OpenVR SDK v1.2.10:
- Added new, more specific error messages for many compositor startup failures.
- Fix for IVRCompositor.GetFrameTimings C# binding (#1001)
- Added VRNotifications and VRIOBuffer C# accessors.
Event and Overlay changes:
- Scroll events have been split into two types. The first, VREvent_ScrollDiscrete, is meant for applications that are tuned to accept primarily detented mousewheel events, which replaces the previous VREvent_Scroll event. The second, VREvent_ScrollSmooth, is for applications that are tuned for more touchscreen-like, analog scrolling.
- VROverlayFlags have been updated to allow overlays to indicate their preferred scroll event type. The VROverlayFlags_SendVRDiscreteScrollEvents flag renames the VROverlayFlags_SendVRScrollEvents flag, and the overlay will receive VREvent_ScrollDiscrete events when this flag is set. The VROverlayFlags_SendVRSmoothScrollEvents flag is added, and the overlay's owning application will receive VREvent_ScrollSmooth events when this flag is set.
- VREvent_Input_BindingsUpdated is sent when a user has updated controller bindings using the system input binding UI.
- Adds ability for writers to detect if an IOBuffer has readers (IVRIOBuffer::HasReaders), to avoid potentially expensive writing work
[git-p4: depot-paths = "//vr/steamvr/sdk_release/": change = 4926575]