- Please check issues if the bug is reported
- If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and a code sample or an executable test case demonstrating the expected behavior that is not occurring.
Here are the steps to updating to a new version:
- Create a fork at github
- See this guide for setting up and using a fork
- Make whatever changes are necessary.
Steps 3 through 10 only apply if you intend to merge your changes immediately into the master repository for Thor. This can only happen if you have access to do so and you are sure that your changes do not need any further testing by others.
If you do not intend to merge into the master repository or are in any way unsure what this means, skip directly to step 11.
- Edit Installed Files\Source\ThorVersion.h and change the version constants.
- Update the AvailableVersion property in _ThorUpdater\ThorVersionFile.txt. Be certain that the value be identical to the value of the
constant in ThorVersion.h. - Update the version number and date at the top of README.md
- Describe the changes in Change Log.md.
- Run BuildThor.PRG in folder "Installed Files\Source" to re-create the APP. You will need to this in an environment where Thor is no longer running:
Close All
Clear All
Release All
- Run FoxBin2Prg to create the text files in folder Installed Files
DO foxbin2prg.prg WITH 'BIN2PRG','*.*'
If updating version info for VFPX Projects / CFU (most projects) or creating an updater for a new projects
This applies to all updaters except those few (15 or so) where the version information is read from a separate URL (.VersionFileURL) which is normally used only for projects with continuing updates.
- Add / Modify the prg file in Updaters\Updates
- In folder ThorUpdater, right-click CreateThorUpdate.ps1 and select Run with PowerShell from the shortcut menu to re-create the installation zip files.
- Commit
- Push to your fork
- Create a pull request