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Code generation and rendering

Code generation and rendering are a part of the test generation process in UnitTestBot (find the overall picture in the UnitTestBot architecture overview). UnitTestBot gets the synthetic representation of generated test cases from the fuzzer or the symbolic engine. This representation (or model) is implemented in the UtExecution class.

The codegen module generates the real test code based on this UtExecution model and renders it in a human-readable form in accordance with the requested configuration (considering programming language, testing framework, mocking and parameterization options).

The codegen module

  • converts UtExecution test information into an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) representation using CodeGenerator,
  • renders this AST according to the requested programming language and other configurations using renderer.


Consider the following method under test:

package pack;

public class Example {

    public int maxIfNotEquals(int a, int b) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (a == b) throw new IllegalArgumentException("a == b");
        if (a > b) return a; else return b;

The standard UnitTestBot-generated tests for this method (without test summaries and clustering into regions) look like this:

package pack;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertThrows;

public final class ExampleStandardTest {

    @DisplayName("maxIfNotEquals: a == b : False -> a > b")
    public void testMaxIfNotEquals_AGreaterThanB() {
        Example example = new Example();

        int actual = example.maxIfNotEquals(1, 0);

        assertEquals(1, actual);
    @DisplayName("maxIfNotEquals: a == b -> ThrowIllegalArgumentException")
    public void testMaxIfNotEquals_AEqualsB() {
        Example example = new Example();

        assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> example.maxIfNotEquals(-255, -255));
    @DisplayName("maxIfNotEquals: a < 0, b > 0 -> return 1")
    public void testMaxIfNotEqualsReturnsOne() {
        Example example = new Example();

        int actual = example.maxIfNotEquals(-1, 1);

        assertEquals(1, actual);

Here is an example of the parameterized tests for this method. We also implement the data provider method — the argument source.

package pack;

import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest;
import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.MethodSource;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.Arguments.arguments;

public final class ExampleParameterizedTest {
    public void parameterizedTestsForMaxIfNotEquals(Example example, int a, int b, Integer expectedResult, Class expectedError) {
        try {
            int actual = example.maxIfNotEquals(a, b);

            assertEquals(expectedResult, actual);
        } catch (Throwable throwable) {
    public static ArrayList provideDataForMaxIfNotEquals() {
        ArrayList argList = new ArrayList();

            Example example = new Example();

            Object[] testCaseObjects = new Object[5];
            testCaseObjects[0] = example;
            testCaseObjects[1] = 1;
            testCaseObjects[2] = 0;
            testCaseObjects[3] = 1;
            testCaseObjects[4] = null;
            Example example = new Example();

            Object[] testCaseObjects = new Object[5];
            testCaseObjects[0] = example;
            testCaseObjects[1] = -255;
            testCaseObjects[2] = -128;
            testCaseObjects[3] = -128;
            testCaseObjects[4] = null;
            Example example = new Example();

            Object[] testCaseObjects = new Object[5];
            testCaseObjects[0] = example;
            testCaseObjects[1] = -255;
            testCaseObjects[2] = -255;
            testCaseObjects[3] = null;
            testCaseObjects[4] = IllegalArgumentException.class;

        return argList;


UnitTestBot renders code in accordance with the chosen programming language, testing framework, mocking and parameterization options.

Supported languages for code generation are:

  • Java
  • Kotlin (experimental) — we have significant problems with the support for nullability and generics
  • Python and JavaScript — in active development

Supported testing frameworks are:

  • JUnit 4
  • JUnit 5
  • TestNG (only for the projects with JDK 11 or later)

Supported mocking options are:

  • No mocking
  • Mocking with Mockito framework
  • Mocking static methods with Mockito

Parameterized tests can be generated in Java only. Parameterization is not supported with the mocks enabled or with JUnit 4 chosen as the testing framework.

Entry points

The codegen module gets calls from various UnitTestBot components. The most common scenario is to call codegen from integration tests as well as from the utbot-intellij project and its CodeGenerationController class. The utbot-online and utbot-cli projects call codegen as well.

The codegen entry points are:

  • CodeGenerator.generateAsString()
  • CodeGenerator.generateAsStringWithTestReport()

The latter gets UtExecution information received from the symbolic engine or the fuzzer and converts it into the codegen-related data units, each called CgMethodTestSet. As a result of further processing, the test code is generated as a string with a test generation report (see Reports for details).

Previously, CgMethodTestSet has been considerably different from UtMethodTestSet as it has been using ExecutableId instead of the legacy UtMethod (has been removed recently). For now, CgMethodTestSet contains utility functions required for code generation, mostly for parameterized tests.

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

The codegen module converts UtExecution information to the AST representation. We create one AST per one source class (and one resulting test class). We use our own AST implementation.

We generate a UtUtils class containing a set of utility functions, when they are necessary for a given test class. If the UtUtils class has not been created previously, its AST representation is generated as well. To learn more about the UtUtils class and how it is generated, refer to the design doc.

All the AST elements are CgElement inheritors. CgClassFile is the top level element — it contains CgClass with the required imports.

The class has the body (CgClassBody) as well as minor properties declared: documentation comments, annotations, superclasses, interfaces, etc.

The class body is a set of CgRegion elements, having the header and the corresponding content, which is mostly the set of CgMethod elements.

The further AST levels are created similarly. The AST leaves are CgLiteral, CgVariable, CgLogicalOr, CgEmptyLine, etc.

Test method

The below-mentioned functionality is implemented in CgMethodConstructor.

To create a test method:

  • store the initial values of the static fields and perform the seven steps for creating test method body mentioned later;
  • if the static field values undergo changes, perform these seven steps in the try block and recover these values in the finally block accordingly.

To create test method body:

  1. substitute static fields with local variables
  2. set up instrumentation (get mocking information from UtExecution)
  3. create a variable for the current instance
  4. create variables for method-under-test arguments
  5. record an actual result by calling method under test
  6. generate result assertions
  7. for successful tests, generate field state assertions

Note: generating assertions has pitfalls. In primitive cases, like comparing two integers, we can use the standard assertions of a selected test framework. To compare two objects of an arbitrary type, we need a custom implementation of equality assertion, e.g. using deepEquals(). The deepEquals() method compares object structures field by field. The method is recursive: if the current field is not of the primitive type, we call deepEquals() for this field. The maximum recursion depth is limited.

For the parameterized tests

  • we do not support mocking, so we do not set up the initial environment;
  • we do not generate field state assertions.

UtExecution usually represents a single test scenario, and one UtExecution instance is used to create a single test method. Parameterized tests are supposed to cover several test scenarios, so several UtExecution instances are used for generating test methods.

Generic execution

Parameterization often helps to reveal similarities between test scenarios. The combined outcome is sometimes more expressive. To represent these similarities, we construct generic executions.

Generic execution is a synthetic execution, formed by a group of real executions, that have

  • the same type of result,
  • the same modified static fields.

Otherwise, we create several generic executions and several parameterized tests. The logic of splitting executions into the test sets is implemented in the CgMethodTestSet class.

From the group of UtExecution elements, we take the first successful execution with the non-nullable result. See CgMethodConstructor.chooseGenericExecution() for more details.


We have a general approach for rendering the code of test classes. UtUtils class is rendered differently: we hardcode the required method implementations for the specific code generation language.

All the renderers implement CgVisitor interface. It has a separate visit() method for each supported CgElement item.

There are three renderers:

  • CgAbstractRenderer for elements that are similar in Kotlin and Java
  • CgJavaRenderer for Java-specific elements
  • CgKotlinRenderer for Kotlin-specific elements

Each renderer method visits the current CgElement. It means that all the required instructions are printed properly. If an element contains the other element, the first one delegates rendering to its child.

CgVisitor refers us to the Visitor design pattern. Delegating means asking the child element to accept the renderer and manage it. Then we go through the list of CgElement types to find the first matching visit() method.

Note: the order of CgElement items listed in CgElement.accept() is important.

Rendering may be terminated if the generated code is too long (e.g. due to test generation bugs).


While constructing the test class, we create test generation reports. It contains basic statistical information: the number of generated tests, the number of successful tests, etc. It also may contain information on potential problems like trying to use mocks when mocking framework is not installed.

The report is an HTML string with clickable links.

Note: no test generation reports are created for parameterized tests.


Services help the codegen module to produce human-readable test code.

Name generator

With this service, we create names for variables and methods. It assures avoiding duplicates in names, resolving conflicts with keywords, etc. It also adds suffixes if we process a mock or a static item.

Name generator is called directly from CgStatementConstructor.

Note: if you need a new variable, you should better use this service (e.g. the newVar() method) instead of calling the CgVariable constructor manually.

Framework and language services

Framework services help the codegen module to generate constructions (e.g. assertions) according to a given testing or mocking framework. Language services provide the codegen module with language-specific information on test class extensions, prohibited keywords, etc.

See the Domain file for more framework- and language-specific implementations.


CgFieldStateManager stores the initial and the final environment states for the given method under test. These states are used for generating assertions. Usually, the environment state consists of three parts:

  • current instance state,
  • argument state,
  • static field state.

All the state-related variables are marked as INITIAL or FINAL.


This service helps to validate access. For example, if the current argument list is valid for the method under test, CgCallableAccessManager checks if one can call this method with these arguments without using Reflection.

CgCallableAccessManager analyzes callables as well as fields for accessibility.


CgContext contains context information for code generation. The codegen module uses one context per one test class. CgContext also stores information about the scope for the inner context elements: e.g. when they should be instantiated and cleared. For example, the context of the nested class is the part of the owner class context.

CgContext is the so-called "God object" and should be split into independent storages and helpers. This task seems to be difficult and is postponed for now.