compile
- feat: init player
- feat: implements basic player
- feat: implements util
- temp: changes chunck to one layer
- fix: update speed value and disable back face culling
- fix: change initial position
- fix: change chunck size to 10
- chore: initial commit