../BENCHMARK_variant_calling.py \
--pred_vcf methodA.vcf [methodB.vcf methodC.vcf ...] \
--truth_vcf truth.vcf \
--pred_bam rnaseq_alignments.bam \
--rna_editing rnaediting.vcf.gz \
--output_dir "bmark.outdir"
and optionally:
[ --restrict_regions_bed trusted_regions.bed ] \
[ --snvs_only or --indels_only ]
Separately evaluate SNVs or InDels using --snvs_only or --indels_only, respectively.
the rnaediting.vcf.gz is based on rediportal and provided in the ctat genome lib.
First, generate an exome-based VCF using the standard GATK exome variant calling pipeline.
Then, provide the exome vcf as one of the inputs like so:
../BENCHMARK_variant_calling.py \
--pred_vcf chr18.PRED.raw.vcf chr18.PRED.init.vcf chr18.PRED.annot_n_filtered.vcf \
--truth_vcf exome.vcf \
--pred_bam rnaseq_alignments.bam \
--exome_bam exome_dna_alignments.bam \
--min_exome_depth 10 \
--rna_editing rnaediting.vcf.gz \
--output_dir "bmark.outdir.exome_based"
and optionally:
[ --snvs_only or --indels_only]