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Night Statistics Monitoring

What is the problem?

As UnitTestBot contributors, we'd like to constantly improve our product. There are many of us introducing code changes simultaneously — unfortunately, some changes or combinations of them may lead to reduced plugin efficiency. To avoid such an unlucky result we need to monitor statistics on test generation performance.

Why monitor nightly?

It would be great to collect statistics as soon as the contributor changes the code. In case you have a huge project it takes too long to run the monitoring system after each push into master. Thus, we decided to do it every night when (hopefully!) no one makes changes.

How do we collect statistics?

To find the algorithm you can refer to StatisticsMonitoring.kt. Shortly speaking, it is based on ContestEstimator.kt, which runs test generation on the sample projects and then compile the resulting tests. We repeat the whole process several times to reduce measurement error.

Statistics monitoring usage

Collecting statistics

To run statistics monitoring you have to specify the name of the JSON output file.

Input arguments: <output json>.

Output format: you get the JSON file, which contains an array of objects with statistics and input parameters on each run.

More about each statistic: Statistics.kt.

More about monitoring settings: MonitoringSettings.kt.

Input example:


Output example (the result of three runs during one night):

    "parameters": {
      "fuzzing_ratio": 0.1, // how long does fuzzing takes
      "class_timeout_sec": 20, // test generation timeout for one class
      "run_timeout_min": 20 // total timeout for this run
    "targets": [ // projects that have been processed
        "target": "guava", // name of project
        "summarised_metrics": { // summarised metrics for processed project 
          "total_classes": 20, // classes count
          "testcases_generated": 1042, // generated unit-tests count
          "classes_failed_to_compile": 0, // classes that's tests are not compilable
          "classes_canceled_by_timeout": 4, // classes that's generation was canceled because of timeout
          "total_methods": 526, // methods count
          "methods_with_at_least_one_testcase_generated": 345, // methods with at least one successfully generated test
          "methods_with_at_least_one_exception": 32, // methods that's generation contains exceptions
          "methods_without_any_tests_and_exceptions": 59, // suspicious methods without any tests and exceptions
          "covered_bytecode_instructions": 4240, // amount of bytecode instructions that were covered by generated tests
          "covered_bytecode_instructions_by_fuzzing": 2946, // amount of bytecode instructions that were covered by fuzzing's generated tests
          "covered_bytecode_instructions_by_concolic": 3464, // amount of bytecode instructions that were covered by concolic's generated tests
          "total_bytecode_instructions": 9531, // total amount of bytecode instructions in methods with at least one testcase generated 
          "averaged_bytecode_instruction_coverage_by_classes": 0.5315060991492891 // mean bytecode coverage by class
        "metrics_by_class": [ // metrics for all classes in this project
            "class_name": "", // name of processed class
            "metrics": { // metrics for specified class
              "testcases_generated": 91, // amount of generated unit-tests 
              "failed_to_compile": false, // compilation generated tests are failure 
              "canceled_by_timeout": true, // generation is interrupted because of timeout
              "total_methods_in_class": 31, // methods count in this class
              "methods_with_at_least_one_testcase_generated": 26, // methods with at least one successfully generated test
              "methods_with_at_least_one_exception": 0, // methods that's generation contains exceptions
              "methods_without_any_tests_and_exceptions": 5, // suspicious methods without any tests and exceptions
              "covered_bytecode_instructions_in_class": 585, // amount of bytecode instructions that were covered by generated tests
              "covered_bytecode_instructions_in_class_by_fuzzing": 489, // amount of bytecode instructions that were covered by fuzzing's generated tests
              "covered_bytecode_instructions_in_class_by_concolic": 376, // amount of bytecode instructions that were covered by concolic's generated tests
              "total_bytecode_instructions_in_class": 1442 // total amount of bytecode instructions in methods with at least one testcase generated 
          // ...


Our main goal is to find code changes or run conditions related to the reduced UnitTestBot performance. Thus, we collect metadata about each run: the commit hash, the UnitTestBot build number, and also information about the environment (including JDK and build system versions, and other parameters).

The script is responsible for doing this. To run it you have to specify the following arguments.

To get more information about input arguments call script with option --help.

Output format: you get the JSON file, containing metadata, statistics and parameters grouped by target project and classes.

Input example:

--stats_file stats.json --output_file data/meta-stats.json
--commit 66a1aeb6 --branch main
--build 2022.8 --timestamp 1661330445 
--source_type github-action --source_id 2917672580

Output example (statistics followed by metadata):

  "version": 2, // version of json format
  "targets": [ // projects and methods that have been processed
      "target": "guava", // name of project
      "summarised": [ // list of summarised metrics with parameters on each run
          "parameters": {
            "fuzzing_ratio": 0.1, // how long does fuzzing takes
            "class_timeout_sec": 20, // test generation timeout for one class
            "run_timeout_min": 20 // total timeout for this run
          "metrics": {
            "total_classes": 20, // classes count
            "testcases_generated": 1042, // generated unit-tests count
            "classes_failed_to_compile": 0, // classes that's tests are not compilable
            "classes_canceled_by_timeout": 4, // classes that's generation was canceled because of timeout
            "total_methods": 526, // methods count
            "methods_with_at_least_one_testcase_generated": 345, // methods with at least one successfully generated test
            "methods_with_at_least_one_exception": 32, // methods that's generation contains exceptions
            "methods_without_any_tests_and_exceptions": 59, // suspicious methods without any tests and exceptions
            "total_bytecode_instruction_coverage": 0.44486412758, // total bytecode coverage of generated tests
            "total_bytecode_instruction_coverage_by_fuzzing": 0.30909663204, // total bytecode coverage of fuzzing's generated tests
            "total_bytecode_instruction_coverage_by_concolic": 0.36344559857, // total bytecode coverage of concolic's generated tests
            "averaged_bytecode_instruction_coverage_by_classes": 0.5315060991492891 // mean bytecode coverage by class
        // ...
      "by_class": [ // list of metrics and parameters for all classes in project and on each run
          "class_name": "", // name of processed class
          "data": [ // metrics and parameters on each run
              "parameters": { // parameters on this run
                "fuzzing_ratio": 0.1, // how long does fuzzing takes
                "class_timeout_sec": 20, // test generation timeout for one class
                "run_timeout_min": 20 // total timeout for this run
              "metrics": { // metrics for specified class on this run
                "testcases_generated": 91, // amount of generated unit-tests 
                "failed_to_compile": false, // compilation generated tests are failure 
                "canceled_by_timeout": true, // generation is interrupted because of timeout
                "total_methods_in_class": 31, // methods count in this class
                "methods_with_at_least_one_testcase_generated": 26, // methods with at least one successfully generated test
                "methods_with_at_least_one_exception": 0, // methods that's generation contains exceptions
                "methods_without_any_tests_and_exceptions": 5, // suspicious methods without any tests and exceptions
                "total_bytecode_instruction_coverage_in_class": 0.40568654646, // bytecode coverage of generated tests
                "total_bytecode_instruction_coverage_in_class_by_fuzzing": 0.33911234396, // bytecode coverage of fuzzing's generated tests
                "total_bytecode_instruction_coverage_in_class_by_concolic": 0.26074895977 // bytecode coverage of concolic's generated tests
            // ...
        // ...
    // ...
  "metadata": { // device's properties
    "source": { // information about runner
      "type": "github-action",
      "id": "2917672580"
    "commit_hash": "66a1aeb6", // commit hash of used utbot build 
    "branch": "main", // branch of used utbot build
    "build_number": "2022.8", // build number of used utbot build
    "timestamp": 1661330445, // run timestamp
    "date": "2022-08-24T08:40:45", // human-readable run timestamp
    "environment": { // device's environment
      "host": "fv-az183-700",
      "OS": "Linux version #20~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 5 12:16:53 UTC 2022",
      "java_version": "openjdk version \"11.0.16\" 2022-07-19 LTS\nOpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu11.58+15-CA (build 11.0.16+8-LTS)\nOpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu11.58+15-CA (build 11.0.16+8-LTS, mixed mode)\n",
      "gradle_version": "Gradle 7.4.2",
      "JAVA_HOME": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Java_Zulu_jdk+fx/11.0.16-8/x64",
      "KOTLIN_HOME": "/usr",
      "PATH": "/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.13/x64/bin:/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.9.13/x64:/home/runner/gradle-installations/installs/gradle-7.4.2/bin:/opt/hostedtoolcache/Java_Zulu_jdk+fx/11.0.16-8/x64/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/sbin:/home/runner/.local/bin:/opt/pipx_bin:/home/runner/.cargo/bin:/home/runner/.config/composer/vendor/bin:/usr/local/.ghcup/bin:/home/runner/.dotnet/tools:/snap/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin"

Datastorage structure

We store the collected statistics in our repository. You can find two special branches: monitoring-data and monitoring-aggregated-data.

The monitoring-data branch is a storage for raw statistics data as well as metadata.

The filename format: <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>-<hh>-<MM>-<ss>-<branch>-<short commit hash>-<project name>-<runner number>.json



We can use Grafana for more dynamic and detailed statistics visualisation. Grafana pulls data from our repository automatically.

Metrics format

Our goal after collecting statistics is uploading results into grafana. For this we should prepare data and send it to our server.

The script is responsible for doing this. To run it you have to specify the following arguments.

To get more information about input arguments call script with option --help.

Output format: you get the JSON file, containing array of metrics with some labels.

Output example:

  // summarised
    "metric": "testcases_generated",
    "labels": {
      "project": "guava",
      "fuzzing_ratio": 0.1
    "value": 1024
  // ...
  // by classes
    "metric": "testcases_generated",
    "labels": {
      "project": "guava",
      "class": "",
      "fuzzing_ratio": 0.1
    "value": 91
  // ...