This folder contains the XSD2RDF.xsl stylesheet for transforming XML Schema to OWL ontologies and the resulting transformations of the CityGML and its related Schema.
Testing is done using the Saxon-HE XSLT processor
XSD2RDF is an XSLT stylesheet to transform XML Schema files into OWL/RDF format. This stylesheet is based on the transformation patterns proposed by Ivan Bedini, Christopher Matheus, Peter F. Patel-Schneider , Aidan Boran, and Benjamin Nguyen in their article Transforming XML Schema to OWL Using Patterns.
Takes a transformed RDF/OWL ontology and sets the ontology name to '' + filename. Also any empty subclass declarations and erroneous comment declarations are removed from the tree.
Clone this repository and install saxon and cleanup directory
git clone
cd UD-Graph/Transformations/XSD-to-OWL
mv SaxonHE9-9-1-8J/saxon9he.jar ../lib/saxon9he.jar
rm -rf SaxonHE9-9-1-8J*
Saxon HE is dependent on Java. Before running the following code, Java 8 or later must be installed.
python scripts are dependent on the lxml and copy libraries.
To transform a specific schema or 'composite' schema to owl
python [path to XML Schema] [output folder]
Transformation outputs are written to the Results folder.