Please take a moment to review this document in order to make the contribution process easy and effective for everyone involved! Also make sure you read our Code of Conduct that outlines our commitment towards an open and welcoming environment.
Use the issues tracker for:
- bug reports
- submitting pull requests
- request to cover new topics
Please do not use the issue tracker for personal support requests nor feature requests. Support requests should be sent to:
Learning materials should be updated frequently and in line with the needs of companies. In order to guarantee material quality, please provide the following information in your issue:
- Technology
- Companies that use / need this technology
- If the previous bullet is not applicable, please provide possible applications
- Existing blog posts, books, existing resources that could be bundled together / updated / refined.
- Any other extra information is always welcome.
Note: We do not aim for a second documentation website such as hexdocs and their code examples. We aim for practical appliance, exercises and implementing a working product instead of summarizing how to use a technology.