OpenVR SDK 1.8.19
- Added Prop_DashboardScale_Float. Each headset has the opportunity to provide a scale for 'comfortable dashboard UI legibility'. For reference, Vive is 1.0 scale and Index is 0.75 scale.
- Added Prop_IpdUIRangeMinMeters_Float, Prop_IpdUIRangeMaxMeters_Float to control the IPD user interface range, in-headset.
- Added Prop_Audio_DefaultPlaybackDeviceId_String, Prop_Audio_DefaultRecordingDeviceId_String for HMDs to provide identifiers for associated audio playback and recording devices. On Windows these are Endpoint ID Strings.
- Added Prop_Audio_DefaultPlaybackDeviceVolume_Float for HMDs to specify a default volume level which will be set the first time the HMDs associated audio playback device is selected. Prop_Audio_DefaultPlaybackDeviceId_String must also be set. The volume range is 0 to 1.
- Added GetSceneApplicationState(), which returns the running application state ( None, Starting, Quitting, Running, etc). See VREvent_SceneApplicationStateChanged
- Removed GetTransitionState()
- Removed IsQuitUserPromptRequested()
- Removed AcknowledgeQuit_UserPrompt(). "Prompt user on quit" functionality is no longer supported.
- Added VROverlayFlags_HideLaserIntersection - This causes the laser mouse to not draw the intersection blob for this overlay. The overlay is responsible for drawing its own cursor, if appropriate.
- Added support for rendering overlays as gravity aligned curved surfaces. See new Set/GetOverlayCurvature definitions for details.
- Removed gamepad support in overlays. This includes GetGamepadFocusOverlay(), SetGamepadFocusOverlay(), SetOverlayNeighbor(), and MoveGamepadFocusToNeighbor(). Going forward gamepads will be supported via lasermouse instead of with these custom calls.
- Added OpenBindingUI - This function opens the binding user interface.
- Added VREvent_SceneApplicationStateChanged
- Removed VREvent_SceneFocusLost, VREvent_SceneFocusGained, VREvent_SceneApplicationSecondaryRenderingStarted, VREvent_ApplicationTransition{*}
- Removed VREvent_QuitAborted_UserPrompt
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//vr/steamvr/sdk_release/": change = 5469045]