A lightweight QR encoder for the browser & node loosely based on zxing. The browser bundle is about 80KB (compare to 3.6MB).
This is strictly a QR encoder & renderer, future updates should consist mainly of bug fixes.
Usage (Browser, NodeJS) • Encode Hints • Render Options • Live Demo • GitHub • NPM
Native support for EUC_JP
and GB2312
charsets have been dropped, allowing a 60% reduction in bundle size. For most
use cases, they can easily be replaced by UTF_8
remains as it has special
behavior in combination with Kanji mode. If you want to use these charsets, depend on EnQR 1.4 or earlier
OR use a library such as iconv-lite to first encode your data to the desired charset and then pass it to EnQR
as a Uint8Array
or Buffer
<img id="qr" src="" alt="QR Code">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/umd/enqr.min.js" integrity="sha384-KnZr9AmTVEd8zD45lbgokG5pMpkUHXQwiqLg2aXjufzkiegPQ/YQ3pXh7N3+9Zuv" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
// Same as NodeJS
errorCorrectionLevel: "H",
characterSet: "ISO_8859_1"
image: document.querySelector("#qr"),
trySVG: true
// ES6
import enqr from "enqr";
// CJS
const enqr = require("enqr");
QR codes can store a lot of data types, see:
These types are non-standard, but commonly agreed upon.
For URLs, you can just enter the URL:
const qr = enqr("https://wasabithumb.github.io/", {
errorCorrectionLevel: "L",
characterSet: "UTF_8"
The QR object returned by enqr is very similar to the
QRCode class in zxing, but with some extra methods for
image: document.querySelector("img#qr"),
background: "white",
foreground: [255, 255, 255],
quietZone: "20%",
trySVG: true
}).then((image) => {
// Image has loaded
targetSize: 512,
quietZone: 0,
trySVG: false
}).then((blob) => {
// Blob containing QR code as a PNG
qr.renderToURL().then((url) => {
// Either a data: or blob: URL
const dataURL = qr.renderToDataURLSync();
const dataURLSVG = qr.renderToDataURLSync({ trySVG: true });
const svg = qr.renderToSVG();
// And a few more! ;)
Options for the main function. Closely matches the implementation of hints in zxing.
Name | Type | Description |
errorCorrection | "L" | "M" | "Q" | "H" |
The level of error correction to use, default is L . Each level offers about 7%, 15%, 25% and 30% correction respectively. |
characterSet | "US_ASCII" | "UTF_16" | "UTF_16LE" | "UTF_16BE" | "UTF_8" | "ISO_8859_1" | "SHIFT_JIS" | "EUC_JP" "GB2312" |
The character set to use when encoding. In general the default is ISO_8859_1 , but there are some implementation details to explore if you're feeling brave. "SHIFT_JIS" should be explicitly set for Kanji. Version 1.5+: Support has been dropped for EUC_JP and GB2312 charsets. |
qrVersion | number (1-40) |
The version number of the QR code, correlating to the amount of data that it can store. If unset, the smallest version that can store the specified data will be used. |
qrMaskPattern | number (0-7) |
The mask pattern of the QR code. If unspecified, the encoder tries all patterns and selects the one that satisfies all 4 readability criteria maximally. |
qrCompact | boolean |
Not currently supported. |
gs1Format | boolean |
Enables GS1 format (adds a few bits to the header) |
All options are optional. Some render options are specific to certain functions, but all functions inherit Basic options.
Name | Type | Description |
background | string | number[] |
The color of the background, default is white. |
foreground | string | number[] |
The color of the foreground, default is white. |
quietZone | string${"px"|"%"} | number |
The size of the quiet zone (border). Either a number of pixels or percentage of the outer size. |
targetSize | number |
The outer size of the QR code will be multiplied by the correct factor to best approximate the specified size |
floatPrecision | number |
Reserved for future use |
This covers all methods that may return SVG data under any circumstances (renderToBlob
, renderToURL
, etc.)
Name | Type | Description |
trySVG | boolean |
If true, and SVGs are supported in the current environment, the render operation may return SVG (otherwise PNG). |
svgNoWhitespace | boolean |
If true, no whitespace will be included between SVG tags. |
svgCollation | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
An optimization that determines how pixels will be collated into shapes. Default is 3. Higher collation tends to produce smaller SVGs. Collation levels 1 & 2 may be faster to render. |
svgCustomCSS | string | function |
(v1.4.0+) Adds custom styles to the SVG, e.g. .fg { stroke: red; } . See Custom CSS for more info. |
If svgCustomCSS
is set as a string, it determines global styles for the entire SVG. The .bg
and .fg
selectors can be used to
select background and foreground shapes respectively. svgCustomCSS
can also be a function which determines CSS rules for individual elements. For example:
// String syntax
svgCustomCSS: ".fg { stroke: red; } .bg { fill: blue; }",
// Function syntax
svgCustomCSS: function(tagName, className, path) {
// tagName is either "rect" or "path"
// className is either "bg" or "fg"
// path is SVG path data (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/d)
return className === "fg" ?
"stroke: red" :
"fill: blue";
This applies only to renderToImage
Name | Type | Description |
image | HTMLImageElement |
If set, this image will be updated in-place instead of a new image being created. |
imageNoRevoke | boolean |
If true, and an object URL was used as the source of the image, the object URL will NOT be revoked after the image loads. |
This applies only to renderToCanvas
Name | Type | Description |
tryOffscreen | boolean |
If true, on browser, and the feature is supported, the render operation may return OffscreenCanvas . If you want to always render offscreen, use renderToOffscreenCanvas . |
This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0
license, as zxing is also licensed
under it. Despite not containing any zxing source code per se (and the spec for QR codes being
generally available), I still found it an appropriate choice.