diff --git a/docs/hardware/interface-compatibilities.mdx b/docs/hardware/interface-compatibilities.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a0d1f28b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/hardware/interface-compatibilities.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+sidebar_position: 1
+description: Overview of what interfaces can track what in VRCFaceTracking.
+import {EditUrl, CustomLink} from '@site/src/components/Utils.tsx'
+import FilterTable from '@site/src/components/FilterTable.tsx';
+# Tracking Compatibility
+:::note How to read this page
+This page goes over generalized functions, features, and
+tracking quality of each interface, and what they can do in
+VRCFaceTracking. For more specific information about the listed
+interfaces please refer to their dedicated sections.
+Various aspects of the interfaces are given a rank from 1-10, indicating
+their quality or effectiveness. The rankings are given by ranking devices
+relative to each other based on criteria such as expressibility and
+tracking quality.
+**Expressibility**: The range of motions/expressions that can be tracked. The higher
+the expressibility, the more face details the interface reports tracked values for.
+**Tracking Quality**: How well the interface tracks its reported range of motions.
+The higher the tracking quality, the better control most users will have over the
+range of motions/expressions supported by the interface.
+Widen Squeeze Brow(Emulated)>,
+ '~',
+ <>Widen(Emulated) Squeeze(Emulated) >,
+ <>Widen Squint Brow>,
+ <>Widen Squint Brow>,
+ '❌',
+ '❌',
+ <>Widen Squint Brow>,
+ '❌',
+ '❌',
+ <>Widen Squeeze Brow(Emulated)>,
+ `~`,
+ '~'
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Upper Face Expressibility',
+ '5/10',
+ '~',
+ 'N/A',
+ '9/10',
+ '8/10',
+ '❌',
+ '❌',
+ '9/10',
+ '❌',
+ '❌',
+ '5/10',
+ '~',
+ '~'
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Upper Face Tracking Quality',
+ '8/10',
+ '~',
+ 'N/A',
+ '7/10',
+ '4/10',
+ '❌',
+ '❌',
+ '8/10',
+ '❌',
+ '❌',
+ '7/10',
+ '~',
+ '~'
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Lower Face Expression Support',
+ '~',
+ <>Jaw Lip Mouth Cheek>,
+ '~',
+ <>Jaw Lip Mouth Cheek Nose>,
+ <>Jaw Lip Mouth Cheek Nose>,
+ '~',
+ '~',
+ <>Jaw Lip Mouth Cheek Nose>,
+ <>Jaw Lip Mouth Cheek Nose>,
+ '~',
+ '~',
+ <>Jaw Lip Mouth Cheek Nose>,
+ '~'
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Lower Face Expressibility',
+ '~',
+ '7/10',
+ '~',
+ '8/10',
+ '7/10',
+ '~',
+ '~',
+ '8/10',
+ '9/10',
+ '~',
+ '~',
+ '7/10',
+ '~'
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Face Tracking Quality',
+ '~',
+ '8/10',
+ '~',
+ '7/10',
+ '4/10',
+ '~',
+ '~',
+ '8/10',
+ '8/10',
+ '~',
+ '~',
+ '7/10',
+ '~'
+ ],
+ ['Tongue Expression Support', '~', 'Tongue Out & Directions', '~', '❌', 'Tongue Out', '~', '~', 'Tongue Out', 'All Tongue Expressions', '~', '~', 'Tongue Out & Directions', '~'],
+ ]}
diff --git a/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/_unified-blended-table.mdx b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/_unified-blended-table.mdx
index 485d1b11..86eeed03 100644
--- a/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/_unified-blended-table.mdx
+++ b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/_unified-blended-table.mdx
@@ -1,386 +1,264 @@
import ContextModal from '@site/src/components/ContextModal.tsx'
import '@site/src/css/unified-tables.css'
+import FilterTable from '@site/src/components/FilterTable.tsx'
- Blended Eye Expressions
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- Basis
- EyeClosed
- Closes both eye lids.
- EyeClosedRight EyeClosedRight
- EyeWide
- Widens both eye lids.
- EyeWidenRight EyeWidenLeft
- EyeSquint
- Squints both eye lids.
- EyeSquintRight EyeSquintLeft
- {/*
- */}
- EyeDilation
- Dilates both pupils.
- EyeDilationRight EyeDilationLeft
- EyeConstrict
- Constricts both pupils.
- EyeConstrictRight EyeConstrictLeft
- Blended Brows
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- Basis
- BrowDownRight
- Pulls the right eyebrow down and in.
- BrowLowererRight BrowPinchRight
- BrowDownLeft
- Pulls the left eyebrow down and in.
- BrowLowererLeft BrowPinchLeft
- BrowDown
- Pulls the left eyebrow down and in.
- BrowLowererRight BrowLowererLeft BrowPinchRight BrowPinchLeft
- BrowUpRight
- Right brow appears worried.
- BrowInnerUpRight BrowOuterUpRight
- BrowUpLeft
- Left brow appears worried.
- BrowInnerUpLeft BrowOuterUpLeft
- BrowUp
- Brows appears worried.
- BrowInnerUpRight BrowInnerUpLeft BrowOuterUpRight BrowOuterUpLeft
- Blended Nose
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- Basis
- NoseSneer
- Entire face sneers.
- NoseSneerRight NoseSneerLeft
- NasalDilation
- Both nose canals dilate.
- NasalDilationRight NasalDilationLeft
- NasalConstrict
- Both nose canals constrict.
- NasalConstrictRight NasalConstrictLeft
- Blended Cheeks
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- Basis
- CheekPuff
- Puffs both cheeks.
- CheekPuffRight CheekPuffLeft
- CheekSuck
- Sucks both cheeks.
- CheekSuckRight CheekSuckLeft
- CheekSquint
- Raises both cheeks.
- CheekSquintRight CheekSquintLeft
- Blended Lips
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- Basis
- LipSuckUpper
- Tucks in the upper lips.
- LipSuckUpperRight LipSuckUpperLeft
- LipSuckLower
- Tucks in the lower lips.
- LipSuckLowerRight LipSuckLowerLeft
- LipSuck
- Tucks in the upper and lower lips.
- LipSuckUpperRight LipSuckUpperLeft LipSuckLowerRight LipSuckLowerLeft
- {/*
- */}
- LipFunnelUpper
- Funnels in the upper lips.
- LipFunnelUpperRight LipFunnelUpperLeft
- LipFunnelLower
- Funnels in the lower lips.
- LipFunnelLowerRight LipFunnelLowerLeft
- LipFunnel
- Funnels in the upper and lower lips.
- LipFunnelUpperRight LipFunnelUpperLeft LipFunnelLowerRight LipFunnelLowerLeft
- {/*
- */}
- LipPuckerUpper
- Upper lip part pushes outward.
- LipPuckerUpperRight LipPuckerUpperLeft
- LipPuckerLower
- Lower lip part pushes outward.
- LipPuckerLowerRight LipPuckerLowerLeft
- LipPucker
- Lips push outward.
- LipPuckerUpperRight LipPuckerUpperLeft LipPuckerLowerRight LipPuckerLowerLeft
- Blended Mouth
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- Basis
- MouthUpperUp
- Raises the upper lips.
- MouthUpperUpRight MouthUpperUpLeft
- MouthLowerDown
- Lowers the lower lips.
- MouthLowerDownRight MouthLowerDownLeft
- MouthOpen
- Mouth opens, revealing teeth.
- MouthUpperUpRight MouthUpperUpLeft MouthLowerDownRight MouthLowerDownLeft
- {/*
- */}
- MouthRight
- Moves mouth right.
- MouthUpperRight MouthLowerRight
- MouthLeft
- Moves mouth left.
- MouthUpperLeft MouthLowerLeft
- {/*
- */}
- MouthSmileRight
- Right side mouth expresses a smile.
- MouthCornerPullRight MouthCornerSlantRight
- MouthSmileLeft
- Left side mouth expresses a smile.
- MouthCornerPullLeft MouthCornerSlantLeft
- MouthSmile
- Mouth expresses a smile.
- MouthCornerPullRight MouthCornerPullLeft MouthCornerSlantRight MouthCornerSlantLeft
- {/*
- */}
- MouthSadRight
- Left side mouth expresses sadness.
- MouthFrownRight MouthStretchRight
- MouthSadLeft
- Right side mouth expresses sadness.
- MouthFrownLeft MouthStretchLeft
- MouthSad
- Mouth expresses sadness.
- MouthFrownRight MouthFrownLeft MouthStretchRight MouthStretchLeft
- {/*
- */}
- MouthStretch
- Mouth stretches.
- MouthStretchRight MouthStretchLeft
- MouthDimple
- Lip corner dimples
- MouthDimpleRight MouthDimpleLeft
- MouthTightener
- Mouth tightens.
- MouthTightenerRight MouthTightenerLeft
- MouthPress
- Mouth presses together.
- MouthPressRight MouthPressLeft
+ ,
+ 'EyeClosed',
+ Closes both eye lids. ,
+ <>EyeClosedRight EyeClosedRight>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeWide',
+ Widens both eye lids. ,
+ <>EyeWidenRight EyeWidenLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeSquint',
+ Squints both eye lids. ,
+ <>EyeSquintRight EyeSquintLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeDilation',
+ Dilates both pupils. ,
+ <>EyeDilationRight EyeDilationLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeConstrict',
+ Constricts both pupils. ,
+ <>EyeConstrictRight EyeConstrictLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowDownRight',
+ Pulls the right eyebrow down and in. ,
+ <>BrowLowererRight BrowPinchRight>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowDownLeft',
+ Pulls the left eyebrow down and in. ,
+ <>BrowLowererLeft BrowPinchLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowDown',
+ Pulls the left eyebrow down and in. ,
+ <>BrowLowererRight BrowLowererLeft BrowPinchRight BrowPinchLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowUpRight',
+ Right brow appears worried. ,
+ <>BrowInnerUpRight BrowOuterUpRight>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowUpLeft',
+ Left brow appears worried. ,
+ <>BrowInnerUpLeft BrowOuterUpLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowUp',
+ Brows appear worried. ,
+ <>BrowInnerUpRight BrowInnerUpLeft BrowOuterUpRight BrowOuterUpLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NoseSneer',
+ Entire face sneers. ,
+ <>NoseSneerRight NoseSneerLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NasalDilation',
+ Both nose canals dilate. ,
+ <>NasalDilationRight NasalDilationLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NasalConstrict',
+ Both nose canals constrict. ,
+ <>NasalConstrictRight NasalConstrictLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'CheekPuff',
+ Puffs both cheeks. ,
+ <>CheekPuffRight CheekPuffLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'CheekSuck',
+ Sucks both cheeks. ,
+ <>CheekSuckRight CheekSuckLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'CheekSquint',
+ Raises both cheeks. ,
+ <>CheekSquintRight CheekSquintLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipSuckUpper',
+ Tucks in the upper lips. ,
+ <>LipSuckUpperRight LipSuckUpperLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipSuckLower',
+ Tucks in the lower lips. ,
+ <>LipSuckLowerRight LipSuckLowerLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipSuck',
+ Tucks in the upper and lower lips. ,
+ <>LipSuckUpperRight LipSuckUpperLeft LipSuckLowerRight LipSuckLowerLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipFunnelUpper',
+ Funnels in the upper lips. ,
+ <>LipFunnelUpperRight LipFunnelUpperLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipFunnelLower',
+ Funnels in the lower lips. ,
+ <>LipFunnelLowerRight LipFunnelLowerLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipFunnel',
+ Funnels in the upper and lower lips. ,
+ <>LipFunnelUpperRight LipFunnelUpperLeft LipFunnelLowerRight LipFunnelLowerLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipPuckerUpper',
+ Upper lip part pushes outward. ,
+ <>LipPuckerUpperRight LipPuckerUpperLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipPuckerLower',
+ Lower lip part pushes outward. ,
+ <>LipPuckerLowerRight LipPuckerLowerLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipPucker',
+ Lips push outward. ,
+ <>LipPuckerUpperRight LipPuckerUpperLeft LipPuckerLowerRight LipPuckerLowerLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthUpperUp',
+ Raises the upper lips. ,
+ <>MouthUpperUpRight MouthUpperUpLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthLowerDown',
+ Lowers the lower lips. ,
+ <>MouthLowerDownRight MouthLowerDownLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthOpen',
+ 'Mouth opens, revealing teeth.',
+ <>MouthUpperUpRight MouthUpperUpLeft MouthLowerDownRight MouthLowerDownLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthRight',
+ 'Moves mouth right.',
+ <>MouthUpperRight MouthLowerRight>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthLeft',
+ Moves mouth left. ,
+ <>MouthUpperLeft MouthLowerLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthSmileRight',
+ 'Right side mouth expresses a smile.',
+ <>MouthCornerPullRight MouthCornerSlantRight>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthSmileLeft',
+ 'Left side mouth expresses a smile.',
+ <>MouthCornerPullLeft MouthCornerSlantLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthSmile',
+ 'Mouth expresses a smile.',
+ <>MouthCornerPullRight MouthCornerPullLeft MouthCornerSlantRight MouthCornerSlantLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthSadRight',
+ 'Left side mouth expresses sadness.',
+ <>MouthFrownRight MouthStretchRight>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthSadLeft',
+ 'Right side mouth expresses sadness.',
+ <>MouthFrownLeft MouthStretchLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthSad',
+ 'Mouth expresses sadness.',
+ <>MouthFrownRight MouthFrownLeft MouthStretchRight MouthStretchLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthStretch',
+ Mouth stretches. ,
+ <>MouthStretchRight MouthStretchLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthDimple',
+ Lip corner dimples ,
+ <>MouthDimpleRight MouthDimpleLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthTightener',
+ Mouth tightens. ,
+ <>MouthTightenerRight MouthTightenerLeft>
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthPress',
+ Mouth presses together. ,
+ <>MouthPressRight MouthPressLeft>
+ ]
+ ]}
import OneExplain from './unified-explanations/super-scripts/_1_explain.mdx'
import TwoExplain from './unified-explanations/super-scripts/_2_explain.mdx'
diff --git a/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/_unified-shape-table.mdx b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/_unified-shape-table.mdx
index c4f7605c..58800024 100644
--- a/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/_unified-shape-table.mdx
+++ b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/_unified-shape-table.mdx
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
-import ContextModal from '@site/src/components/ContextModal.tsx'
-import '@site/src/css/unified-tables.css'
+import ContextModal from '@site/src/components/ContextModal.tsx';
+import FilterTable from '@site/src/components/FilterTable.tsx';
+import '@site/src/css/unified-tables.css';
@@ -9,7 +10,7 @@ import '@site/src/css/unified-tables.css'
@@ -17,720 +18,526 @@ import '@site/src/css/unified-tables.css'
- Eye Gaze
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- EyeLookOutRight
- Right eye looks out.
- EyeLookInRight
- Right eye looks in.
- EyeLookUpRight
- Right eye looks up.
- EyeLookDownRight
- Right eye looks down.
- EyeLookOutLeft
- Left eye looks out.
- EyeLookInLeft
- Left eye looks in.
- EyeLookUpLeft
- Left eye looks up.
- EyeLookDownLeft
- Left eye looks down.
- Eye Expressions
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- EyeClosedRight
- Closes the right eyelid.
- EyeClosedLeft
- Closes the left eyelid.
- EyeSquintRight
- Squeezes the right eye socket muscles.
- EyeSquintLeft
- Squeezes the left eye socket muscles.
- EyeWideRight
- Right eyelid widens beyond relaxed.
- EyeWideLeft
- Left eyelid widens beyond relaxed.
- EyeDilationRight
- Dilates the right eye pupil
- EyeDilationLeft
- Dilates the left eye pupil
- EyeConstrictRight
- Constricts the right eye pupil
- EyeConstrictLeft
- Constricts the left eye pupil
- Brows
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- BrowPinchRight
- Right eyebrow pinches in.
- BrowPinchLeft
- Left eyebrow pinches in.
- BrowLowererRight
- Outer right eyebrow pulls down.
- BrowLowererLeft
- Outer Left eyebrow pulls down.
- {/*
- */}
- BrowInnerUpRight
- Inner right eyebrow pulls up.
- BrowInnerUpLeft
- Inner left eyebrow pulls up.
- BrowOuterUpRight
- Outer right eyebrow pulls up.
- BrowOuterUpLeft
- Outer left eyebrow pulls up.
- Nose
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- NoseSneerRight
- Right side face sneers.
- NoseSneerLeft
- Left side face sneers.
- NasalDilationRight1
- Right side nose canal dilates.
- NasalDilationLeft1
- Left side nose canal dilates.
- NasalConstrictRight1
- Right side nose canal constricts.
- NasalConstrictLeft1
- Left side nose canal constricts.
- Cheeks
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- CheekSquintRight
- Raises the right side cheek.
- CheekSquintLeft
- Raises the left side cheek.
- CheekPuffRight
- Puffs the right side cheek.
- CheekPuffLeft
- Puffs the left side cheek.
- CheekSuckRight
- Sucks in the right side cheek.
- CheekSuckLeft
- Sucks in the left side cheek.
- Jaw
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- JawOpen
- Opens jawbone.
- MouthClosed
- Closes mouth (in relation to JawOpen).
- JawRight
- Pushes jawbone right.
- JawLeft
- Pushes jawbone left.
- JawForward
- Pushes jawbone forwards.
- JawBackward1
- Pulls jawbone backwards.
- JawClench1
- Flexes jaw muscles.
- JawMandibleRaise1
- Raises jawbone.
- Lips
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- LipSuckUpperRight
- Upper right lip part tucks in the mouth.
- LipSuckUpperLeft
- Upper left lip part tucks in the mouth.
- LipSuckLowerRight
- Lower right lip part tucks in the mouth.
- LipSuckLowerLeft
- Lower left lip part tucks in the mouth.
- LipSuckCornerRight1
- Right lip corner folds into the mouth.
- LipSuckCornerLeft1
- Left lip corner folds into the mouth.
- LipFunnelUpperRight
- Upper right lip part pushes into a funnel.
- LipFunnelUpperLeft
- Upper left lip part pushes into a funnel.
- LipFunnelLowerRight
- Lower right lip part pushes into a funnel.
- LipFunnelLowerLeft
- Lower left lip part pushes into a funnel.
- {/*
- */}
- LipPuckerUpperRight
- Upper right lip part pushes outward.
- LipPuckerUpperLeft
- Upper left lip part pushes outward.
- LipPuckerLowerRight
- Lower right lip part pushes outward.
- LipPuckerLowerLeft
- Lower left lip part pushes outward.
- Mouth
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- MouthUpperUpRight
- Upper right part of the lip pulls up.
- MouthUpperUpLeft
- Upper left part of the lip pulls up.
- MouthLowerDownRight
- Lower right part of the lip pulls up.
- MouthLowerDownLeft
- Lower right part of the lip pulls up.
- {/*
- */}
- MouthUpperDeepenRight
- Upper right lip part pushes in the cheek.
- MouthUpperDeepenLeft
- Upper left lip part pushes in the cheek.
- {/*
- */}
- MouthUpperRight
- Moves upper lip right.
- MouthUpperLeft
- Moves upper lip left.
- MouthLowerRight
- Moves lower lip right.
- MouthLowerLeft
- Moves lower lip left.
- {/*
- */}
- MouthCornerPullRight
- Right lip corner pulls diagonally up and out.
- MouthCornerPullLeft
- Left lip corner pulls diagonally up and out.
- MouthCornerSlantRight
- Right corner lip slants up.
- MouthCornerSlantLeft
- Left corner lip slants up.
- {/*
- */}
- MouthFrownRight
- Right corner lip pulls down.
- MouthFrownLeft
- Left corner lip pulls down.
- MouthStretchRight
- Right corner lip pulls out and down.
- MouthStretchLeft
- Left corner lip pulls out and down.
- {/*
- */}
- MouthDimpleRight
- Right lip corner is pushed backwards.
- MouthDimpleLeft
- Left lip corner is pulled backwards.
- MouthRaiserUpper
- Raises and slightly pushes out the upper mouth.
- MouthRaiserLower
- Raises and slightly pushes out the lower mouth.
- {/*
- */}
- MouthPressRight
- Right side lips press and flatten together vertically.
- MouthPressLeft
- Left side lips press and flatten together vertically.
- MouthTightenerRight
- Right side lips squeeze together horizontally.
- MouthTightenerLeft
- Left side lips squeeze together horizontally.
- Tongue
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- TongueOut
- Tongue visibly sticks out of the mouth.
- {/*
- */}
- TongueUp
- Tongue points up.
- TongueDown
- Tongue points down.
- TongueRight
- Tongue points right.
- TongueLeft
- Tongue points left.
- {/*
- */}
- TongueRoll
- Sides of the tongue funnel, creating a 'hotdog' shape.
- TongueBendDown1
- Tongue arches up then down inside the mouth.
- TongueCurlUp1
- Tongue arches down then up inside the mouth.
- TongueSquish1
- Tongue squishes together and thickens.
- TongueFlat1
- Tongue flattens and thins out.
- {/*
- */}
- TongueTwistRight1
- Tongue tip rotates clockwise, with the rest following gradually.
- TongueTwistLeft1
- Tongue tip rotates counter-clockwise, with the rest following gradually.
- Neck
- Reference
- Name
- Function
- SoftPalateClose1
- Inner mouth throat closes.
- ThroatSwallow1
- The Adam's apple visibly swallows.
- NeckFlexRight1
- Right side neck visibly flexes.
- NeckFlexLeft1
- Left side neck visibly flexes.
+ ,
+ 'EyeLookOutRight',
+ Right eye looks out.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeLookInRight',
+ Right eye looks in.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeLookUpRight',
+ Right eye looks up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeLookDownRight',
+ Right eye looks down.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeLookOutLeft',
+ Left eye looks out.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeLookInLeft',
+ Left eye looks in.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeLookUpLeft',
+ Left eye looks up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeLookDownLeft',
+ Left eye looks down.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeClosedRight',
+ Closes the right eyelid.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeClosedLeft',
+ Closes the left eyelid.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeSquintRight',
+ Squeezes the right eye socket muscles.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeSquintLeft',
+ Squeezes the left eye socket muscles.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeWideRight',
+ Right eyelid widens beyond relaxed.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeWideLeft',
+ Left eyelid widens beyond relaxed.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeDilationRight',
+ Dilates the right eye pupil
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeDilationLeft',
+ Dilates the left eye pupil
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeConstrictRight',
+ Constricts the right eye pupil
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'EyeConstrictLeft',
+ Constricts the left eye pupil
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowPinchRight',
+ Right eyebrow pinches in.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowPinchLeft',
+ Left eyebrow pinches in.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowLowererRight',
+ Outer right eyebrow pulls down.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowLowererLeft',
+ Outer Left eyebrow pulls down.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowInnerUpRight',
+ Inner right eyebrow pulls up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowInnerUpLeft',
+ Inner left eyebrow pulls up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowOuterUpRight',
+ Outer right eyebrow pulls up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'BrowOuterUpLeft',
+ Outer left eyebrow pulls up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NoseSneerRight',
+ Right side face sneers.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NoseSneerLeft',
+ Left side face sneers.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NasalDilationRight',
+ Right side nose canal dilates.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NasalDilationLeft',
+ Left side nose canal dilates.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NasalConstrictRight',
+ Right side nose canal constricts.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NasalConstrictLeft',
+ Left side nose canal constricts.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'CheekSquintRight',
+ Raises the right side cheek.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'CheekSquintLeft',
+ Raises the left side cheek.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'CheekPuffRight',
+ Puffs the right side cheek.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'CheekPuffLeft',
+ Puffs the left side cheek.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'CheekSuckRight',
+ Sucks in the right side cheek.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'CheekSuckLeft',
+ Sucks in the left side cheek.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'JawOpen',
+ Opens jawbone.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthClosed',
+ Closes mouth (in relation to JawOpen).
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'JawRight',
+ Pushes jawbone right.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'JawLeft',
+ Pushes jawbone left.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'JawForward',
+ Pushes jawbone forwards.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'JawBackward',
+ Pulls jawbone backwards.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'JawClench',
+ Flexes jaw muscles.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'JawMandibleRaise',
+ Raises jawbone.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipSuckUpperRight',
+ Upper right lip part tucks in the mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipSuckUpperLeft',
+ Upper left lip part tucks in the mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipSuckLowerRight',
+ Lower right lip part tucks in the mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipSuckLowerLeft',
+ Lower left lip part tucks in the mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipSuckCornerRight',
+ Right lip corner folds into the mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipSuckCornerLeft',
+ Left lip corner folds into the mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipFunnelUpperRight',
+ Upper right lip part pushes into a funnel.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipFunnelUpperLeft',
+ Upper left lip part pushes into a funnel.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipFunnelLowerRight',
+ Lower right lip part pushes into a funnel.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipFunnelLowerLeft',
+ Lower left lip part pushes into a funnel.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipPuckerUpperRight',
+ Upper right lip part pushes outward.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipPuckerUpperLeft',
+ Upper left lip part pushes outward.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipPuckerLowerRight',
+ Lower right lip part pushes outward.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'LipPuckerLowerLeft',
+ Lower left lip part pushes outward.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthUpperUpRight',
+ Upper right part of the lip pulls up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthUpperUpLeft',
+ Upper left part of the lip pulls up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthLowerDownRight',
+ Lower right part of the lip pulls up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthLowerDownLeft',
+ Lower left part of the lip pulls up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthUpperDeepenRight',
+ Upper right lip part pushes in the cheek.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthUpperDeepenLeft',
+ Upper left lip part pushes in the cheek.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthUpperRight',
+ Moves upper lip right.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthUpperLeft',
+ Moves upper lip left.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthLowerRight',
+ Moves lower lip right.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthLowerLeft',
+ Moves lower lip left.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthCornerPullRight',
+ Right lip corner pulls diagonally up and out.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthCornerPullLeft',
+ Left lip corner pulls diagonally up and out.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthCornerSlantRight',
+ Right corner lip slants up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthCornerSlantLeft',
+ Left corner lip slants up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthFrownRight',
+ Right corner lip pulls down.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthFrownLeft',
+ Left corner lip pulls down.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthStretchRight',
+ Right corner lip pulls out and down.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthStretchLeft',
+ Left corner lip pulls out and down.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthDimpleRight',
+ Right lip corner is pushed backwards.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthDimpleLeft',
+ Left lip corner is pulled backwards.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthRaiserUpper',
+ Raises and slightly pushes out the upper mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthRaiserLower',
+ Raises and slightly pushes out the lower mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthPressRight',
+ Right side lips press and flatten together vertically.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthPressLeft',
+ Left side lips press and flatten together vertically.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthTightenerRight',
+ Right side lips squeeze together horizontally.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'MouthTightenerLeft',
+ Left side lips squeeze together horizontally.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueOut',
+ Tongue visibly sticks out of the mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueUp',
+ Tongue points up.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueDown',
+ Tongue points down.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueRight',
+ Tongue points right.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueLeft',
+ Tongue points left.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueRoll',
+ Sides of the tongue funnel, creating a 'hotdog' shape.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueBendDown',
+ Tongue arches up then down inside the mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueCurlUp',
+ Tongue arches down then up inside the mouth.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueSquish',
+ Tongue squishes together and thickens.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueFlat',
+ Tongue flattens and thins out.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueTwistRight',
+ Tongue tip rotates clockwise, with the rest following gradually.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'TongueTwistLeft',
+ Tongue tip rotates counter-clockwise, with the rest following gradually.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'SoftPalateClose¹',
+ Inner mouth throat closes.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'ThroatSwallow¹',
+ The Adam's apple visibly swallows.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NeckFlexRight¹',
+ Right side neck visibly flexes.
+ ],
+ [
+ ,
+ 'NeckFlexLeft¹',
+ Left side neck visibly flexes.
+ ],
+ ]}
import OneExplain from './unified-explanations/super-scripts/_1_explain.mdx'
import TwoExplain from './unified-explanations/super-scripts/_2_explain.mdx'
diff --git a/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/_category_.json b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/_category_.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb243e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/_category_.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ "label": "Compatibility",
+ "position": 2,
+ "link": {
+ "type": "generated-index",
+ "description": "Information pertaining to Unified Expressions compatibility."
+ }
diff --git a/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/arkit.mdx b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/arkit.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8faf71d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/arkit.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+sidebar_position: 2
+description: Information about ARKit face tracking works with Unified Expressions.
+import {EditUrl, CustomLink} from '@site/src/components/Utils.tsx'
+import FilterTable from '@site/src/components/FilterTable.tsx';
+# Apple ARKit
+Apple provides a face tracking standard for iOS devices within their ARKit SDK and software,
+where the associated blendshapes are often referred to as PerfectSync, AR52, and ARKit respectively.
+The following table shows how ARKit face tracking translates to Unified Expressions
+### ARKit Comparison
+BrowDownRight, 'browDownRight'],
+ [BrowDownLeft , 'browDownLeft'],
+ [BrowInnerUp , 'browInnerUp'],
+ ['BrowOuterUpRight', 'browOuterUpRight'],
+ ['BrowOuterUpLeft', 'browOuterUpLeft'],
+ ['NoseSneerRight', 'noseSneerRight'],
+ ['NoseSneerLeft', 'noseSneerLeft'],
+ ['CheekSquintRight', 'cheekSquintRight'],
+ ['CheekSquintLeft', 'cheekSquintLeft'],
+ [CheekPuff , 'cheekPuff'],
+ ['JawOpen', 'jawOpen'],
+ ['MouthClosed', 'mouthClose'],
+ ['JawRight', 'jawRight'],
+ ['JawLeft', 'jawLeft'],
+ ['JawForward', 'jawForward'],
+ [LipSuckUpper , 'mouthRollUpper'],
+ [LipSuckLower , 'mouthRollLower'],
+ [LipFunnel , 'mouthFunnel'],
+ [LipPucker , 'mouthPucker'],
+ ['MouthUpperUpRight', 'mouthUpperUpRight'],
+ ['MouthUpperUpLeft', 'mouthUpperUpLeft'],
+ ['MouthLowerDownRight', 'mouthLowerUpRight'],
+ ['MouthLowerDownLeft', 'mouthLowerUpLeft'],
+ [MouthSmileRight , 'mouthSmileRight'],
+ [MouthSmileLeft , 'mouthSmileLeft'],
+ ['MouthFrownRight', 'mouthFrownRight'],
+ ['MouthFrownLeft', 'mouthFrownLeft'],
+ ['MouthStretchRight', 'mouthStretchRight'],
+ ['MouthStretchLeft', 'mouthStretchLeft'],
+ ['MouthDimplerRight', 'mouthDimpleRight'],
+ ['MouthDimplerLeft', 'mouthDimpleLeft'],
+ ['MouthRaiserUpper', 'mouthShrugUpper'],
+ ['MouthRaiserLower', 'mouthShrugLower'],
+ ['MouthPressRight', 'mouthPressRight'],
+ ['MouthPressLeft', 'mouthPressLeft'],
+ ['TongueOut', 'tongueOut']
+ ]}
+* Bold Blended Shape.
+:::caution Some shapes are not tracked
+ARKit does not include expressions to track the following Unified Expressions:
+Tongue Directions
+Misc. Tongue Expressions
+However, the absence of these shapes does not affect tracking quality.
+### Standard Documentation
+Apple Developer Documentation
+ARKit Shape References (Unofficial)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/meta-movement.mdx b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/meta-movement.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8e04175c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/meta-movement.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+sidebar_position: 2
+description: Information about Meta Movement (Quest Pro) face tracking works with Unified Expressions.
+import {EditUrl, CustomLink} from '@site/src/components/Utils.tsx'
+import FilterTable from '@site/src/components/FilterTable.tsx';
+# Meta Movement (Quest Pro)
+Meta provides a face tracking standard for Quest Pro within their Movement SDK,
+where the blendshapes are often referred to as FACS, Quest Pro Face Tracking,
+and Movement respectively.
+The following table shows how Movement face tracking translates to Unified Expressions.
+### Movement Comparison
+BrowDownRight, 'BROW_LOWERER_R'],
+ [BrowDownLeft , 'BROW_LOWERER_L'],
+ ['BrowInnerUpRight', 'INNER_BROW_RAISER_R'],
+ ['BrowInnerUpLeft', 'INNER_BROW_RAISER_L'],
+ ['BrowOuterUpRight', 'OUTER_BROW_RAISER_R'],
+ ['BrowOuterUpLeft', 'OUTER_BROW_RAISER_L'],
+ ['NoseSneerRight', 'NOSE_WRINKLER_R'],
+ ['NoseSneerLeft', 'NOSE_WRINKLER_L'],
+ ['CheekSquintRight', 'CHEEK_RAISER_R'],
+ ['CheekSquintLeft', 'CHEEK_RAISER_L'],
+ ['CheekPuffRight', 'CHEEK_PUFF_R'],
+ ['CheekPuffLeft', 'CHEEK_PUFF_L'],
+ ['CheekSuckRight', 'CHEEK_SUCK_R'],
+ ['CheekSuckLeft', 'CHEEK_SUCK_L'],
+ ['JawOpen', 'JAW_DROP'],
+ ['MouthClosed', 'LIPS_TOWARD'],
+ ['JawRight', 'JAW_SIDEWAYS_RIGHT'],
+ ['JawLeft', 'JAW_SIDEWAYS_LEFT'],
+ ['JawForward', 'JAW_THRUST'],
+ ['LipSuckUpperRight', 'LIP_SUCK_RT'],
+ ['LipSuckUpperLeft', 'LIP_SUCK_LT'],
+ ['LipSuckLowerRight', 'LIP_SUCK_RB'],
+ ['LipSuckLowerLeft', 'LIP_SUCK_LB'],
+ ['LipFunnelUpperRight', 'LIP_FUNNELER_RT'],
+ ['LipFunnelUpperLeft', 'LIP_FUNNELER_LT'],
+ ['LipFunnelLowerRight', 'LIP_FUNNELER_RB'],
+ ['LipFunnelLowerLeft', 'LIP_FUNNELER_LB'],
+ [<>LipPuckerUpperRight LipPuckerLowerRight>, 'LIP_PUCKER_R'],
+ [<>LipPuckerUpperLeft LipPuckerLowerLeft>, 'LIP_PUCKER_L'],
+ ['MouthUpperUpRight', 'UPPER_LIP_RAISER_R'],
+ ['MouthUpperUpLeft', 'UPPER_LIP_RAISER_L'],
+ ['MouthLowerDownRight', 'LOWER_LIP_DEPRESSOR_R'],
+ ['MouthLowerDownLeft', 'LOWER_LIP_DEPRESSER_L'],
+ [MouthSmileRight , 'LIP_CORNER_PULLER_R'],
+ [MouthSmileLeft , 'LIP_CORNER_PULLER_L'],
+ ['MouthFrownRight', 'LIP_CORNER_DEPRESSOR_R'],
+ ['MouthFrownLeft', 'LIP_CORNER_DEPRESSOR_L'],
+ ['MouthStretchRight', 'LIP_STRETCHER_R'],
+ ['MouthStretchLeft', 'LIP_STRETCHER_L'],
+ ['MouthDimplerRight', 'DIMPLER_R'],
+ ['MouthDimplerLeft', 'DIMPLER_L'],
+ ['MouthRaiserUpper', 'CHIN_RAISER_T'],
+ ['MouthRaiserUpper', 'CHIN_RAISER_T'],
+ ['MouthPressRight', 'LIP_PRESSOR_R'],
+ ['MouthPressLeft', 'LIP_PRESSOR_L'],
+ ['MouthTightenerRight', 'LIP_TIGHTENER_R'],
+ ['MouthTightenerLeft', 'LIP_TIGHTENER_L'],
+ ]}
+* Bold Blended Shape.
+:::caution Some shapes are not tracked
+Movement does not include expressions to track the following Unified Expressions:
+Tongue Directions
+Misc. Tongue Expressions
+However, the absence of these shapes does not affect tracking quality.
+### Standard Documentation
+Blendshape Visual Reference for Movement
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/overview.mdx b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/overview.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a1519d48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/overview.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+sidebar_position: 1
+description: Overview of what face tracking standards can express in Unified Expressions.
+import {EditUrl, CustomLink} from '@site/src/components/Utils.tsx'
+import FilterTable from '@site/src/components/FilterTable.tsx';
+# Tracking Standard Comparison Overview
+:::note How to read this section
+This page goes over specific translations for each standard into
+Unified Expressions. For more concrete examples of each standard listed,
+please refer to the appropriate standards' documentation.
+Base and Blended shapes from Unified Expressions will be matched directly with
+other standards' shapes. Some caveats such as unique shapes will be
+given more detailed explanations on how they can translate to Unified Expressions.
+:::info Table Explained
+This table provides a comprehensive understanding of the
+relationship between various shapes and Unified Expressions:
+When multiple shapes are listed in the same row, they
+collaboratively contribute to the formation of a specific
+standard shape.
+`~` indicates that the expression in a row is directly connected
+`❌` indicates that the expression in a row is not tracked.
+Some shapes have an extra condition (`While X`, `Negates X`)
+that indicates that specified cell needs the presence or absence
+of specific shapes to convey a specific expression accurately in
+order to correlate it to the other expressions in that row.
+This often necessitates particular adjustments (animation
+or blendshape) for compatibility with Unified Expressions,
+while maintaining anatomical consistency within the given row.
+* `While` signifies that a standard requires a shape
+to be active to match the row.
+* `Negates` signifies that a standard requires a shape
+to be inactive to match the row.
+Regardless of the conditions, the shape can be converted into
+Unified Expressions without compromising tracking quality or
+expression behavior.
+This section only provides a generalized comparison across
+all standards; for more specific information refer to the
+dedicated sections for each standard.
+### Standard Comparisons
+BrowDownRight CheekSquintRight EyeSquintRightWhile EyeClosedRight
>, '~', 'Eye_Right_squeeze¹', '~'],
+ [<>BrowDownLeft CheekSquintLeft EyeSquintLeftWhile EyeClosedLeft
>, '~', 'Eye_Left_squeeze¹', '~'],
+ ['EyeWideRight', 'eyeWideRight', 'Eye_Right_Wide', 'EYES_WIDEN_R'],
+ ['EyeWideLeft', 'eyeWideLeft', 'Eye_Left_Wide', 'EYES_WIDEN_L'],
+ ['EyeDilationRight', '❌', 'Eye_Right_Dilation', '❌'],
+ ['EyeDilationLeft', '❌', 'Eye_Left_Dilation', '❌'],
+ ['EyeConstrictRight', '❌', 'Eye_Right_Constrict', '❌'],
+ ['EyeConstrictLeft', '❌', 'Eye_Left_Constrict', '❌'],
+ [BrowDownRight , 'browDownRight', '❌', 'BROW_LOWERER_R'],
+ [BrowDownLeft , 'browDownLeft', '❌', 'BROW_LOWERER_L'],
+ ['BrowInnerUpRight', '~', '❌', 'INNER_BROW_RAISER_R'],
+ ['BrowInnerUpLeft', '~', '❌', 'INNER_BROW_RAISER_L'],
+ [BrowInnerUp , 'browInnerUp', '❌', '~'],
+ ['BrowOuterUpRight', 'browOuterUpRight', '❌', 'OUTER_BROW_RAISER_R'],
+ ['BrowOuterUpLeft', 'browOuterUpLeft', '❌', 'OUTER_BROW_RAISER_L'],
+ ['NoseSneerRight', 'noseSneerRight', '❌', 'NOSE_WRINKLER_R'],
+ ['NoseSneerLeft', 'noseSneerLeft', '❌', 'NOSE_WRINKLER_L'],
+ ['CheekSquintRight', 'cheekSquintRight', '~', 'CHEEK_RAISER_R'],
+ ['CheekSquintLeft', 'cheekSquintLeft', '~', 'CHEEK_RAISER_L'],
+ ['CheekPuffRight', '~', 'Cheek_Puff_Right', 'CHEEK_PUFF_R'],
+ ['CheekPuffLeft', '~', 'Cheek_Puff_Left', 'CHEEK_PUFF_L'],
+ [CheekPuff , 'cheekPuff', '~', '~'],
+ ['CheekSuckRight', '❌', '~', 'CHEEK_SUCK_R'],
+ ['CheekSuckLeft', '❌', '~', 'CHEEK_SUCK_L'],
+ [CheekSuck , '❌', 'Cheek_Suck', '~'],
+ ['JawOpen', 'jawOpen', 'Jaw_Open', 'JAW_DROP'],
+ ['MouthClosed', 'mouthClose', <>Mouth_Ape_Shape¹Negates Jaw_Open
+ ['JawRight', 'jawRight', 'Jaw_Right', 'JAW_SIDEWAYS_RIGHT'],
+ ['JawLeft', 'jawLeft', 'Jaw_Left', 'JAW_SIDEWAYS_LEFT'],
+ ['JawForward', 'jawForward', 'Jaw_Forward', 'JAW_THRUST'],
+ ['LipSuckUpperRight', '~', '~', 'LIP_SUCK_RT'],
+ ['LipSuckUpperLeft', '~', '~', 'LIP_SUCK_LT'],
+ [LipSuckUpper , 'mouthRollUpper', 'Mouth_Upper_Inside', '~'],
+ ['LipSuckLowerRight', '~', '~', 'LIP_SUCK_RB'],
+ ['LipSuckLowerLeft', '~', '~', 'LIP_SUCK_LB'],
+ [LipSuckLower , 'mouthRollLower', 'Mouth_Lower_Inside', '~'],
+ ['LipFunnelUpperRight', '~', '~', 'LIP_FUNNELER_RT'],
+ ['LipFunnelUpperLeft', '~', '~', 'LIP_FUNNELER_LT'],
+ [LipFunnelUpper , '~', 'Mouth_Upper_Overturn¹', '~'],
+ ['LipFunnelLowerRight', '~', '~', 'LIP_SUCK_RB'],
+ ['LipFunnelLowerLeft', '~', '~', 'LIP_SUCK_LB'],
+ [LipFunnelLower , '~', 'Mouth_Lower_Overturn¹', '~'],
+ [LipFunnel , 'mouthFunnel', '~', '~'],
+ [<>LipPuckerUpperRight LipPuckerLowerRight>, '~', '~', 'LIP_PUCKER_R'],
+ [<>LipPuckerUpperLeft LipPuckerLowerLeft>, '~', '~', 'LIP_PUCKER_L'],
+ [LipPucker , 'mouthPucker', 'Mouth_Pout', ''],
+ ['MouthUpperUpRight', 'mouthUpperUpRight', 'Mouth_Upper_Up_Right', 'UPPER_LIP_RAISER_R'],
+ ['MouthUpperUpLeft', 'mouthUpperUpLeft', 'Mouth_Upper_Up_Left', 'UPPER_LIP_RAISER_L'],
+ ['MouthLowerDownRight', 'mouthLowerUpRight', 'Mouth_Lower_Down_Right', 'LOWER_LIP_DEPRESSOR_R'],
+ ['MouthLowerDownLeft', 'mouthLowerUpLeft', 'Mouth_Lower_Down_Left', 'LOWER_LIP_DEPRESSER_L'],
+ [MouthSmileRight , 'mouthSmileRight', 'Mouth_Smile_Right', 'LIP_CORNER_PULLER_R'],
+ [MouthSmileLeft , 'mouthSmileLeft', 'Mouth_Smile_Left', 'LIP_CORNER_PULLER_L'],
+ ['MouthFrownRight', 'mouthFrownRight', '~', 'LIP_CORNER_DEPRESSOR_R'],
+ ['MouthFrownLeft', 'mouthFrownLeft', '~', 'LIP_CORNER_DEPRESSOR_L'],
+ [MouthSadRight , '~', 'Mouth_Sad_Right', '~'],
+ [MouthSadLeft , '~', 'Mouth_Sad_Left', '~'],
+ ['MouthStretchRight', 'mouthStretchRight', '~', 'LIP_STRETCHER_R'],
+ ['MouthStretchLeft', 'mouthStretchLeft', '~', 'LIP_STRETCHER_L'],
+ ['MouthDimplerRight', 'mouthDimpleRight', '~', 'DIMPLER_R'],
+ ['MouthDimplerLeft', 'mouthDimpleLeft', '~', 'DIMPLER_L'],
+ ['MouthRaiserUpper', 'mouthShrugUpper', '❌', 'CHIN_RAISER_T'],
+ ['MouthRaiserLower', 'mouthShrugLower', 'Mouth_Lower_Overlay', 'CHIN_RAISER_B'],
+ ['MouthPressRight', 'mouthPressRight¹', '❌', 'LIP_PRESSOR_R'],
+ ['MouthPressLeft', 'mouthPressLeft¹', '❌', 'LIP_PRESSOR_L'],
+ ['MouthTightenerRight', '❌', '❌', 'LIP_TIGHTENER_R'],
+ ['MouthTightenerLeft', '❌', '❌', 'LIP_TIGHTENER_L'],
+ ['TongueOut', 'tongueOut', <>Tongue_LongStep1 Tongue_LongStep2>, '❌'],
+ ['TongueUp', '❌', 'Tongue_Up', '❌'],
+ ['TongueDown', '❌', 'Tongue_Down', '❌'],
+ ['TongueRight', '❌', 'Tongue_Right', '❌'],
+ ['TongueLeft', '❌', 'Tongue_Left', '❌'],
+ ['TongueRoll', '❌', 'Tongue_Roll', '❌'],
+ ]}
+* ¹ Requires the use of a specialized animation setup to work with VRCFT V2 tracking.
+* Bold Blended Shape.
+### Standard Documentation
+VRCFT Documentation >
+ ],
+ [
+ 'ARKit',
+ <>
+ Apple Developer Documentation
+ ARKit Shape References (Unofficial)
+ >
+ ],
+ [
+ 'VIVE SRanipal',
+ <>
+ VIVE Developer Resource
+ VRCFT v4.0 Documentation
+ >
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Meta Movement',
+ <>
+ Blendshape Visual Reference for Movement
+ >
+ ],
+ ]}
diff --git a/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/vive-sranipal.mdx b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/vive-sranipal.mdx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8eb61572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/tutorial-avatars/tutorial-avatars-extras/compatibility/vive-sranipal.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+sidebar_position: 2
+description: Information about VIVE SRanipal face tracking works with Unified Expressions.
+import {EditUrl, CustomLink} from '@site/src/components/Utils.tsx'
+import FilterTable from '@site/src/components/FilterTable.tsx';
+# VIVE SRanipal
+VIVE offers a facial tracking standard through the SRanipal SDK and software.
+This standard serves as the foundational tracking framework for devices such as
+the Vive Pro Eye, Vive Facial Tracker, and other VIVE products equipped with
+facial tracking functionalities.
+The following table illustrates the mapping of SRanipal facial tracking to Unified Expressions.
+:::info Table Explained
+This table provides a comprehensive understanding of the
+relationship between various shapes and Unified Expressions:
+When multiple shapes are listed in the same row, they
+collaboratively contribute to the formation of a specific
+standard shape.
+Some shapes have an extra condition (`While X`, `Negates X`)
+that indicates that specified cell needs the presence or absence
+of specific shapes to convey a specific expression accurately in
+order to correlate it to the other expressions in that row.
+This often necessitates particular adjustments (animation
+or blendshape) for compatibility with Unified Expressions,
+while maintaining anatomical consistency within the given row.
+* `While` signifies that a standard requires a shape
+to be active to match the row.
+* `Negates` signifies that a standard requires a shape
+to be inactive to match the row.
+Regardless of the conditions, the shape can be converted into
+Unified Expressions without compromising tracking quality or
+expression behavior.
+For more concise and readable information for specific tracking
+standards and how they convert to Unified Expressions, please
+refer to [Admonitions](#admonitions).
+### SRanipal Comparison
+BrowDownRight CheekSquintRight EyeSquintRight >, 'Eye_Right_squeeze¹'],
+ [<>BrowDownLeft CheekSquintLeft EyeSquintLeft >, 'Eye_Left_squeeze¹'],
+ ['EyeWideRight', 'Eye_Right_Wide'],
+ ['EyeWideLeft', 'Eye_Left_Wide'],
+ ['EyeDilationRight', 'Eye_Right_Dilation'],
+ ['EyeDilationLeft', 'Eye_Left_Dilation'],
+ ['EyeConstrictRight', 'Eye_Right_Constrict'],
+ ['EyeConstrictLeft', 'Eye_Left_Constrict'],
+ ['CheekPuffRight', 'Cheek_Puff_Right'],
+ ['CheekPuffLeft', 'Cheek_Puff_Left'],
+ [CheekSuck' , 'Cheek_Suck'],
+ ['JawOpen', 'Jaw_Open'],
+ ['MouthClosed', <>Mouth_Ape_Shape¹Negates Jaw_Open
+ ['JawRight', 'Jaw_Right'],
+ ['JawLeft', 'Jaw_Left'],
+ ['JawForward', 'Jaw_Forward'],
+ [LipSuckUpper , 'Mouth_Upper_Inside'],
+ [LipSuckLower , 'Mouth_Lower_Inside'],
+ [LipFunnelUpper , <>Mouth_Upper_OverturnWhile Mouth_Upper_Up_Left While Mouth_Upper_Up_Right
+ [LipFunnelLower , <>Mouth_Lower_OverturnWhile Mouth_Lower_Down_Left While Mouth_Lower_Down_Right
+ [LipPucker , 'Mouth_Pout'],
+ ['MouthUpperUpRight', 'Mouth_Upper_Up_Right'],
+ ['MouthUpperUpLeft', 'Mouth_Upper_Up_Left'],
+ ['MouthLowerDownRight', 'Mouth_Lower_Down_Right'],
+ ['MouthLowerDownLeft', 'Mouth_Lower_Down_Left'],
+ [MouthSmileRight , 'Mouth_Smile_Right'],
+ [MouthSmileLeft , 'Mouth_Smile_Left'],
+ [MouthSadRight , 'Mouth_Sad_Right'],
+ [MouthSadLeft , 'Mouth_Sad_Left'],
+ ['MouthRaiserLower', 'Mouth_Lower_Overlay'],
+ ['TongueOut', <>Tongue_LongStep1 Tongue_LongStep2>],
+ ['TongueUp', 'Tongue_Up'],
+ ['TongueDown', 'Tongue_Down'],
+ ['TongueRight', 'Tongue_Right'],
+ ['TongueLeft', 'Tongue_Left'],
+ ['TongueRoll', 'Tongue_Roll'],
+ ]}
+* ¹ More detailed reasoning is elaborated in [Admonitions](#admonitions)
+* Bold Blended Shape.
+### Admonitions {#admonitions}
+Certain expressions in SRanipal may not have direct or intuitive assignments
+to Unified Expressions due to the format of the expressions.
+The following section will provide comprehensive explanations on how SRanipal
+controls Unified Expressions, and subsequently how Unified can be used to track
+SRanipal shapes. This can be useful for making SRanipal shapes compatible in Unified
+Expressions driven animation setups (in the case of VRCFT avatars).
+Recognizing these differences in your avatar's setup should allow SRanipal
+shapes to track as intended. Certain animation templates have these admonitions
+built in, allowing SRanipal shapes to be used directly with Unified Expressions!
+This section provides a thorough description of what each shape should do to
+track as intended with Unifed Expressions.
+ From the SRanipal avatar reference,
+ this SRanipal expression controls these Unified
+ expressions while the eyelids are closed:
+ EyeSquintRight
+ CheekSquintRight
+ BrowPinchRight
+ BrowLowererRight
+ To get the intended tracking, these Unified expressions must be all active together
+ to trigger Eye_Right_squeeze in animation. Alternatively the listed UE expressions can be
+ made separately to allow for more robust tracking for non-SRanipal tracking.
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Eye_Left_squeeze',
+ From the SRanipal avatar reference,
+ this SRanipal expression controls these Unified
+ expressions while the eyelids are closed:
+ EyeSquintLeft
+ CheekSquintLeft
+ BrowPinchLeft
+ BrowLowererLeft
+ To get the intended tracking, these Unified expressions must be all active together
+ to trigger Eye_Left_squeeze in animation. Alternatively the listed UE expressions can be
+ made separately to allow for more robust tracking for non-SRanipal tracking.
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Mouth_Ape_Shape',
+ This SRanipal expression controls Unified's MouthClosed expression.
+ To get the intended tracking on this SRanipal shape, MouthClosed must negate JawOpen
+ in the animation proportional to the amount MouthClosed is active.
+ Alternatively, this blendshape can be turned into MouthClosed by negating JawOpen
+ in the blendshape itself.
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Mouth_Upper_Overturn',
+ This SRanipal expression controls Unified's LipFunnelUpperRight and LipFunnelUpperLeft expressions.
+ To get the intended tracking on this SRanipal shape, it should also include Mouth_Upper_Up_Right
+ and Mouth_Upper_Up_Left when this shape is active.
+ Alternatively, this shape can be turned into LipFunnelUpper by adding Mouth_Upper_Up_Left and
+ Mouth_Upper_Up_Right to this shape.
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Mouth_Lower_Overturn',
+ This SRanipal expression controls Unified's LipFunnelLowerRight and LipFunnelLowerLeft expressions.
+ To get the intended tracking on this SRanipal shape, it should also include Mouth_Lower_Down_Right
+ and Mouth_Lower_Down_Left when this shape is active.
+ Alternatively, this shape can be turned into LipFunnelUpper by adding Mouth_Upper_Up_Left and
+ Mouth_Upper_Up_Right to this shape.
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Mouth_Smile_Right',
+ This SRanipal expression directly controls Unified's MouthCornerPullerRight and
+ MouthCornerSlantRight, creating the MouthSmileRight Blended shape. On many avatars and
+ on the SRanipal reference avatar, the right cheek is squinting when smiling. It is perfectly acceptable
+ to have MouthSmileRight to have this behavior, especially when using SRanipal-compatible tracking
+ with this avatar.
+ Optionally, if there is a desire for more expressive tracking then moving the cheek raising part
+ of Mouth_Smile_Right to it's own dedicated shape will allow CheekSquintRight to be able to control
+ it directly, allowing for more expressibility. This will require editing the blendshape directly or
+ creating new shapes to fulfill the change.
+ ],
+ [
+ 'Mouth_Smile_Left',
+ This SRanipal expression directly controls Unified's MouthCornerPullerLeft and
+ MouthCornerSlantLeft, creating the MouthSmileLeft Blended shape. On many avatars and
+ on the SRanipal reference avatar, the right cheek is squinting when smiling. It is perfectly acceptable
+ to have MouthSmileLeft to have this behavior, especially when using SRanipal-compatible tracking
+ with this avatar.
+ Optionally, if there is a desire for more expressive tracking then moving the cheek raising part
+ of Mouth_Smile_Left to it's own dedicated shape will allow CheekSquintLeft to be able to control
+ it directly, allowing for more expressibility. This will require editing the blendshape directly or
+ creating new shapes to fulfill the change.
+ ],
+ [
+ <>Tongue_LongStep1 Tongue_LongStep2>,
+ These SRanipal expressions control TongueOut linearly.
+ To get the intended tracking on this shape, let Tongue_LongStep1 activate
+ from 0-0.5, while LongStep2 activates from 0.5-1 in the animation.
+ These are corrective shapes for TongueOut, allowing for the tongue to
+ stick out of the mouth.
+ ],
+ ]}
+:::caution Some shapes are not tracked
+SRanipal does not include expressions to track the following Unified Expressions:
+CheekSquintRight (baked into Mouth_Smile_Right)
+CheekSquintLeft (baked into Mouth_Smile_Left)
+Some misc. Tongue Expressions
+However, the absence of these shapes does not affect tracking quality.
+### Standard Documentation
+Vive Developer Resource
+VRCFT v4.0 Documentation
diff --git a/src/components/FilterTable.tsx b/src/components/FilterTable.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb6aafd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/components/FilterTable.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+import React, { FC, useState } from 'react';
+import '../css/filtertable.css';
+interface FilterData {
+ title: string;
+ omitHeaders: string[];
+ disabledHeaders: string[];
+ headers: string[];
+ rows: any[][];
+const FilterTable = ({ title, omitHeaders, disabledHeaders, headers, rows } : FilterData) => {
+ const [hiddenColumns, setHiddenColumns] = useState(
+ disabledHeaders?.map(header => headers.indexOf(header)) || []
+ );
+ const [filterText, setFilterText] = useState('');
+ const [filterRegex, setFilterRegex] = useState(null);
+ const [hasError, setHasError] = useState(false);
+ const toggleColumn = (index) => {
+ if (hiddenColumns.includes(index)) {
+ setHiddenColumns(hiddenColumns.filter((i) => i !== index));
+ } else {
+ setHiddenColumns([...hiddenColumns, index]);
+ }
+ };
+ const filteredRows = rows.filter(row =>
+ row.some((cell) => {
+ if (filterRegex) {
+ try {
+ return cell?.toString && filterRegex.test(cell.toString());
+ } catch (error) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ return cell?.toString && cell?.toString().includes(filterText);
+ }
+ })
+ );
+ const handleFilterChange = (value) => {
+ setFilterText(value);
+ setHasError(false);
+ try {
+ if (value.trim() !== '') {
+ setFilterRegex(new RegExp(value, 'i'));
+ } else {
+ setFilterRegex(null);
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ setHasError(true);
+ setFilterRegex(null);
+ }
+ };
+ return (
+ className={`filter-input ${hasError ? 'invalid' : ''}`}
+ />
+ {headers.map((header, index) => (
+ omitHeaders?.includes(header) ? null : (
+ className={hiddenColumns.includes(index) ? 'disable' : ''}
+ >
+ {header}
+ )
+ ))}
+ {headers.map((header, index) => (
+ omitHeaders?.includes(header) ? (
+ // If header is in omitHeaders, render a disabled header without onClick
+ {header}
+ ) : (
+ // If header is not in omitHeaders, apply normal header with onClick and toggleColumn
+ toggleColumn(index)}
+ className={hiddenColumns.includes(index) ? 'hidden' : ''}
+ >
+ {header}
+ )
+ ))}
+ {filteredRows.map((row, rowIndex) => (
+ {row.map((cell, cellIndex) => (
+ {cell}
+ ))}
+ ))}
+ );
+export default FilterTable;
\ No newline at end of file
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index 94d21a75..c65de69f 100644
--- a/src/css/custom.css
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* work well for content-centric websites.
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opacity: 0.6;
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content: '';
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@@ -44,9 +47,9 @@
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@@ -57,9 +60,9 @@
/* For readability concerns, you should choose a lighter palette in dark mode. */
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--ifm-color-primary: #90f223;
- --ifm-color-primary-dark: #9c9c9c;
- --ifm-color-primary-darker: #9c9c9c;
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--ifm-color-primary-lightest: #90f223;
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new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2c3a111
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+table {
+ table-layout: auto;
+ width: 100%;
+th, td {
+ width: 33.33vh;
+ text-align: center;
+button {
+ background: var(--ifm-color-primary-darkest);
+ border: none;
+ cursor: pointer;
+ margin-top: 0rem;
+ margin-bottom: 0.2rem;
+ margin-right: 0.2rem;
+ margin-left: 0rem;
+ padding: 0.5rem;
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+button.disable {
+ text-decoration: line-through;
+ color: var(--ifm-color-primary-dark);
+.filter-input {
+ background: var(--ifm-color-primary-darkest);
+ padding: 0.5rem;
+ border: none;
+ margin-top: 0rem;
+ margin-bottom: 0.2rem;
+ margin-right: 0.2rem;
+ margin-left: 0rem;
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+ color: red;
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