No-Vary-Search #106
from: Google
Proposed, edited, or co-edited by Google.
topic: http
Spec relates to the HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) family of protocols
topic: networking
venue: WHATWG Fetch Workstream
venue: WICG
Proposal is incubated in the Web Incubator Community Group
Request for position on an emerging web specification
Information about the spec
Design reviews and vendor positions
Anything else we need to know
No-Vary-Search is a proposed HTTP header which changes how various URL-keyed caches match, by letting them ignore some or all query parameters, or query parameter order. For example, if the order of the query parameter keys should not cause cache misses, this is indicated using
No-Vary-Search: key-order
If the specific query parameters (e.g., ones indicating something for analytics) should not cause cache misses, this is indicated using
No-Vary-Search: params=("utm_source" "utm_medium" "utm_campaign")
And if the page instead wants to take an allowlist-based approach, where only certain known query parameters should cause cache misses, they can use
No-Vary-Search: params, except=("productId")
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