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@typed/maybe -- 7.0.0

Well-typed Maybe data structure

Get it

yarn add @typed/maybe
# or
npm install --save @typed/maybe

API Documentation

All functions are curried!


A JSON-serializable Just data-structure

export interface Just<A> {
  readonly '@typed/Just': A

Just.of<A>(value: A): Just<A>

Creates a Just given a value.

See the code
export function of<A>(value: A): Just<A> {
  return { '@typed/Just': value }

Maybe.of<A>(value: A): Maybe<A>

Creates a Maybe containing a value. If the value is undefined or null a Nothing will be returned. All other values will be wrapped in a Just.

See the code
export const of: <A>(value: A | void) => Maybe<A> = toMaybe


The Nothing type, used in place of nulls or undefined.

export interface Nothing {
  readonly '@typed/Nothing': true
export const Nothing: Nothing = { '@typed/Nothing': true }

ap<A, B>(fn: Maybe<(value: A) => B>, value: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B>

Applies the function contained in a Maybe to the value contained in a second Maybe.

See the code
export const ap: MaybeAp = curry2(__ap)

function __ap<A, B>(fn: Maybe<(value: A) => B>, maybe: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B> {
  return chain(f => map(f, maybe), fn)

export interface MaybeAp {
  <A, B>(fn: Maybe<(value: A) => B>, value: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B>
  <A, B>(fn: Maybe<(value: A) => B>): (value: Maybe<A>) => Maybe<B>

chain<A, B>(f: (value: A) => Maybe<B>, maybe: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B>

Maps a Maybe to another Maybe.

See the code
export const chain: MaybeChain = curry2(__chain)

function __chain<A, B>(f: (value: A) => Maybe<B>, maybe: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B> {
  return isNothing(maybe) ? maybe : f(fromJust(maybe))

export interface MaybeChain {
  <A, B>(f: (value: A) => Maybe<B>, maybe: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B>
  <A, B>(f: (value: A) => Maybe<B>): (maybe: Maybe<A>) => Maybe<B>

combine<A, B, C>(f: (a: A, b: B) => C, a: Maybe<A>, b: Maybe<B>): Maybe<C>

Applies a function with the values contained in 2 Maybes if both are Justs. If either Maybes are Nothing then Nothing is returned.

See the code
export const combine: Combine = curry3(__combine)

export type Combine = {
  <A, B, C>(f: (valueA: A, valueB: B) => C, maybeA: Maybe<A>, maybeB: Maybe<B>): Maybe<C>
  <A, B, C>(f: (valueA: A, valueB: B) => C, maybeA: Maybe<A>): (maybeB: Maybe<B>) => Maybe<C>

  <A, B, C>(f: (valueA: A, valueB: B) => C): {
    (maybeA: Maybe<A>, maybeB: Maybe<B>): Maybe<C>
    (maybeA: Maybe<A>): (maybeB: Maybe<B>) => Maybe<C>

function __combine<A, B, C>(
  f: (valueA: A, valueB: B) => C,
  maybeA: Maybe<A>,
  maybeB: Maybe<B>
): Maybe<C> {
  return combineArray(f, [maybeA, maybeB])

combineArray<R>(f: (...values: Array<any>) => R, maybes: ReadonlyArray<Maybe<any>>): R

Applies a function with all of the values contained in an array of Maybes. If any of the Maybes are Nothings then Nothing is returned.

See the code
export const combineArray = curry2(__combineArray) as CombineArray

function __combineArray<R>(
  f: (...values: Array<any>) => R,
  maybes: ReadonlyArray<Maybe<any>>
): Maybe<R> {
  const containsNothing = maybes.some(isNothing)

  return containsNothing
    ? Nothing
    : Just.of<R>(f(...(maybes as ReadonlyArray<Just<any>>).map(fromJust)))

export type CombineArray = {
  <A, B, C>(f: (valueA: A, valueB: B) => C, maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>]): Maybe<C>
  <A, B, C, D>(
    f: (valueA: A, valueB: B, valueC: C) => D,
    maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>]
  ): Maybe<D>
  <A, B, C, D, E>(
    f: (valueA: A, valueB: B, valueC: C, valueD: D) => E,
    maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>, Maybe<D>]
  ): Maybe<E>
  <A, B, C, D, E, F>(
    f: (valueA: A, valueB: B, valueC: C, valueD: D, valueE: E) => F,
    maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>, Maybe<D>, Maybe<E>]
  ): Maybe<F>
  <A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(
    f: (valueA: A, valueB: B, valueC: C, valueD: D, valueE: E, valueF: F) => G,
    maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>, Maybe<D>, Maybe<E>, Maybe<F>]
  ): Maybe<G>

  <A, B, C>(f: (valueA: A, valueB: B) => C): (maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>]) => Maybe<C>
  <A, B, C, D>(f: (valueA: A, valueB: B, valueC: C) => D): (
    maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>]
  ) => Maybe<D>
  <A, B, C, D, E>(f: (valueA: A, valueB: B, valueC: C, valueD: D) => E): (
    maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>, Maybe<D>]
  ) => Maybe<E>
  <A, B, C, D, E, F>(f: (valueA: A, valueB: B, valueC: C, valueD: D, valueE: E) => F): (
    maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>, Maybe<D>, Maybe<E>]
  ) => Maybe<F>
  <A, B, C, D, E, F, G>(
    f: (valueA: A, valueB: B, valueC: C, valueD: D, valueE: E, valueF: F) => G
  ): (maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>, Maybe<D>, Maybe<E>, Maybe<F>]) => Maybe<G>

  (f: ArrayConstructor): {
    <A, B>(maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>]): Maybe<[A, B]>
    <A, B, C>(maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>]): Maybe<[A, B, C]>
    <A, B, C, D>(maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>, Maybe<D>]): Maybe<[A, B, C, D]>
    <A, B, C, D, E>(maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>, Maybe<D>, Maybe<E>]): Maybe<
      [A, B, C, D, E]
    <A, B, C, D, E, F>(maybes: [Maybe<A>, Maybe<B>, Maybe<C>, Maybe<D>, Maybe<E>, Maybe<F>]): Maybe<
      [A, B, C, D, E, F]

  <R>(f: (...values: Array<any>) => R, maybes: ReadonlyArray<Maybe<any>>): Maybe<R>
  <R>(f: (...values: Array<any>) => R): (maybes: ReadonlyArray<Maybe<any>>) => Maybe<R>

fromJust<A>(just: Just<A>): A

Extract the value contained in a Just

See an example
import { fromJust, Just } from '@typed/maybe'

const value = fromJust(Just.of(1))
console.log(value) // logs '1'
See the code
export function fromJust<A>(just: Just<A>): A {
  return just['@typed/Just']

fromMaybe<A>(defaultValue: A, maybe: Maybe<A>): A

Given a default value and a Maybe returns the default value if the Maybe is a Nothing or the value contained in a Just.

See the code
export const fromMaybe: FromMaybe = curry2(__fromMaybe)

function __fromMaybe<A>(defaultValue: A, maybe: Maybe<A>): A {
  return isJust(maybe) ? fromJust(maybe) : defaultValue

export interface FromMaybe {
  <A>(defaultValue: A, maybe: Maybe<A>): A
  <A>(defaultValue: A): (maybe: Maybe<A>) => A

isJust<A>(maybe: Maybe<A>): maybe is Just<A>

Given a Maybe<A> it returns true if the Maybe<A> is Just<A> or false if it is a Nothing.

See an example
import { isJust, Nothing, Maybe } from '@typed/maybe'

console.log(isJust(Nothing)) // logs false
console.log(isJust(Maybe.of(1))) // logs true
See the code
export function isJust<A>(maybe: Maybe<A>): maybe is Just<A> {
  return maybe.hasOwnProperty('@typed/Just')

isNothing<A>(maybe: Maybe<A>): maybe is Nothing

Given a Maybe<A> it returns false if the Maybe<A> is Just<A> or true if it is a Nothing.

See an example
import { isNothing, Maybe, Nothing } from '@typed/maybe'

console.log(isNothing(Nothing)) // logs true
console.log(isNothing(Maybe.of(1))) // logs false
See the code
export function isNothing<A>(maybe: Maybe<A>): maybe is Nothing {
  return (maybe as Nothing)['@typed/Nothing'] === true

map<A, B>(f: (value: A) => B, maybe: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B>

Applies a function to the value possibly contained in a Maybe. If the maybe is a Nothing just the Nothing is returned.

See the code
export const map: MaybeMap = curry2(__map)

function __map<A, B>(f: (value: A) => B, maybe: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B> {
  return chain(a => Maybe.of(f(a)), maybe)

export interface MaybeMap {
  <A, B>(f: (value: A) => B, maybe: Maybe<A>): Maybe<B>
  <A, B>(f: (value: A) => B): (maybe: Maybe<A>) => Maybe<B>