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Basic enemies

Esteban Maldonado edited this page Oct 14, 2022 · 2 revisions

There are three basic enemies that appear in the gameplay scene:

Space Shooter

Space Ghost


All of these enemies are spawned and owned by the "Host" or "Server" of the network session:

  • Space Shooter Enemy: Randomly shoots a bullet that can hurt the player spaceships, but can be defeated with just one hit.

  • Space Ghost Enemy: The heavier enemy type, which needs three shots in order to be defeated.

  • Meteorite: These seemingly harmless obstacles can hurt the player spaceships, and are spawned in different sizes.

Enemy base class

The Space Shooter and the Space Ghost inherit from the BaseEnemyBehavior base class.

Enemy movement

A movement pattern gets assigned in the enemy creation. These movement types can be declared in this enum located in the base class. The movement gets randomly selected when the enemy is spawned:

public class BaseEnemyBehavior : NetworkBehaviour, IDamagable
    protected enum EnemyMovementType

        // you can add more movement types here

        COUNT //MAX - used to get random value


    public override void OnNetworkSpawn()
        m_EnemyMovementType = GetRandomEnemyMovementType();


  • linear: The enemy will move from left to right at constant speed, at a constant -X direction.
  • sineWave: The enemy will move from left to right, but following a sine wave pattern with a random wave amplitude.

Enemy states

The Space Shooter and Space Ghost run their own small states:

    protected enum EnemyState : byte

These states are then used on the Update function of the base class:

    protected virtual void Update()
        if (m_EnemyState.Value ==
        else if (m_EnemyState.Value == EnemyState.defeatAnimation)
        else // (m_EnemyState.Value == EnemyState.defeated)

You can add more states and functions to this update to create your own additional states and behaviors.