When is Tres ready?
+ Tres is "ready" if either:
+ -
+ The scene can be meaningfully rendered.
+ - the renderer exists
+ - the canvas width and height are > 0
+ - Tres has waited 100 ms - assumes setup is intentionally degenerate.
"ready" in user space
<TresCanvas @ready="(ctx:TresContext) => {}">
A callback can be defined in the <script setup />
of a <TresCanvas>.
+ -
+ {{ passed ? "✅" : "❌" }} {{ msg }}
onTresReady((ctx:TresContext) => {})
can only be called in a child component.
+ -
+ {{ passed ? "✅" : "❌" }} {{ msg }}
can only be called in a child component.
+ -
+ {{ passed ? "✅" : "❌" }} {{ msg }}
+ See this Github issue for further explanation.