- Add waiting for host being present in ansible
- Review security in terms of
- secrets
- password generation
- certificate rotation
- Security Certificates/RBAC per container
- Investigate autoscaling for pods
- Verify problems with prometheus targets
- Observability:
- Add alerts for nodes
- Automatic backup for the cluster
- Manual CRON job
- Velero
- Auto unseal for vault
- Add retry and a queue to mediator. Simple UI to retrigger?
- Better handling of related NPM packages
- Currently NPM packages are rebuild manually. NPM workspaces?
- Investigate Oauth2 / Dex
- Add nexus passthrough
- Maven
- Add synchronizer for
- Opensearch
- Redis
- Add LDAP to Kubernetes dashboard
- PlantUML: https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/stevehipwell/plantuml
- Project tracking:
- Redmine
- Documentation
- Ghost
- Xwiki
- Dokuwiki
- Mediawiki
- Communication
- Mail server
- RocketChat
- Continuous Integration
- Sonarqube
- OnCall
- Backstage
- How to use it best
- Tracing
- Zipkin
- Jaeger