The guide is modified from mkdocstrings
Contributions are welcome, and they are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.
First, fork
and clone
the repository, then cd
to the directory.
We use hatch
and pre-commit
to manage our project.
You can install them with:
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
pipx install hatch
pipx install pre-commit
Then, initialize the env with:
# Init pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-files
hatch shell
That's all! Now, you can start to develop.
The source code is in src/
We use Ruff, Blcak, Pyright and Codespell to check our code style and lint.
Please check pyproject.toml
to know our style.
If you want to format or lint-fix your code, you can use the following command:
hatch run lint
or, with pre-commit
pre-commit run -a
or, dry run:
hatch run lint-check
!!! tip
If you use VSCode
, we strongly recommend you to install the extensions in .vscode/extensions.json
Because our code style rules are quite strict.
These extensions can help you know where need to be fixed when coding.
We use pytest to test our code.
The test source code is in tests/
You can run the testing with:
hatch run test
We use mkdocs, mkdocs-material, mkdocstrings to build our documentation.
The documentation source code is in docs/
, mkdocs.yml
may be there is also some source code in scripts/
or somewhere (check mkdocs.yml
to find that).
Live-reloading docs:
hatch run docs:mkdocs serve
Build docs:
hatch run docs:docs-build
- PRs should target the
branch. - Keep branches up to date by
before merging. - Do not add multiple unrelated things in same PR.
- Do not submit PRs where you just take existing lines and reformat them without changing what they do.
- Do not change other parts of the code that are not yours for formatting reasons.
- Do not use your clone's main branch to make a PR - create a branch and PR that.
If you have made the corresponding changes, please record them in
Commit messages must follow Conventional Commits,
or, pre-commit
may be reject your commit.
!!! info If you don't know how to finish these, it's okay, feel free to initiate a PR, I will help you continue.
There may still be some useful commands in pyproject.toml
, you can refer to hatch/environment/scripts to use them.
!!! info If you find that the commands given in the above examples are incorrect, please open an issue, we greatly appreciate it.
!!! warning The following 👇 content is for the maintainers of this project, may be you don't need to read it.
please refer to .github/workflows/docs.yml
please refer to .github/workflows/lint-test.yml
Every Monday, pre-commit-ci
will send a PR for automatic hook version updates, which will trigger a local ver_sync
The ver_sync
hook will maintain lint tools version consistency between .pre-commit-config.yaml
and pyproject.toml
Please check whether the ver_sync
works properly, then you can accept the PR.
^^First, check-out to a new branch, edit
to record the changes.^^
Then, please refer to:
Update version in ^^new branch^^ with:
git add .
hatch version {new_version}
It will create a commit and tag automatically.
Then, push the new branch with tag to GitHub, and create a PR to main
!!! warning
The bump version
PR must have only one commit with the corresponding tag; otherwise, it will be rejected.
Review the PR, if it's ok, rebase it to main
branch ^^in local^^
!!! warning DO NOT rebase with tag in GitHub, refer to
Check if everything is ok, for example:
- check if the tag is on the
branch. - check if the link in
is correct.
If so, make a approve
in environment pypi
for the workflow.
After that, the publish.yml
workflow will build and publish the package to PyPI.
Finally, edit the draft release
created by publish.yml
workflow, and publish the release.
!!! warning
The creating of tag needs signature verification,
please refer to