diff --git a/document/js-api/index.bs b/document/js-api/index.bs index f99f9f578..2f3588843 100644 --- a/document/js-api/index.bs +++ b/document/js-api/index.bs @@ -82,6 +82,7 @@ urlPrefix: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/; spec: ECMASCRIPT text: SetFunctionName; url: sec-setfunctionname text: SetFunctionLength; url: sec-setfunctionlength text: the Number value; url: sec-ecmascript-language-types-number-type + text: is a Number; url: sec-ecmascript-language-types-number-type text: NumberToRawBytes; url: sec-numbertorawbytes text: Built-in Function Objects; url: sec-built-in-function-objects text: NativeError Object Structure; url: sec-nativeerror-object-structure @@ -90,6 +91,8 @@ urlPrefix: https://tc39.github.io/ecma262/; spec: ECMASCRIPT text: IterableToList; url: sec-iterabletolist text: ToBigInt64; url: #sec-tobigint64 text: BigInt; url: #sec-ecmascript-language-types-bigint-type + text: MakeBasicObject; url: #sec-makebasicobject + text: ℝ; url: #ℝ type: abstract-op text: CreateMethodProperty; url: sec-createmethodproperty urlPrefix: https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/; spec: WebAssembly; type: dfn @@ -113,6 +116,11 @@ urlPrefix: https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/; spec: WebAssembly; type: df text: ref.null text: ref.func text: ref.extern + + text: ref.i31 + text: ref.array + text: ref.struct + text: ref.host text: function index; url: syntax/modules.html#syntax-funcidx text: function instance; url: exec/runtime.html#function-instances text: store_init; url: appendix/embedding.html#embed-store-init @@ -142,6 +150,14 @@ urlPrefix: https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/; spec: WebAssembly; type: df text: global_read; url: appendix/embedding.html#embed-global-read text: global_write; url: appendix/embedding.html#embed-global-write text: error; url: appendix/embedding.html#embed-error + + text: i31_new; url: appendix/embedding.html#embed-gc + text: i31_get; url: appendix/embedding.html#embed-gc + text: ref_test; url: appendix/embedding.html#embed-gc + text: extern_internalize; url: appendix/embedding.html#embed-gc; for: embedder + text: extern_externalize; url: appendix/embedding.html#embed-gc; for: embedder + text: extern.internalize; url: syntax/instructions.html#reference-instructions + text: extern.externalize; url: syntax/instructions.html#reference-instructions text: store; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-store text: table type; url: syntax/types.html#syntax-tabletype text: table address; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-tableaddr @@ -149,6 +165,8 @@ urlPrefix: https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/; spec: WebAssembly; type: df text: memory address; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-memaddr text: global address; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-globaladdr text: extern address; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-externaddr + + text: object address; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-objectaddr url: syntax/types.html#syntax-numtype text: i32 text: i64 @@ -159,6 +177,12 @@ urlPrefix: https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/; spec: WebAssembly; type: df text: reftype text: funcref text: externref + text: ref + url: syntax/types.html#heap-types; for: heap-type + text: extern + text: func + text: i31 + text: any text: function element; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-funcelem text: import component; url: syntax/modules.html#imports text: external value; url: exec/runtime.html#syntax-externval @@ -167,7 +191,7 @@ urlPrefix: https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/; spec: WebAssembly; type: df text: module; url: syntax/modules.html#syntax-module text: imports; url: syntax/modules.html#syntax-module text: import; url: syntax/modules.html#syntax-import - url: syntax/types.html#external-types + url: syntax/types.html#external-types; for: external-type text: external type text: func text: table @@ -267,6 +291,7 @@ Each [=agent=] is associated with the following [=ordered map=]s: * The Memory object cache, mapping [=memory address=]es to {{Memory}} objects. * The Table object cache, mapping [=table address=]es to {{Table}} objects. * The Exported Function cache, mapping [=function address=]es to [=Exported Function=] objects. + * The Exported GC Object cache, mapping [=object address=]es to [=Exported GC Object=] objects. * The Global object cache, mapping [=global address=]es to {{Global}} objects. * The Extern value cache, mapping [=extern address=]es to values. @@ -358,7 +383,7 @@ A {{Module}} object represents a single WebAssembly module. Each {{Module}} obje 1. Let |o| be ? [=Get=](|importObject|, |moduleName|). 1. If [=Type=](|o|) is not Object, throw a {{TypeError}} exception. 1. Let |v| be ? [=Get=](|o|, |componentName|). - 1. If |externtype| is of the form [=func=] |functype|, + 1. If |externtype| is of the form [=external-type/func=] |functype|, 1. If [=IsCallable=](|v|) is false, throw a {{LinkError}} exception. 1. If |v| has a \[[FunctionAddress]] internal slot, and therefore is an [=Exported Function=], 1. Let |funcaddr| be the value of |v|'s \[[FunctionAddress]] internal slot. @@ -407,7 +432,7 @@ The verification of WebAssembly type requirements is deferred to the 1. [=list/iterate|For each=] (|name|, |externtype|) of [=module_exports=](|module|), 1. Let |externval| be [=instance_export=](|instance|, |name|). 1. Assert: |externval| is not [=error=]. - 1. If |externtype| is of the form [=func=] functype, + 1. If |externtype| is of the form [=external-type/func=] functype, 1. Assert: |externval| is of the form [=external value|func=] |funcaddr|. 1. Let [=external value|func=] |funcaddr| be |externval|. 1. Let |func| be the result of creating [=a new Exported Function=] from |funcaddr|. @@ -544,7 +569,7 @@ interface Module {
The string value of the extern type |type| is - * "function" if |type| is of the form [=func=] functype + * "function" if |type| is of the form [=external-type/func=] functype * "table" if |type| is of the form [=table=] tabletype * "memory" if |type| is of the form [=mem=] memtype * "global" if |type| is of the form [=global=] globaltype @@ -1090,6 +1115,8 @@ The algorithm ToJSValue(|w|) coerces a [=WebAssembly value=] to a Jav 1. If |w| is of the form [=ref.null=] t, return null. 1. If |w| is of the form [=ref.func=] |funcaddr|, return the result of creating [=a new Exported Function=] from |funcaddr|. 1. If |w| is of the form [=ref.extern=] |externaddr|, return the result of [=retrieving an extern value=] from |externaddr|. +1. If |w| is of the form [=ref.array=] arrayaddr, [=ref.struct=] structaddr, [=ref.i31=] i31addr, or [=ref.host=] hostaddr, + 1. Return the result of [=extern_externalize=](|w|). Note: Number values which are equal to NaN may have various observable NaN payloads; see [=NumberToRawBytes=] for details.
@@ -1120,26 +1147,142 @@ The algorithm ToWebAssemblyValue(|v|, |type|) coerces a JavaScript va 1. If |type| is [=f64=], 1. Let |f64| be ? [=ToNumber=](|v|). 1. Return [=f64.const=] |f64|. -1. If |type| is [=funcref=], - 1. If |v| is null, - 1. Return [=ref.null=] [=funcref=]. - 1. If |v| is an [=Exported Function=], - 1. Let |funcaddr| be the value of |v|'s \[[FunctionAddress]] internal slot. - 1. Return [=ref.func=] |funcaddr|. - 1. Throw a {{TypeError}}. -1. If |type| is [=externref=], +1. If |type| is of the form [=ref=] |null| |heaptype|, 1. If |v| is null, - 1. Return [=ref.null=] [=externref=]. - 1. Let |map| be the [=surrounding agent=]'s associated [=extern value cache=]. - 1. If a [=extern address=] |externaddr| exists such that |map|[|externaddr|] is the same as |v|, + 1. If |null| is present, + 1. Return [=ref.null=] |heaptype|. + 1. Otherwise, + 1. Throw a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If |type| is a subtype of [=ref=] |null| [=heap-type/func=], + 1. If |v| is an [=Exported Function=], + 1. Let |funcaddr| be the value of |v|'s \[[FunctionAddress]] internal slot. + 1. Let |testresult| be [=ref_test=](|heaptype|, [=ref.func=] |funcaddr|). + 1. If |testresult| is true, + 1. Return [=ref.func=] |funcaddr|. + 1. Throw a {{TypeError}}. + 1. If |heaptype| is [=extern=], + 1. Let |map| be the [=surrounding agent=]'s associated [=extern value cache=]. + 1. If a [=extern address=] |externaddr| exists such that |map|[|externaddr|] is the same as |v|, + 1. Return [=ref.extern=] |externaddr|. + 1. Let [=extern address=] |externaddr| be the smallest address such that |map|[|externaddr|] [=map/exists=] is false. + 1. [=map/Set=] |map|[|externaddr|] to |v|. 1. Return [=ref.extern=] |externaddr|. - 1. Let [=extern address=] |externaddr| be the smallest address such that |map|[|externaddr|] [=map/exists=] is false. - 1. [=map/Set=] |map|[|externaddr|] to |v|. - 1. Return [=ref.extern=] |externaddr|. + 1. If |type| is a subtype of [=ref=] |null| [=any=], + 1. Let |externref| be [=ToWebAssemblyValue=](|v|, [=ref=] [=extern=]). + 1. Let |internref| be [=extern_internalize=](|externref|). + 1. Let |testresult| be [=ref_test=](|heaptype|, |internref|). + 1. If |testresult| is true, + 1. Return |internref|. + 1. Throw a {{TypeError}}. 1. Assert: This step is not reached. +

Garbage Collected Objects

+ +A WebAssembly struct or array is made available in JavaScript as an Exported GC Object. +An [=Exported GC Object=] is an exotic object that wraps a garbage collected WebAssembly reference value. +Most JavaScript operations on an [=Exported GC Object=] will throw an exception or return undefined. + +Note: These operations may be refined in the future to allow richer interactions in JavaScript with WebAssembly structs and arrays. + +An [=Exported GC Object=] contains an \[[ObjectAddress]] internal slot, which holds a [=object address=] relative to the [=surrounding agent=]'s [=associated store=], +and an \[[ObjectKind]] internal slot, which holds the string value "struct" or "array". + +The internal methods of an [=Exported GC Object=] use the following implementations. + +
+ The \[[GetPrototypeOf]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes no arguments and returns null. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Return null. +
+ +
+ The \[[SetPrototypeOf]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes argument V (an Object or null) and returns a boolean. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Return false. +
+ +
+ The \[[IsExtensible]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes no arguments and returns a boolean. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Return false. +
+ +
+ The \[[PreventExtensions]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes no arguments and returns a boolean. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Return false. +
+ +
+ The \[[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes argument P (a property key) and returns undefined. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Return undefined. +
+ +
+ The \[[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes arguments P (a property key) and Desc (a property descriptor) and returns a boolean. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Return false. +
+ +
+ The \[[HasProperty]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes argument P (a property key) and returns a boolean. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Return false. +
+ +
+ The \[[Get]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes arguments P (a property key) and Receiver (an ECMAScript language value) and returns undefined. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Return undefined. +
+ +
+ The \[[Set]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes arguments P (a property key), V (an ECMAScript language value), and Receiver (an ECMAScript language value) and throws an exception. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Throw a {{TypeError}}. +
+ +
+ The \[[Delete]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes argument P (a property key) and throws an exception. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Throw a {{TypeError}}. +
+ +
+ The \[[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method of an Exported GC Object O takes no arguments and returns a list. It performs the following steps when called: + + 1. Let keys be a new empty list. + 1. Return keys. +
+ +
+ To create a new Exported GC Object from a WebAssembly [=object address=] |objectaddr| and a string |objectkind|, perform the following steps: + + 1. Assert: |objectkind| is either "array" or "struct". + 1. Let |map| be the [=surrounding agent=]'s associated [=exported GC object cache=]. + 1. If |map|[|objectaddr|] [=map/exists=], + 1. Return |map|[|objectaddr|]. + 1. Let |object| be [=MakeBasicObject=](« \[[ObjectAddress]] »). + 1. Set |object|.\[[ObjectAddress]] to |objectaddr|. + 1. Set |object|.\[[ObjectKind]] to |objectkind|. + 1. Set |object|.\[[GetPrototypeOf]] as specified in [=[[GetPrototypeOf]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. Set |object|.\[[SetPrototypeOf]] as specified in [=[[SetPrototypeOf]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. Set |object|.\[[IsExtensible]] as specified in [=[[IsExtensible]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. Set |object|.\[[PreventExtensions]] as specified in [=[[PreventExtensions]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. Set |object|.\[[GetOwnProperty]] as specified in [=[[GetOwnProperty]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. Set |object|.\[[DefineOwnProperty]] as specified in [=[[DefineOwnProperty]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. Set |object|.\[[HasProperty]] as specified in [=[[HasProperty]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. Set |object|.\[[Get]] as specified in [=[[Get]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. Set |object|.\[[Set]] as specified in [=[[Set]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. Set |object|.\[[Delete]] as specified in [=[[Delete]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. Set |object|.\[[OwnPropertyKeys]] as specified in [=[[OwnPropertyKeys]] internal method of an Exported GC Object=]. + 1. [=map/Set=] |map|[|objectaddr|] to |object|. + 1. Return |object|. +

Error Objects

WebAssembly defines the following Error classes: CompileError, LinkError, and RuntimeError. @@ -1202,6 +1345,49 @@ Note: ECMAScript doesn't specify any sort of behavior on out-of-memory condition See [Issue 879](https://github.com/WebAssembly/spec/issues/879) for further discussion. +

Requirements on External Conversion Operations in WebAssembly

+ +The WebAssembly core specification defines the [=extern.externalize=] and [=extern.internalize=] instructions +(exposed as [=embedder/extern_externalize=] and [=embedder/extern_internalize=] in the embedding API) +for the purpose of converting internal WebAssembly references to or from an external host representation. +The behavior of these operations is partially host-defined. + +A JavaScript host implementation must implement [=embedder/extern_internalize=] and [=embedder/extern_externalize=] as follows: + +
+The extern_internalize(|externref|) operation takes one argument |externref| and performs the following steps: + +1. Let [=ref.extern=] |externaddr| be |externref|. +1. Let |v| be the result of [=retrieving an extern value=] from |externaddr|. +1. If |v| [=is a Number=], + 1. Let |i32| be ? [=ToInt32=](|v|). + 1. If |v| is equal to |i32| and [=ℝ=](|v|) < 230 and [=ℝ=](|v|) ⩾ -230, + 1. Return [=i31_new=]([=i32.const=] |v|). +1. If |v| is an [=Exported GC Object=], + 1. Let |objectaddr| be the value of |v|'s \[[ObjectAddress]] internal slot. + 1. Let |objecttype| be the value of |v|'s \[[ObjectType]] internal slot. + 1. If |objecttype| is "array", + 1. Return [=ref.array=] |objectaddr|. + 1. If |objecttype| is "struct", + 1. Return [=ref.struct=] |objectaddr|. +1. Otherwise, + 1. Return [=ref.host=] |externaddr|. + +
+ +
+The extern_externalize(|internref|) operation takes one argument |internref| and performs the following steps: + +1. If |internref| is of the form [=ref.i31=] |i31addr|, + 1. Let |i32| be [=i31_get=](|i31addr|). + 1. Return [=the Number value=] for |i32|. +1. If |internref| is of the form [=ref.struct=] |structaddr|, return the result of creating [=a new Exported GC Object=] from |structaddr| and "struct". +1. If |internref| is of the form [=ref.array=] |arrayaddr|, return the result of creating [=a new Exported GC Object=] from |arrayaddr| and "array". +1. If |internref| is of the form [=ref.host=] |externaddr|, return the result of [=retrieving an extern value=] from |externaddr|. +1. Assert: This step is not reached. + +

Implementation-defined Limits

The WebAssembly core specification allows an implementation to define limits on the syntactic structure of the module.