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using Plots -x = [1, 2, 3] -y = [2, 5, 1] +# Parameters +Parameters = @NamedTuple begin + a::Float64 + q::Float64 + r::Float64 +end + +a = 0.9 # Scale +q = 0.32 # State variance +r = 1 # Observation variance +Tₘ = 300 # Number of observation +Nₚ = 50 # Number of particles +Nₛ = 1000 # Number of samples +seed = 9 # Reproduce everything + +θ₀ = Parameters((a, q, r)) + +mutable struct NonLinearTimeSeries <: AdvancedPS.AbstractStateSpaceModel + X::Vector{Float64} + θ::Parameters + NonLinearTimeSeries(θ::Parameters) = new(Vector{Float64}(), θ) + NonLinearTimeSeries() = new(Vector{Float64}(), θ₀) +end + +f(m::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, t) = Normal(m.θ.a * state, m.θ.q) # Transition density +g(m::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, t) = Normal(state, m.θ.r) # Observation density +f₀(m::NonLinearTimeSeries) = Normal(0, m.θ.q / (1 - m.θ.a^2)) # Initial state density + +AdvancedPS.initialization(model::NonLinearTimeSeries) = f₀(model) +AdvancedPS.transition(model::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, step) = f(model, state, step) +function AdvancedPS.observation(model::NonLinearTimeSeries, state, step) + return logpdf(g(model, state, step), y[step]) +end # Return log-pdf of the obs +AdvancedPS.isdone(::NonLinearTimeSeries, step) = step > Tₘ + +# Generate some synthetic data +rng = Random.MersenneTwister(seed) + +x = zeros(Tₘ) +y = zeros(Tₘ) + +reference = NonLinearTimeSeries(θ₀) # Reference model +x[1] = rand(rng, f₀(reference)) +for t in 1:Tₘ + if t < Tₘ + x[t + 1] = rand(rng, f(reference, x[t], t)) + end + y[t] = rand(rng, g(reference, x[t], t)) +end + +plot(x; label="x", color=:black) +plot(y; label="y", color=:black) + +# Setup up a particle Gibbs sampler +model = NonLinearTimeSeries(θ₀) +pgas = AdvancedPS.PGAS(Nₚ) +chains = sample(rng, model, pgas, Nₛ) + +particles = hcat([chain.trajectory.model.X for chain in chains]...) # Concat all sampled states +mean_trajectory = mean(particles; dims=2) + +scatter(particles; label=false, opacity=0.01, color=:black) +plot!(x; color=:red, label="Original Trajectory") +plot!(mean_trajectory; color=:blue, label="Posterior mean", opacity=0.9) -plot(x, y) +# Compute mixing rate +update_rate = sum(abs.(diff(particles; dims=2)) .> 0; dims=2) / Nₛ +plot(update_rate; label=false, ylim=[0, 1]) +hline!([1 - 1 / Nₚ]; label=false) diff --git a/src/AdvancedPS.jl b/src/AdvancedPS.jl index e1c7832d..c0abcfb2 100644 --- a/src/AdvancedPS.jl +++ b/src/AdvancedPS.jl @@ -7,10 +7,15 @@ using Random: Random using StatsFuns: StatsFuns using Random123: Random123 +""" Abstract type for an abstract model formulated in the state space form +""" +abstract type AbstractStateSpaceModel <: AbstractMCMC.AbstractModel end + include("resampling.jl") include("rng.jl") +include("model.jl") include("container.jl") +include("pgas.jl") include("smc.jl") -include("model.jl") end diff --git a/src/container.jl b/src/container.jl index e621a21f..bc0697fe 100644 --- a/src/container.jl +++ b/src/container.jl @@ -1,82 +1,13 @@ -struct Trace{F,R<:TracedRNG} - f::F - task::Libtask.TapedTask - rng::R -end - -const Particle = Trace - -function Trace(f, rng::TracedRNG) - task = Libtask.TapedTask(f, rng) - - # add backward reference - newtrace = Trace(f, task, rng) - addreference!(task.task, newtrace) - - return newtrace -end - -function Trace(f, task::Libtask.TapedTask) - return Trace(f, task, TracedRNG()) -end - -# Copy task -Base.copy(trace::Trace) = Trace(trace.f, copy(trace.task), deepcopy(trace.rng)) - # step to the next observe statement and # return the log probability of the transition (or nothing if done) -function advance!(t::Trace, isref::Bool) +function advance!(t::GenericTrace, isref::Bool=false) isref ? load_state!(t.rng) : save_state!(t.rng) inc_counter!(t.rng) # Move to next step - return Libtask.consume(t.task) + return Libtask.consume(t.model.ctask) end -# reset log probability -reset_logprob!(t::Trace) = nothing - -reset_model(f) = deepcopy(f) -delete_retained!(f) = nothing - -# Task copying version of fork for Trace. -function fork(trace::Trace, isref::Bool=false) - newtrace = copy(trace) - isref && delete_retained!(newtrace.f) - - # add backward reference - addreference!(newtrace.task.task, newtrace) - - return newtrace -end - -# PG requires keeping all randomness for the reference particle -# Create new task and copy randomness -function forkr(trace::Trace) - newf = reset_model(trace.f) - Random123.set_counter!(trace.rng, 1) - - task = Libtask.TapedTask(newf, trace.rng) - - # add backward reference - newtrace = Trace(newf, task, trace.rng) - addreference!(task.task, newtrace) - - return newtrace -end - -# create a backward reference in task_local_storage -function addreference!(task::Task, trace::Trace) - if task.storage === nothing - task.storage = IdDict() - end - task.storage[:__trace] = trace - - return task -end - -current_trace() = current_task().storage[:__trace] - """ Data structure for particle filters - `effectiveSampleSize(pc :: ParticleContainer)`: Return the effective sample size of the particles in `pc` @@ -135,6 +66,13 @@ function Base.copy(pc::ParticleContainer) return ParticleContainer(vals, logWs, rng) end +""" + update_ref!(particle::Trace, pc::ParticleContainer) + +Update reference trajectory. Defaults to `nothing` +""" +update_ref!(particle::Trace, pc::ParticleContainer) = nothing + """ reset_logweights!(pc::ParticleContainer) @@ -237,19 +175,16 @@ of the particle `weights`. For Particle Gibbs sampling, one can provide a refere `ref` that is ensured to survive the resampling step. """ function resample_propagate!( - rng::Random.AbstractRNG, + ::Random.AbstractRNG, pc::ParticleContainer, - randcat=resample_systematic, + randcat=DEFAULT_RESAMPLER, ref::Union{Particle,Nothing}=nothing; weights=getweights(pc), ) - # check that weights are not NaN - @assert !any(isnan, weights) - # sample ancestor indices n = length(pc) nresamples = ref === nothing ? n : n - 1 - indx = randcat(rng, weights, nresamples) + indx = randcat(pc.rng, weights, nresamples) # count number of children for each particle num_children = zeros(Int, n) @@ -263,16 +198,18 @@ function resample_propagate!( j = 0 @inbounds for i in 1:n ni = num_children[i] - if ni > 0 # fork first child pi = particles[i] isref = pi === ref p = isref ? fork(pi, isref) : pi - nseeds = isref ? ni - 1 : ni - seeds = split(p.rng.rng.key, nseeds) - !isref && Random.seed!(p.rng, seeds[1]) + key = isref ? safe_get_refseed(ref.rng) : state(p.rng.rng) # Pick up the alternative rng stream if using the reference particle + nsplits = isref ? ni + 1 : ni # We need one more seed to refresh the alternative rng stream + seeds = split(key, nsplits) + isref && safe_set_refseed!(ref.rng, seeds[end]) # Refresh the alternative rng stream + + Random.seed!(p.rng, seeds[1]) children[j += 1] = p # fork additional children @@ -287,6 +224,7 @@ function resample_propagate!( if ref !== nothing # Insert the retained particle. This is based on the replaying trick for efficiency # reasons. If we implement PG using task copying, we need to store Nx * T particles! + update_ref!(ref, pc) @inbounds children[n] = ref end diff --git a/src/model.jl b/src/model.jl index d2028389..d33e2ba9 100644 --- a/src/model.jl +++ b/src/model.jl @@ -1,3 +1,90 @@ +""" + GenericModel{F} + +State wrapper to hold `Libtask.CTask` model initiated from `f` +""" +struct GenericModel{F} <: AbstractMCMC.AbstractModel + f::F + ctask::Libtask.TapedTask{F} +end + +GenericModel(f, args...) = GenericModel(f, Libtask.TapedTask(f, args...)) +Base.copy(model::GenericModel) = GenericModel(model.f, copy(model.ctask)) + +""" + Trace{F,R} +""" +struct Trace{F,R} + model::F + rng::R + + Trace(model::F, rng::R) where {F,R} = new{F,R}(model, rng) # Bring back the default since we override + + function Trace(model::F, rng::R) where {F<:GenericModel,R} + # add backward reference + newtrace = new{F,R}(model, rng) + addreference!(model.ctask.task, newtrace) + return newtrace + end +end + +const Particle = Trace + +const SSMTrace{R} = Trace{<:AbstractStateSpaceModel,R} +const GenericTrace{R} = Trace{<:GenericModel,R} + +# Copy task +Base.copy(trace::GenericTrace) = Trace(copy(trace.model), deepcopy(trace.rng)) + +# create a backward reference in task_local_storage +function addreference!(task::Task, trace::GenericTrace) + if task.storage === nothing + task.storage = IdDict() + end + task.storage[:__trace] = trace + + return task +end + +current_trace() = current_task().storage[:__trace] + +# Task copying version of fork for Trace. +function fork(trace::GenericTrace, isref::Bool=false) + newtrace = copy(trace) + isref && delete_retained!(newtrace.model.f) + + # add backward reference + addreference!(newtrace.model.ctask.task, newtrace) + return newtrace +end + +# PG requires keeping all randomness for the reference particle +# Create new task and copy randomness +function forkr(trace::GenericTrace) + newf = reset_model(trace.model.f) + Random123.set_counter!(trace.rng, 1) + + ctask = Libtask.TapedTask(newf, trace.rng) + new_tapedmodel = GenericModel(newf, ctask) + + # add backward reference + newtrace = Trace(new_tapedmodel, trace.rng) + addreference!(ctask.task, newtrace) + gen_refseed!(newtrace) + return newtrace +end + +function gen_refseed!(part::Particle) + seed = split(state(part.rng.rng), 1) + return safe_set_refseed!(part.rng, seed[1]) +end + +# reset log probability +reset_logprob!(::Particle) = nothing + +reset_model(f) = deepcopy(f) +delete_retained!(f) = nothing + """ observe(dist::Distribution, x) diff --git a/src/pgas.jl b/src/pgas.jl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1ed2a838 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/pgas.jl @@ -0,0 +1,151 @@ +""" + initialization(model::AbstractStateSpaceModel) + +Define the distribution of the initial state of the State Space Model +""" +function initialization end + +""" + transition(model::AbstractStateSpaceModel, state, step) + +Define the transition density of the State Space Model +Must return `nothing` if it consumed all the data +""" +function transition end + +""" + observation(model::AbstractStateSpaceModel, state, step) + +Return the log-likelihood of the observed measurement conditional on the current state of the model. +Must return `nothing` if it consumed all the data +""" +function observation end + +""" + isdone(model::AbstractStateSpaceModel, step) + +Return `true` if model reached final state else `false` +""" +function isdone end + +""" + previous_state(trace::SSMTrace) + +Return `Xₜ₋₁` or `nothing` from `model` +""" +function previous_state(trace::SSMTrace) + return trace.model.X[current_step(trace) - 1] +end + +function past_idx(trace::SSMTrace) + return 1:(current_step(trace) - 1) +end + +""" + current_step(model::AbstractStateSpaceModel) + +Return current model step +""" +current_step(trace::SSMTrace) = trace.rng.count + +""" + transition_logweight(model::AbstractStateSpaceModel, x) + +Get the log weight of the transition from previous state of `model` to `x` +""" +function transition_logweight(particle::SSMTrace, x) + score = Distributions.logpdf( + transition( + particle.model, + particle.model.X[current_step(particle) - 2], + current_step(particle) - 2, + ), + x, + ) + return score +end + +""" + get_ancestor_logweights(pc::ParticleContainer{F,R}, x) where {F<:SSMTrace,R} + +Get the ancestor log weights for each particle in `pc` +""" +function get_ancestor_logweights(pc::ParticleContainer{<:SSMTrace}, x, weights) + nparticles = length(pc.vals) + + logweights = map(1:nparticles) do i + transition_logweight(pc.vals[i], x) + weights[i] + end + return logweights +end + +""" + advance!(particle::SSMTrace, isref::Bool=false) + +Return the log-probability of the transition nothing if done +""" +function advance!(particle::SSMTrace, isref::Bool=false) + isref ? load_state!(particle.rng) : save_state!(particle.rng) + + model = particle.model + running_step = current_step(particle) + isdone(model, running_step) && return nothing + + if !isref + if running_step == 1 + new_state = rand(particle.rng, initialization(model)) # Generate initial state, maybe fallback to 0 if initialization is not defined + else + current_state = model.X[running_step - 1] + new_state = rand(particle.rng, transition(model, current_state, running_step)) + end + else + new_state = model.X[running_step] # We need the current state from the reference particle + end + + score = observation(model, new_state, running_step) + + # accept transition + !isref && push!(model.X, new_state) + inc_counter!(particle.rng) # Increase rng counter, we use it as the model `time` index instead of handling two distinct counters + + return score +end + +function truncate!(particle::SSMTrace) + model = particle.model + idx = past_idx(particle) + model.X = model.X[idx] + particle.rng.keys = particle.rng.keys[idx] + return model +end + +function fork(particle::SSMTrace, isref::Bool) + model = deepcopy(particle.model) + new_particle = Trace(model, deepcopy(particle.rng)) + isref && truncate!(new_particle) # Forget the rest of the reference trajectory + return new_particle +end + +function forkr(particle::SSMTrace) + Random123.set_counter!(particle.rng, 1) + newtrace = Trace(deepcopy(particle.model), deepcopy(particle.rng)) + gen_refseed!(newtrace) + return newtrace +end + +function update_ref!(ref::SSMTrace, pc::ParticleContainer{<:SSMTrace}) + current_step(ref) <= 2 && return nothing # At the beginning of step + 1 since we start at 1 + isdone(ref.model, current_step(ref)) && return nothing + + ancestor_weights = get_ancestor_logweights( + pc, ref.model.X[current_step(ref) - 1], pc.logWs + ) + norm_weights = StatsFuns.softmax(ancestor_weights) + + ancestor_index = rand(pc.rng, Distributions.Categorical(norm_weights)) + ancestor = pc.vals[ancestor_index] + + idx = past_idx(ref) + ref.model.X[idx] = ancestor.model.X[idx] + return ref.rng.keys[idx] = ancestor.rng.keys[idx] +end diff --git a/src/resampling.jl b/src/resampling.jl index 6ad00291..96969876 100644 --- a/src/resampling.jl +++ b/src/resampling.jl @@ -7,21 +7,6 @@ # - http://people.isy.liu.se/rt/schon/Publications/HolSG2006.pdf # Code adapted from: http://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/24968-resampling-methods-for-particle-filtering -""" - ResampleWithESSThreshold{R,T<:Real} - -Perform resampling using `R` if the effective sample size is below `T`. -By default we use `resample_systematic` with a threshold of 0.5 -""" -struct ResampleWithESSThreshold{R,T<:Real} - resampler::R - threshold::T -end - -function ResampleWithESSThreshold(resampler=resample_systematic) - return ResampleWithESSThreshold(resampler, 0.5) -end - # More stable, faster version of rand(Categorical) function randcat(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, p::AbstractVector{<:Real}) T = eltype(p) @@ -196,3 +181,24 @@ function resample_systematic( return samples end + +const DEFAULT_RESAMPLER = resample_systematic + +""" + ResampleWithESSThreshold{R,T<:Real} + +Perform resampling using `R` if the effective sample size is below `T`. +By default we use `resample_systematic` with a threshold of 0.5 +""" +struct ResampleWithESSThreshold{R,T<:Real} + resampler::R + threshold::T +end + +function ResampleWithESSThreshold(resampler=DEFAULT_RESAMPLER) + return ResampleWithESSThreshold(resampler, 0.5) +end + +function ResampleWithESSThreshold(threshold::T) where {T<:Real} + return ResampleWithESSThreshold(DEFAULT_RESAMPLER, threshold) +end diff --git a/src/rng.jl b/src/rng.jl index 62d9637f..83d0cb9e 100644 --- a/src/rng.jl +++ b/src/rng.jl @@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ mutable struct TracedRNG{R,N,T<:Random123.AbstractR123} <: Random.AbstractRNG rng::T "Array of keys" keys::Array{R,N} + "Reference particle alternative seed" + refseed::Union{R,Nothing} end """ @@ -21,7 +23,7 @@ Create a `TracedRNG` with `r` as the inner RNG. """ function TracedRNG(r::Random123.AbstractR123=_BASE_RNG()) Random123.set_counter!(r, 0) - return TracedRNG(1, r, Random123.seed_type(r)[]) + return TracedRNG(1, r, Random123.seed_type(r)[], nothing) end # Connect to the Random API @@ -86,7 +88,21 @@ end state(rng::Random123.Philox2x) = rng.key state(rng::Random123.Philox4x) = (rng.key1, rng.key2) -Base.copy(r::TracedRNG) = TracedRNG(r.count, copy(r.rng), deepcopy(r.keys)) +function Base.copy(rng::TracedRNG) + return TracedRNG(rng.count, copy(rng.rng), deepcopy(rng.keys), rng.refseed) +end + +# Add an extra seed to the reference particle keys array to use as an alternative stream +# (we don't need to tack this one) +# +# We have to be careful when spliting the reference particle. +# Since we don't know the seed tree from the previous SMC run we cannot reuse any of the intermediate seed +# in the TracedRNG container. We might collide with a previous seed and the children particle would collapse +# to the reference particle. A solution to solve this is to have an extra stream attached to the reference particle +# that we only use to seed the children of the reference particle. +# +safe_set_refseed!(rng::TracedRNG{R}, seed::R) where {R} = rng.refseed = seed +safe_get_refseed(rng::TracedRNG) = rng.refseed """ set_counter!(r::TracedRNG, n::Integer) diff --git a/src/smc.jl b/src/smc.jl index e885a226..f8e525d8 100644 --- a/src/smc.jl +++ b/src/smc.jl @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ SMC(nparticles::Int) = SMC(nparticles, ResampleWithESSThreshold()) function SMC(nparticles::Int, resampler, threshold::Real) return SMC(nparticles, ResampleWithESSThreshold(resampler, threshold)) end -SMC(nparticles::Int, threshold::Real) = SMC(nparticles, resample_systematic, threshold) +SMC(nparticles::Int, threshold::Real) = SMC(nparticles, DEFAULT_RESAMPLER, threshold) struct SMCSample{P,W,L} trajectories::P @@ -37,10 +37,14 @@ function AbstractMCMC.sample( @warn "keyword arguments $(keys(kwargs)) are not supported by `SMC`" end + traces = map(1:(sampler.nparticles)) do i + trng = TracedRNG() + tmodel = GenericModel(model, trng) + Trace(tmodel, trng) + end + # Create a set of particles. - particles = ParticleContainer( - [Trace(model, TracedRNG()) for _ in 1:(sampler.nparticles)], TracedRNG(), rng - ) + particles = ParticleContainer(traces, TracedRNG(), rng) # Perform particle sweep. logevidence = sweep!(rng, particles, sampler.resampler) @@ -70,7 +74,7 @@ PG(nparticles::Int) = PG(nparticles, ResampleWithESSThreshold()) function PG(nparticles::Int, resampler, threshold::Real) return PG(nparticles, ResampleWithESSThreshold(resampler, threshold)) end -PG(nparticles::Int, threshold::Real) = PG(nparticles, resample_systematic, threshold) +PG(nparticles::Int, threshold::Real) = PG(nparticles, DEFAULT_RESAMPLER, threshold) struct PGState{T} trajectory::T @@ -81,50 +85,74 @@ struct PGSample{T,L} logevidence::L end +struct PGAS{R} <: AbstractMCMC.AbstractSampler + """Number of particles.""" + nparticles::Int + """Resampling algorithm.""" + resampler::R +end + +PGAS(nparticles::Int) = PGAS(nparticles, ResampleWithESSThreshold(1.0)) + function AbstractMCMC.step( - rng::Random.AbstractRNG, model::AbstractMCMC.AbstractModel, sampler::PG; kwargs... + rng::Random.AbstractRNG, + model::AbstractMCMC.AbstractModel, + sampler::PG, + state::Union{PGState,Nothing}=nothing; + kwargs..., ) # Create a new set of particles. - particles = ParticleContainer( - [Trace(model, TracedRNG()) for _ in 1:(sampler.nparticles)], TracedRNG(), rng - ) + nparticles = sampler.nparticles + isref = !isnothing(state) + + traces = map(1:nparticles) do i + if i == nparticles && isref + # Create reference trajectory. + forkr(state.trajectory) + else + trng = TracedRNG() + Trace(GenericModel(model, trng), trng) + end + end + + particles = ParticleContainer(traces, TracedRNG(), rng) # Perform a particle sweep. - logevidence = sweep!(rng, particles, sampler.resampler) + reference = isref ? particles.vals[nparticles] : nothing + logevidence = sweep!(rng, particles, sampler.resampler, reference) # Pick a particle to be retained. - trajectory = rand(rng, particles) + newtrajectory = rand(rng, particles) - return PGSample(trajectory, logevidence), PGState(trajectory) + return PGSample(newtrajectory, logevidence), PGState(newtrajectory) end function AbstractMCMC.step( rng::Random.AbstractRNG, - model::AbstractMCMC.AbstractModel, - sampler::PG, - state::PGState; + model::AbstractStateSpaceModel, + sampler::PGAS, + state::Union{PGState,Nothing}=nothing; kwargs..., ) # Create a new set of particles. nparticles = sampler.nparticles + isref = !isnothing(state) - x = map(1:nparticles) do i - if i == nparticles + traces = map(1:nparticles) do i + if i == nparticles && isref # Create reference trajectory. - forkr(state.trajectory) + forkr(deepcopy(state.trajectory)) else - Trace(model, TracedRNG()) + Trace(deepcopy(model), TracedRNG()) end end - - reference = x[end] - particles = ParticleContainer(x, TracedRNG(), rng) + particles = ParticleContainer(traces, TracedRNG(), rng) # Perform a particle sweep. + reference = isref ? particles.vals[nparticles] : nothing logevidence = sweep!(rng, particles, sampler.resampler, reference) # Pick a particle to be retained. - newtrajectory = rand(rng, particles) - + newtrajectory = rand(particles.rng, particles) return PGSample(newtrajectory, logevidence), PGState(newtrajectory) end diff --git a/test/container.jl b/test/container.jl index 333db404..9eea2505 100644 --- a/test/container.jl +++ b/test/container.jl @@ -22,7 +22,11 @@ # Create particle container. logps = [0.0, -1.0, -2.0] - particles = [AdvancedPS.Trace(fpc(logp), AdvancedPS.TracedRNG()) for logp in logps] + particles = map(logps) do logp + trng = AdvancedPS.TracedRNG() + tmodel = AdvancedPS.GenericModel(fpc(logp), trng) + AdvancedPS.Trace(tmodel, trng) + end pc = AdvancedPS.ParticleContainer(particles) # Initial state. @@ -52,12 +56,20 @@ @test AdvancedPS.logZ(pc) ≈ log(sum(exp, 2 .* logps)) # Resample and propagate particles with reference particle - particles_ref = [ - AdvancedPS.Trace(fpc(logp), AdvancedPS.TracedRNG()) for logp in logps - ] + particles_ref = map(logps) do logp + trng = AdvancedPS.TracedRNG() + tmodel = AdvancedPS.GenericModel(fpc(logp), trng) + AdvancedPS.Trace(tmodel, trng) + end pc_ref = AdvancedPS.ParticleContainer(particles_ref) + + selected = particles_ref[end] # Replicate life cycle of the reference particle + AdvancedPS.advance!(selected) + ref = AdvancedPS.forkr(selected) + pc_ref.vals[end] = ref + AdvancedPS.resample_propagate!( - Random.GLOBAL_RNG, pc_ref, AdvancedPS.resample_systematic, particles_ref[end] + Random.GLOBAL_RNG, pc_ref, AdvancedPS.resample_systematic, ref ) @test pc_ref.logWs == zeros(3) @test AdvancedPS.getweights(pc_ref) == fill(1 / 3, 3) @@ -109,17 +121,19 @@ end # Test task copy version of trace - tr = AdvancedPS.Trace(f2, AdvancedPS.TracedRNG()) + trng = AdvancedPS.TracedRNG() + tmodel = AdvancedPS.GenericModel(f2, trng) + tr = AdvancedPS.Trace(tmodel, trng) - consume(tr.task) - consume(tr.task) + consume(tr.model.ctask) + consume(tr.model.ctask) a = AdvancedPS.fork(tr) - consume(a.task) - consume(a.task) + consume(a.model.ctask) + consume(a.model.ctask) - @test consume(tr.task) == 2 - @test consume(a.task) == 4 + @test consume(tr.model.ctask) == 2 + @test consume(a.model.ctask) == 4 end @testset "seed container" begin @@ -129,7 +143,11 @@ n = 3 rng = Random.MersenneTwister(seed) - particles = [AdvancedPS.Trace(dummy, AdvancedPS.TracedRNG()) for _ in 1:n] + particles = map(1:n) do _ + trng = AdvancedPS.TracedRNG() + tmodel = AdvancedPS.GenericModel(dummy, trng) + AdvancedPS.Trace(tmodel, trng) + end pc = AdvancedPS.ParticleContainer(particles, AdvancedPS.TracedRNG()) AdvancedPS.seed_from_rng!(pc, rng) diff --git a/test/pgas.jl b/test/pgas.jl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cd319a4b --- /dev/null +++ b/test/pgas.jl @@ -0,0 +1,73 @@ +@testset "pgas.jl" begin + mutable struct Params + a::Float64 + q::Float64 + r::Float64 + end + + mutable struct BaseModel <: AdvancedPS.AbstractStateSpaceModel + X::Vector{Float64} + θ::Params + BaseModel(params::Params) = new(Vector{Float64}(), params) + end + + AdvancedPS.initialization(model::BaseModel) = Normal(0, model.θ.q) + function AdvancedPS.transition(model::BaseModel, state, step) + return Distributions.Normal(model.θ.a * state, model.θ.q) + end + function AdvancedPS.observation(model::BaseModel, state, step) + return Distributions.logpdf(Distributions.Normal(state, model.θ.r), 0) + end + + AdvancedPS.isdone(::BaseModel, step) = step > 3 + + @testset "fork reference" begin + model = BaseModel(Params(0.9, 0.32, 1)) + part = AdvancedPS.Trace(model, AdvancedPS.TracedRNG()) + + AdvancedPS.advance!(part) + AdvancedPS.advance!(part) + AdvancedPS.advance!(part) + @test length(part.model.X) == 3 + + trajectory = deepcopy(part.model.X) + ref = AdvancedPS.forkr(part) + @test all(trajectory .≈ ref.model.X) + + AdvancedPS.advance!(ref) + new_part = AdvancedPS.fork(ref, true) + @test length(new_part.model.X) == 1 + @test new_part.model.X[1] ≈ ref.model.X[1] + end + + @testset "update reference" begin + base_rng = Random.MersenneTwister(31) + particles = [ + AdvancedPS.Trace(BaseModel(Params(0.9, 0.31, 1)), AdvancedPS.TracedRNG()) for + _ in 1:3 + ] + resampler = AdvancedPS.ResampleWithESSThreshold(1.0) + + part = particles[3] + AdvancedPS.advance!(part) + AdvancedPS.advance!(part) + AdvancedPS.advance!(part) + + ref = AdvancedPS.forkr(part) + particles[3] = ref + pc = AdvancedPS.ParticleContainer(particles, AdvancedPS.TracedRNG(), base_rng) + + AdvancedPS.reweight!(pc, ref) + AdvancedPS.resample_propagate!(base_rng, pc, resampler, ref) + + AdvancedPS.reweight!(pc, ref) + pc.logWs = [-Inf, 0, -Inf] # Force ancestor update to second particle + AdvancedPS.resample_propagate!(base_rng, pc, resampler, ref) + + AdvancedPS.reweight!(pc, ref) + @test all(pc.vals[2].model.X[1:2] .≈ ref.model.X[1:2]) + + terminal_values = [part.model.X[3] for part in pc.vals] + @test length(Set(terminal_values)) == 3 # All distinct + end +end diff --git a/test/runtests.jl b/test/runtests.jl index 32adc400..d7058062 100644 --- a/test/runtests.jl +++ b/test/runtests.jl @@ -18,4 +18,7 @@ using Test @testset "RNG tests" begin include("rng.jl") end + @testset "PG-AS" begin + include("pgas.jl") + end end diff --git a/test/smc.jl b/test/smc.jl index d8765133..8bb2419d 100644 --- a/test/smc.jl +++ b/test/smc.jl @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ chains_smc = sample(TestModel(), AdvancedPS.SMC(100)) - @test all(isone(p.f.x) for p in chains_smc.trajectories) + @test all(isone(p.model.f.x) for p in chains_smc.trajectories) @test chains_smc.logevidence ≈ -2 * log(2) end @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ chains_pg = sample(TestModel(), AdvancedPS.PG(10), 100) - @test all(isone(p.trajectory.f.x) for p in chains_pg) + @test all(isone(p.trajectory.model.f.x) for p in chains_pg) @test mean(x.logevidence for x in chains_pg) ≈ -2 * log(2) atol = 0.01 end @@ -170,8 +170,8 @@ pg = AdvancedPS.PG(1) first, second = sample(Model(), pg, 2) - first_model = first.trajectory.f - second_model = second.trajectory.f + first_model = first.trajectory.model.f + second_model = second.trajectory.model.f # Single Particle - must be replaying @test first_model.a ≈ second_model.a