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Represents a very simple DOM API for Veams-JS (incl. ajax support)

Getting started



yarn add @veams/query


npm install @veams/query --save


Documentation of all functions (Selector, support and DOM)

Selector function

VeamsQuery( selector: string | VeamsQueryObject | HTMLElement, context: VeamsQueryObject | HTMLElement = null )

 * VeamsQuery selector function
 * @param {string | VeamsQueryObject | HTMLElement} selector - selector (string, VeamsQueryObject, HTMLElement)
 * @param {VeamsQueryObject | HTMLElement} [context = null] - context (VeamsQueryObject, HTMLElement)
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject}



 * Current VeamsQuery version

Support functions

VeamsQuery.parseHTML( htmlString:string )

 * Return DOM element created from given HTML string
 * @param {string} htmlString - HTML string to parse
 * @return {Node} - DOM node

VeamsQuery.ajax( opts: AjaxOpts )

 * Send XMLHttpRequest
 * @param {AjaxOpts} opts - Ajax options
 * @param {string} [opts.type='GET'] - an alias for method
 * @param {string} opts.url - a string containing the URL to which the request is sent
 * @param {string} [opts.dataType='json'] - data type of response ('json' || 'html' || 'text')
 * @param {string} [opts.contentType='application/x-www-form-urlencoded'] - content type for post request
 * @param {Object|String|Array} [] - data to be sent to the server
 * @return {Promise<void>}

DOM functions

.find( selector: string | VeamsQueryObject | HTMLElement )

 * Get the descendants of each element in the current set of matched elements, filtered by a selector,
 * VeamsQueryObject, or element
 * @param {string|VeamsQueryObject|HTMLElement} selector - Selector (string, VeamsQueryObject, HTMLElement)
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.closest( selector:string )

 * For each element in the set, get the first element that matches the selector by testing
 * the element itself and traversing up through its ancestors in the DOM tree
 * @param {string} selector - Selector
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.add( selector: string | HTMLElement | VeamsQueryObject )

 * Create a new VeamsQueryObject with elements added to the set of matched elements.
 * @param {string | HTMLElement | VeamsQueryObject} selector - Selector, HTMLElement or VeamsQueryObject
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.eq( index:number )

 * Reduce the set of matched elements to the one at the specified index
 * @param {number} index - Index of element in node list
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject containing node at given index of original node list

.hasClass( className:string )

 * Check if element has given class
 * @param {string} className - Name of class to check
 * @return {boolean} - Element has class (true/false)

.is( selector:string )

 * Check the current matched set of elements against a selector, element, or VeamsQueryObject and return true if
 * at least one of these elements matches the given arguments
 * @param {string} selector - A string containing a selector expression to match elements against
 * @return {boolean} - At least one element matches selector (true/false)

.addClass( classNames:string )

 * Add the specified class(es) to each element in the set of matched elements.
 * @param {string} classNames - Name(s) of class(es) to add
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.removeClass( [classNames:string] )

 * Remove a single class, multiple classes, or all classes from each element in the set of matched elements
 * @param {string} classNames - Name(s) of class(es) to remove
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.attr( attrName:string )

 * Get the value of an attribute for the first element in the set of matched elements
 * @param {String} attrName - attribute name
 * @return {String|Number|Boolean} - attribute value

.attr( attrName:string, attrVal:string|number|boolean )

 * Set value of an attribute for the set of matched elements
 * @param {String} attrName - attribute name
 * @param {String|Number|Boolean} attrVal - attribute value
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.removeAttr( attrName:string )

 * Remove an attribute from each element in the set of matched elements
 * @param {String} attrName - attribute name
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.css( cssProp:string )

 * Get the computed style properties for the first element in the set of matched elements
 * @param {String} cssProp - css property
 * @return {String} - css value

.css( cssProp:string|object, cssVal:string)

 * Set the content of each element in the set of matched elements to the specified text
 * @param {String|Object} cssProp - css property
 * @param {String} cssVal - css value
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.outerHeight( includeMargin:boolean)

 *  Get the current computed height for the first element in the set of matched elements,
 *  including padding, border and optionally margin
 * @param {Boolean} [includeMargin=false] - include element's margin in calculation (true/false)
 * @return {Number} - height

.outerWidth( includeMargin:boolean)

 * Get the current computed width for the first element in the set of matched elements,
 * including padding,border and optionally margin
 * @param {Boolean} [includeMargin=false] - include element's margin in calculation (true/false)
 * @return {Number} - width


 *  Get the current coordinates of the first element in the set of matched elements,
 *  relative to the document
 * @return {Object} - offset (, offset.left)


 * Get the HTML contents of the first element in the set of matched elements
 * @return {String} - html contents

.html( htmlStr:string )

 * Set the HTML contents of each element in the set of matched elements
 * @param {String} htmlStr - html string
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject


 * Get the combined text contents of each element in the set of matched elements
 * @return {String} - text

.text( text:string )

 * Set the content of each element in the set of matched elements to the specified text
 * @param {String} text - text
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.prepend( element: string | VeamsQueryObject | HTMLElement )

 * Insert content, specified by the parameter, to the beginning of each element in the set
 * of matched elements
 * @param {string|VeamsQueryObject|HTMLElement} element - HTML string | VeamsQueryObject | element
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.append( element: string | VeamsQueryObject | HTMLElement )

 * Insert content, specified by the parameter, to the end of each element in the set of matched elements
 * @param {string|VeamsQueryObject|HTMLElement} element - HTML string | VeamsQueryObject | element
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.before( element: string | VeamsQueryObject | HTMLElement )

 * Insert content, specified by the parameter, before each element in the set of matched elements
 * @param {string|VeamsQueryObject|HTMLElement} element - HTML string | VeamsQueryObject | element
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.after( element: string | VeamsQueryObject | HTMLElement )

 * Insert content, specified by the parameter, after each element in the set of matched elements
 * @param {string|VeamsQueryObject|HTMLElement} element - HTML string | VeamsQueryObject | element
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject


 * Remove the set of matched elements from the DOM
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject


 * Remove all child nodes of the set of matched elements from the DOM
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.clone( [withChildren:boolean] )

 * Create a deep copy of the first element in the set of matched elements (without data and events)
 * @param {Boolean} [withChildren=false] - clone with children (true/false)
 * @return {HTMLElement} - clone of dom node


 * Return an integer indicating the position of the first element in the set of matched elements relative
 * to its sibling elements
 * @return {Number} - index of element among its siblings

.prop( propName:string )

 * Get the value of a property for the first element in the set of matched elements
 * @param {String} propName - property name
 * @return {String|Number|Boolean|Object} - property value

.prop( propName:string, propVal:string|number|boolean|object )

 * Set value of a property for the set of matched elements
 * @param {String} propName - property name
 * @param {String|Number|Boolean|Object} propVal - property value
 * @return {Object} - VeamsQueryObject


 * Get the current value of the first element in the set of matched elements.
 * @return {String|Number|Array} - value

.val( val:string )

 * Set the value of each element in the set of matched elements
 * @param {String} val - value
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject


 * Encode a set of form elements as a string for submission.
 * @return {String} - serialized form data

.each( fn: function)

 * Iterate over a VeamsQueryObject, executing a function for each matched element.
 * @param {Function} fn - Callback function
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.on( eventNames:string[, selector:string] ,handler:function[, useCapture:boolean])

 * Attach an event handler function for one or more events to the selected elements
 * @param {String} eventNames - name(s) of event(s) to be registered for matched set of elements
 * @param {String} [selector] - selector string to filter descendants of selected elements triggering the event
 * @param {Function} handler - event handler function
 * @param {Boolean} [useCapture] - dispatch event to registered listeners before dispatching it to event target
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.off( eventNames:string[, selector:string])

 * Detach all event handlers for one or more event types from the selected elements
 * @param {String} eventNames - name(s) of event(s) to be unregistered for matched set of elements
 * @param {String} [selector] - selector string to filter descendants of selected elements triggering the event
 * @param {Function} [handler] - event handler
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject

.trigger( eventNames:string[, customData:object])

 * Execute all handlers and behaviors attached to the matched elements for the given event type
 * @param {String} eventNames - name(s) of event(s) which will be trigger on the set of matched elements
 * @param {Object} [customData] - custom data to pass with the event (accessible via event.detail)
 * @return {VeamsQueryObject} - VeamsQueryObject