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yida edited this page Nov 12, 2011 · 35 revisions

DARwIn OP Robot comes with Ubuntu 9.10. However we recommend newer vision Ubuntu for performance purpose. This instruction gives an example for Installing Ubuntu 10.10 on DARwIn OP

Install Packages and Dependencies

  1. Install packages through aptitude.
    sudo apt-get install wget build-essential subversion git-core libreadline6-dev lua5.1 liblua5.1-0-dev

Downloading and Installing the Boost headers

  1. Download the latest version of boost from

  2. Extract boost on the darwin.
    tar -xvf boost_1_47_0.tar.bz2

  3. Move the boost folder to the /usr/local/ directory
    sudo mv boost_1_47_0 /usr/local/

  4. Change to the /usr/local/include directory and make a symbolic link to the boost files.
    cd /usr/local/include
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/boost_1_47_0/boost boost

  5. After this, feel free to delete the tarball.
    rm boost_1_47_0.tar.gz

Installing the Open-Source Code

  1. Download the latest version of the DARwIn open-source release at

  2. Copy the tarball to the robot.
    scp upenn_darwinop_1.0.tar.gz [email protected]:~/Desktop

  3. Navigate to the directory in which the code base is stored and run the following:
    tar -xvf upenn_darwinop_1.0.tar.gz

  4. Enter the ‘Lib’ directory of the open-source directory
    cd upenn_darwinop_1.0/Lib

  5. Run the following:
    make clean
    make setup_op

  6. Run the following:
    sudo rm /lib/udev/rules.d/95-upower-wup.rules

  7. Reboot the robot.

Running the Open-Source Code

  1. Navigate to the Lib directory of the open source code.
    cd …./upenn_darwinop_1.0/Lib

  2. Run the following make command:
    make setup_op

  3. Navigate to the Player/Lib directory
    cd …./upenn_darwinop_1.0/Player/Lib

  4. Create a screen from which to run dcm. This will provide a means for the dcm to continue running even after you detach the screen (and even your computer!)
    screen -S dcm

  5. Execute the following command:
    lua run_dcm.lua

  6. Detach the dcm screen.
    ctrl-A ctrl-D in quick succession

  7. Navigate to the Player directory
    cd …./upenn_darwinop_1.0/Player

  8. Create a screen to control the robot.
    screen -S player

  9. Execute a lua script to control the robot. This can be any of test_vision.lua, player.lua, test_walk.lua, etc. In this way, you can also create your own lua scripts.
    Ex: lua player.lua

  10. If you are running player, detach the screen by repeating step 6. Otherwise, continue to step 11.

  11. If you are running a test script, you can now control the robot via the terminal if your script is capable of doing so.

  12. If you are running our supplied player code, you can now exit the ssh session and detach the ethernet cable from the robot. To change states, press the middle button on the DARwIn’s back.

Powering off the Robot

  1. Press the right-button on the DARwIn’s back to kill power to the DARwIn’s motors.

  2. Press the ‘hidden’ power button on the DARwIn’s chest three times.

  3. Wait for the green light on the DARwIn’s back to flash five times.

  4. Turn off the power.

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