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Joe Ludwig edited this page Apr 21, 2015 · 15 revisions

`/** Identifies the graphics API for the associated device */ enum Compositor_DeviceType { Compositor_DeviceType_None, Compositor_DeviceType_D3D9, Compositor_DeviceType_D3D9Ex, Compositor_DeviceType_D3D10, Compositor_DeviceType_D3D11, Compositor_DeviceType_OpenGL };

/** Provides a single frame's timing information to the app */ struct Compositor_FrameTiming { uint32_t size; // sizeof(Compositor_FrameTiming) double frameStart; float frameVSync; // seconds from frame start uint32_t droppedFrames; uint32_t frameIndex; vr::TrackedDevicePose_t pose; };

/** Allows the application to control what part of the provided texture will be used in the

  • frame buffer. */ struct Compositor_TextureBounds { float uMin, vMin; float uMax, vMax; };

#pragma pack( pop )

/** Allows the application to interact with the compositor / class IVRCompositor { public: /* Returns the last error that occurred in the compositor / virtual uint32_t GetLastError( VR_OUT_STRING() char pchBuffer, uint32_t unBufferSize ) = 0;

/** Turns vsync on or off on the compositor window */
virtual void SetVSync( bool bVSync ) = 0;

/** Returns true if vsync is enabled in the compositor window */
virtual bool GetVSync() = 0;

/** Sets gamma for the compositor window */
virtual void SetGamma( float fGamma ) = 0;

/** Returns the gamma for the compositor window */
virtual float GetGamma() = 0;

/** Sets the graphics device or context for the application that is going to feed 
* images to the compositor. The type of the pDevice parameter must match the 
* type that is provided:
*	Compositor_DeviceType_D3D9		IDirect3DDevice9*
*	Compositor_DeviceType_D3D9Ex	IDirect3DDevice9Ex*
*	Compositor_DeviceType_D3D10		ID3D10Device*
*	Compositor_DeviceType_D3D11		ID3D11Device*
*	Compositor_DeviceType_OpenGL	HGLRC
* Note: D3D9 and D3D9Ex are not implemented at this time
virtual void SetGraphicsDevice( Compositor_DeviceType eType, void* pDevice ) = 0;

/** Returns pose(s) to use to render scene. */
virtual void WaitGetPoses( VR_ARRAY_COUNT(unPoseArrayCount) TrackedDevicePose_t* pPoseArray, uint32_t unPoseArrayCount ) = 0;

/** Updated scene texture to display. If pBounds is NULL the entire texture will be used.
* OpenGL dirty state:
*	glBindTexture
virtual void Submit( Hmd_Eye eEye, void* pTexture, Compositor_TextureBounds* pBounds ) = 0;

/** Clears the frame that was sent with the last call to Submit. This will cause the 
* compositor to show the grid until Submit is called again. */
virtual void ClearLastSubmittedFrame() = 0;

/** returns the default settings that will be used for the overlay texture. Fetching these defaults 
* can be useful if you mostly want the default values but want to change a few settings. */
virtual void GetOverlayDefaults( Compositor_OverlaySettings* pSettings ) = 0;

/** Texture to draw over the scene at distortion time. This texture will appear over the world on a quad.
* The pSettings parameter controls the size and position of the quad. */
virtual void SetOverlay(void* pTexture, Compositor_OverlaySettings* pSettings ) = 0;

/** Separate interface for providing the data as a stream of bytes, but there is an upper bound on data that can be sent */
virtual void SetOverlayRaw(void* buffer, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth, Compositor_OverlaySettings* pSettings ) = 0;

/** Separate interface for providing the image through a filename: 
* can be png or jpg, and should not be bigger than 1920x1080 */
virtual void SetOverlayFromFile( const char *pchFilePath, Compositor_OverlaySettings* pSettings ) = 0;

/** Removes the scene overlay texture. */
virtual void ClearOverlay() = 0;

/** Returns true if timing data is filled it.  Sets oldest timing info if nFramesAgo is larger than the stored history.
* Be sure to set timing.size = sizeof(Compositor_FrameTiming) on struct passed in before calling this function. */
virtual bool GetFrameTiming( Compositor_FrameTiming *pTiming, uint32_t unFramesAgo = 0 ) = 0;

/** Fades the view on the HMD to the specified color. The fade will take fSeconds, and the color values are between 
* 0.0 and 1.0. This color is faded on top of the scene based on the alpha parameter. Removing the fade color instantly 
* would be FadeToColor( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ). */
virtual void FadeToColor( float fSeconds, float fRed, float fGreen, float fBlue, float fAlpha, bool bBackground = false ) = 0;

/** Fading the Grid in or out in fSeconds */
virtual void FadeGrid( float fSeconds, bool bFadeIn ) = 0;

/** Brings the compositor window to the front. This is useful for covering any other window that may be on the HMD 
* and is obscuring the compositor window. */
virtual void CompositorBringToFront() = 0;

/** Pushes the compositor window to the back. This is useful for allowing other applications to draw directly to the HMD. */
virtual void CompositorGoToBack() = 0;

/** Tells the compositor process to clean up and exit. You do not need to call this function at shutdown. Under normal 
* circumstances the compositor will manage its own life cycle based on what applications are running. */
virtual void CompositorQuit() = 0;

/** Return whether the compositor is fullscreen */
virtual bool IsFullscreen() = 0;

/** Computes the overlay-space pixel coordinates of where the ray intersects the overlay with the
* specified settings. Returns false if there is no intersection. */
virtual bool ComputeOverlayIntersection( const Compositor_OverlaySettings* pSettings, float fAspectRatio, vr::TrackingUniverseOrigin eOrigin, vr::HmdVector3_t vSource, vr::HmdVector3_t vDirection, vr::HmdVector2_t *pvecIntersectionUV, vr::HmdVector3_t *pvecIntersectionTrackingSpace ) = 0;

}; `

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