The Node.js interface is based on better-sqlite3
First follow the instructions to compile and install OctoDB from the source code or use the pre-compiled binaries for your platform. You can start with the free version.
Then you can install the wrapper with this command:
npm install better-sqlite3-octodb
const options = { verbose: console.log };
const uri = 'file:test.db?node=secondary&connect=tcp://';
const db = require('better-sqlite3-octodb')(uri, options);
db.on('ready', function() {
const row = db.prepare('SELECT * FROM users').all();
db.on('sync', function() {
console.log('the database received updates');
Here is an example for an app with user login:
// check if the db is ready
if (db.is_ready()) {
// show the main screen
} else {
// show the signup/login screen
db.on('ready', () => {
// login successful, show the main screen
You can also check the status with:
let res = db.prepare('PRAGMA sync_status').get();
let status = JSON.parse(res.sync_status);
The installation can fail if there is no pre-built wrapper binary for your platform. In this case your computer needs to have the proper build tools.
Run this command:
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
Then try to install the wrapper again