Now that you've had more experience with git
GitHub, you might consider going back and
revisiting some of the resources
from Lab 0 including:
- Angular Unit Testing (Karma)
- Angular Routing
- Angular Forms
- Angular Material
- What are environments in Angular
- Angular CLI
- Learn RxJS
- The MongoDB Manual
- MongoDB Java Drivers
- MongoJack
- JSON Generator for generating seed data for testing
We haven't talked much about accessibility, but it's a really important issue in making the web and our apps available to as broad as audience as possible.
Here are some useful resources to explore:
- The Angular accessibility guide
- The U of MN's accessibility info for web developers
- Firefox has a built-in accessibility checker in the "Web Developer" tools
- axe browser extensions
- The WAVE accessibility analyzer
- NoCoffee: A browser extension that simulates a variety of visual impairments