The documented JS API follows Semantic Versioning. Use undocumented features at your own risk.
The library tries to keep visitor identifiers the same within a minor version (i.e. when the first 2 numbers of the version don't change). Some visitor identifiers may change within a minor version due to stability fixes. To get identifiers that remain stable up to 1 year, please consider upgrading to pro.
Agent get()
function returns the version together with the visitor identifier.
You can use it to decide whether a couple of identifiers can be matched together.
if (
result1.version.split('.', 2).join('.') ===
result2.version.split('.', 2).join('.')
) {
return result1.visitorId === result2.visitorId ? 'same' : 'different'
} else {
return 'unknown'
We recommend keeping your library version up to date. You may not want to update because the identifier may change after a minor version upgrade. If this is an issue for you, you can implement the following strategy.
When a new minor or major version is released, install it together with the current version:
const oldFpPromise = import('')
.then(FingerprintJS => FingerprintJS.load())
const newFpPromise = import('')
.then(FingerprintJS => FingerprintJS.load())
(if you prefer NPM or Yarn, see this note)
When you need the visitor identifier, get identifiers from both versions:
oldFpPromise.then(fp => fp.get()),
newFpPromise.then(fp => fp.get()),
]).then(([oldResult, newResult]) => {
// Handle both the results. For example, send to your server.
return fetch(
+ `?fingerprintV4_0=${encodeURIComponent(oldResult.visitorId)}`
+ `&fingerprintV4_1=${encodeURIComponent(newResult.visitorId)}`
Make your server search using both the identifiers. Save the new identifier, there is no need to save the old identifier for new visitors:
-- Getting the visitor
SELECT * FROM visitors
fingerprintV4_0 = :fingerprintV4_0 OR
fingerprintV4_1 = :fingerprintV4_1;
-- Update the visitor identifier
-- to switch to the new fingerprint version
UPDATE visitors
SET fingerprintV4_1 = :fingerprintV4_1
WHERE fingerprintV4_0 = :fingerprintV4_0;
-- Saving a new visitor
INSERT INTO visitors (..., fingerprintV4_1)
VALUES (..., :fingerprintV4_1);
Later, when you get many enough identifiers of the new version, remove the old library and the old identifiers.
Check the changelog before the update, sometimes new minor versions don't change the identifiers, so just changing the library version may suffice.