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Improve planar layer (#158)
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devmotion authored Jan 9, 2021
1 parent 06fa669 commit ca4069a
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Showing 6 changed files with 96 additions and 151 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
name = "Bijectors"
uuid = "76274a88-744f-5084-9051-94815aaf08c4"
version = "0.8.11"
version = "0.8.12"

ArgCheck = "dce04be8-c92d-5529-be00-80e4d2c0e197"
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/Bijectors.jl
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Expand Up @@ -241,6 +241,7 @@ function getlogp(d::InverseWishart, Xcf, X)
return -0.5 * ((d.df + dim(d) + 1) * logdet(Xcf) + tr(Xcf \ Ψ)) + d.logc0


# Broadcasting here breaks Tracker for some reason
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134 changes: 84 additions & 50 deletions src/bijectors/planar_layer.jl
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ using NNlib: softplus

# TODO: add docstring

mutable struct PlanarLayer{T1<:AbstractVector{<:Real}, T2<:Union{Real, AbstractVector{<:Real}}} <: Bijector{1}
struct PlanarLayer{T1<:AbstractVector{<:Real}, T2<:Union{Real, AbstractVector{<:Real}}} <: Bijector{1}
Expand All @@ -23,74 +23,103 @@ function Base.:(==)(b1::PlanarLayer, b2::PlanarLayer)
return b1.w == b2.w && b1.u == b2.u && b1.b == b2.b

function get_u_hat(u, w)
# To preserve invertibility
x = w' * u
return u .+ (planar_flow_m(x) - x) .* w ./ sum(abs2, w) # from A.1

function PlanarLayer(dims::Int, wrapper=identity)
w = wrapper(randn(dims))
u = wrapper(randn(dims))
b = wrapper(randn(1))
return PlanarLayer(w, u, b)

planar_flow_m(x) = -1 + softplus(x) # for planar flow from A.1
ψ(z, w, b) = (1 .- tanh.(w' * z .+ b).^2) .* w # for planar flow from eq(11)
get_u_hat(u::AbstractVector{<:Real}, w::AbstractVector{<:Real})
# An internal version of transform that returns intermediate variables
function _transform(flow::PlanarLayer, z::AbstractVecOrMat)
return _planar_transform(flow.u, flow.w, first(flow.b), z)
function _planar_transform(u, w, b, z)
u_hat = get_u_hat(u, w)
transformed = z .+ u_hat .* tanh.(w' * z .+ b) # from eq(10)
return (transformed = transformed, u_hat = u_hat)
Return a tuple of vector ``û`` that guarantees invertibility of the planar layer, and
scalar ``wᵀ û``.
(b::PlanarLayer)(z) = _transform(b, z).transformed
# Mathematical background
function forward(flow::PlanarLayer, z::AbstractVecOrMat)
transformed, u_hat = _transform(flow, z)
# Compute log_det_jacobian
psi = ψ(z, flow.w, first(flow.b)) .+ zero(eltype(u_hat))
if psi isa AbstractVector
T = eltype(psi)
T = typeof(vec(psi))
log_det_jacobian::T = log.(abs.(1 .+ psi' * u_hat)) # from eq(12)
return (rv = transformed, logabsdetjac = log_det_jacobian)
According to appendix A.1, vector ``û`` defined by
û(w, u) = u + (\\log(1 + \\exp{(wᵀu)}) - 1 - wᵀu) \\frac{w}{\\|w\\|²}
guarantees that the planar layer ``f(z) = z + û tanh(wᵀz + b)`` is invertible for all ``w, u ∈ ℝᵈ`` and ``b ∈ ℝ``.
We can rewrite ``û`` as
û = u + (\\log(1 + \\exp{(-wᵀu)}) - 1) \\frac{w}{\\|w\\|²}.
Additionally, we obtain
wᵀû = wᵀu + \\log(1 + \\exp{(-wᵀu)}) - 1 = \\log(1 + \\exp{(wᵀu)}) - 1.
# References
D. Rezende, S. Mohamed (2015): Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows.
function get_u_hat(u::AbstractVector{<:Real}, w::AbstractVector{<:Real})
wT_u = dot(w, u)
= u .+ ((softplus(-wT_u) - 1) / sum(abs2, w)) .* w
wT_û = softplus(wT_u) - 1
return û, wT_û

function (ib::Inverse{<:PlanarLayer})(y::AbstractVector{<:Real})
flow = ib.orig
# An internal version of the transform in eq. (10) that returns intermediate variables
function _transform(flow::PlanarLayer, z::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real})
w = flow.w
b = first(flow.b)
u_hat = get_u_hat(flow.u, w)
û, wT_û = get_u_hat(flow.u, w)
wT_z = aT_b(w, z)
transformed = z .+.* tanh.(wT_z .+ b)
return (transformed = transformed, wT_û = wT_û, wT_z = wT_z)

(b::PlanarLayer)(z) = _transform(b, z).transformed

Log-determinant of the Jacobian of the planar layer
The log-determinant of the Jacobian of the planar layer ``f(z) = z + û tanh(wᵀz + b)``
is given by
\\log |det ∂f(z)/∂z| = \\log |1 + ûᵀsech²(wᵀz + b)w| = \\log |1 + sech²(wᵀz + b) wᵀû|.
Since ``0 < sech²(x) ≤ 1`` and
wᵀû = wᵀu + \\log(1 + \\exp{(-wᵀu)}) - 1 = \\log(1 + \\exp{(wᵀu)}) - 1 > -1,
we get
\\log |det ∂f(z)/∂z| = \\log(1 + sech²(wᵀz + b) wᵀû).
function forward(flow::PlanarLayer, z::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real})
transformed, wT_û, wT_z = _transform(flow, z)

# Find the scalar ``alpha`` from A.1.
wt_y = dot(w, y)
wt_u_hat = dot(w, u_hat)
alpha = find_alpha(wt_y, wt_u_hat, b)
# Compute ``\\log |det ∂f(z)/∂z|`` (see above).
b = first(flow.b)
log_det_jacobian = log1p.(wT_û .* abs2.(sech.(_vec(wT_z) .+ b)))

return y .- u_hat .* tanh(alpha + b)
return (rv = transformed, logabsdetjac = log_det_jacobian)

function (ib::Inverse{<:PlanarLayer})(y::AbstractMatrix{<:Real})
function (ib::Inverse{<:PlanarLayer})(y::AbstractVecOrMat{<:Real})
flow = ib.orig
w = flow.w
b = first(flow.b)
u_hat = get_u_hat(flow.u, flow.w)
û, wT_û = get_u_hat(flow.u, w)

# Find the scalar ``alpha`` from A.1 for each column.
wt_u_hat = dot(w, u_hat)
alphas = mapvcat(eachcol(y)) do c
find_alpha(dot(w, c), wt_u_hat, b)
# Find the scalar ``α`` by solving ``wᵀy = α + wᵀû tanh(α + b)``
# (eq. (23) from appendix A.1).
wT_y = aT_b(w, y)
α = find_alpha.(wT_y, wT_û, b)

# Compute ``z = y - û tanh(α + b)``.
z = y .-.* tanh.(α .+ b)

return y .- u_hat .* tanh.(reshape(alphas, 1, :) .+ b)
return z

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,16 +150,21 @@ which implies ``α̂ ∈ [wt_y - |wt_u_hat|, wt_y + |wt_u_hat|]``.
D. Rezende, S. Mohamed (2015): Variational Inference with Normalizing Flows.
function find_alpha(wt_y, wt_u_hat, b)
# Compute the initial bracket.
function find_alpha(wt_y::Real, wt_u_hat::Real, b::Real)
# Compute the initial bracket
_wt_y, _wt_u_hat, _b = promote(wt_y, wt_u_hat, b)
initial_bracket = (_wt_y - abs(_wt_u_hat), _wt_y + abs(_wt_u_hat))

# Try to solve the root-finding problem, i.e., compute a final bracket
prob = NonlinearSolve.NonlinearProblem{false}(initial_bracket) do α, _
α + _wt_u_hat * tanh+ _b) - _wt_y
alpha = NonlinearSolve.solve(prob, NonlinearSolve.Falsi()).left
return alpha
sol = NonlinearSolve.solve(prob, NonlinearSolve.Falsi())
if sol.retcode === NonlinearSolve.MAXITERS_EXCEED
@warn "Planar layer: root finding algorithm did not converge" sol

return sol.left

logabsdetjac(flow::PlanarLayer, x) = forward(flow, x).logabsdetjac
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96 changes: 0 additions & 96 deletions src/compat/tracker.jl
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Expand Up @@ -225,102 +225,6 @@ end

for header in [
(:(u::TrackedArray), :w),
(:u, :(w::TrackedArray)),
(:(u::TrackedArray), :(w::TrackedArray)),
@eval begin
function get_u_hat($(header...))
if u isa TrackedArray
T = typeof(u)
T = typeof(w)
x = w' * u
return (u .+ (planar_flow_m(x) - x) .* w ./ sum(abs2, w))::T

for header in [
(:(z::TrackedArray), :w, :b),
(:z, :(w::TrackedArray), :b),
(:z, :w, :(b::TrackedReal)),
(:(z::TrackedArray), :(w::TrackedArray), :b),
(:(z::TrackedArray), :w, :(b::TrackedReal)),
(:z, :(w::TrackedArray), :(b::TrackedReal)),
(:(z::TrackedArray), :(w::TrackedArray), :(b::TrackedReal)),
@eval begin
function ψ($(header...))
if z isa AbstractMatrix
if z isa TrackedMatrix
T = typeof(z)
elseif w isa TrackedVector
T = matrixof(typeof(w))
T = matrixof(typeof(b))
if z isa TrackedVector
T = typeof(z)
elseif w isa TrackedVector
T = typeof(w)
T = vectorof(typeof(b))
return ((1 .- tanh.(w' * z .+ b).^2) .* w)::T # for planar flow from eq(11)

for header in [
(:(u::TrackedArray), :w, :b, :(z::AbstractVecOrMat)),
(:u, :(w::TrackedArray), :b, :(z::AbstractVecOrMat)),
(:u, :w, :(b::TrackedReal), :(z::AbstractVecOrMat)),
(:u, :w, :b, :(z::TrackedVecOrMat)),
(:(u::TrackedArray), :(w::TrackedArray), :b, :(z::AbstractVecOrMat)),
(:(u::TrackedArray), :w, :(b::TrackedReal), :(z::AbstractVecOrMat)),
(:(u::TrackedArray), :w, :b, :(z::TrackedVecOrMat)),
(:u, :(w::TrackedArray), :(b::TrackedReal), :(z::AbstractVecOrMat)),
(:u, :(w::TrackedArray), :b, :(z::TrackedVecOrMat)),
(:u, :w, :(b::TrackedArray), :(z::TrackedVecOrMat)),
(:(u::TrackedArray), :(w::TrackedArray), :(b::TrackedReal), :(z::AbstractVecOrMat)),
(:(u::TrackedArray), :(w::TrackedArray), :b, :(z::TrackedVecOrMat)),
(:(u::TrackedArray), :w, :(b::TrackedReal), :(z::TrackedVecOrMat)),
(:u, :(w::TrackedArray), :(b::TrackedReal), :(z::TrackedVecOrMat)),
(:(u::TrackedArray), :(w::TrackedArray), :(b::TrackedReal), :(z::TrackedVecOrMat)),
@eval begin
function _planar_transform($(header...))
u_hat = get_u_hat(u, w)
if z isa AbstractVector
temp = w' * z + b + zero(eltype(u_hat))
if z isa TrackedVector
T = typeof(z)
elseif u_hat isa TrackedVector
T = typeof(u_hat)
T = vectorof(typeof(temp))
temp = w' * z .+ (b + zero(eltype(u_hat)))
if z isa TrackedMatrix
T = typeof(z)
elseif u_hat isa TrackedVector
T = matrixof(typeof(u_hat))
T = matrixof(typeof(temp'))
transformed::T = z .+ u_hat .* tanh.(temp) # from eq(10)
return (transformed = transformed, u_hat = u_hat)

for header in [
(:(α_::TrackedReal), , :z_0, :(z::AbstractVector)),
(:α_, :(β::TrackedReal), :z_0, :(z::AbstractVector)),
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8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions src/utils.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# `permutedims` seems to work better with AD (cf. KernelFunctions.jl)
aT_b(a::AbstractVector{<:Real}, b::AbstractMatrix{<:Real}) = permutedims(a) * b
# `permutedims` can't be used here since scalar output is desired
aT_b(a::AbstractVector{<:Real}, b::AbstractVector{<:Real}) = dot(a, b)

# flatten arrays with fallback for scalars
_vec(x::AbstractArray{<:Real}) = vec(x)
_vec(x::Real) = x
6 changes: 2 additions & 4 deletions test/interface.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -255,12 +255,10 @@ end
# FIXME: `SimplexBijector` results in ∞ gradient if not in the domain
if !contains(t -> t isa SimplexBijector, b)
b_logjac_ad = [logabsdet(ForwardDiff.jacobian(b, xs[:, i]))[1] for i = 1:size(xs, 2)]
tol = isclosedform(b) ? 1e-9 : 1e-1
@test logabsdetjac(b, xs) b_logjac_ad rtol=tol atol=tol
@test logabsdetjac(b, xs) b_logjac_ad atol=1e-9

ib_logjac_ad = [logabsdet(ForwardDiff.jacobian(ib, ys[:, i]))[1] for i = 1:size(ys, 2)]
tol = isclosedform(ib) ? 1e-9 : 1e-1
@test logabsdetjac(ib, ys) ib_logjac_ad rtol=tol atol=tol
@test logabsdetjac(ib, ys) ib_logjac_ad atol=1e-9
error("tests not implemented yet")
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