# Caffe-ShuffleNet
This is Re-implementation of ShuffleNet, For details, please read the original paper:  
["ShuffleNet: An Extremely Efficient Convolutional
Neural Network for Mobile Devices" by Xiangyu Zhang et. al. 2017](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1707.01083.pdf). If you find any bug, please drop me an email. Thanks.

# Notes  
    | group 1  | group 2  |  group 3  |
    | 1     2  | 3     4  |  5     6  |  
    Each nubmer represents a channel of the feature map
## step 1: Reshape  
1  2  
3  4   
5  6 
## step 2: transpose  
1 3 5  
2 4 6  
## step 3: flatten  
    | group 1  | group 2  |  group 3  |
    | 1     3  | 5     2  |  4     6  |  

# Acknowledgement  