Releases: TrakHound/MTConnect.NET
MTConnect.NET 6.0.8-beta
- Fixed issue with missing methods in ShdrAdapter class
- Fixed issue with IgnoreTimestamps and OutputTimestamps options for MTConnectAdapter and ShdrAdapter classes
- Updated to filter "Types::" prefix in SysML imported description
MTConnect.NET 6.0.7-beta
- Fixed issue with CuttingItems in XML, JSON, and JSON-CPPAGENT
- Fixed issue with Composition class names
- Added missing methods to ShdrAdapter
- Added ConnectionError event to ShdrAdapter. Related to #53.
MTConnect.NET 6.0.5-beta
This is the first release of the Version 6 beta. Included in this release are several considerable changes:
New Modular architecture
The Agent application is now consolidated into a single application that relies on separate modules to implement features such as an HTTP Server, MQTT, SHDR, etc. Hopefully this will be easier, more flexible, and allow for custom modules.
Along with the Agent, the Adapter application is now modular as well. The modules implement the SHDR Protocol as well as MQTT to transfer to an Agent. The core application handles the Data Source as well as the Send Queues. I will be providing more examples and documentation for this in the following releases.
Script Processing
This is now a Processor plugin that can be loaded to transform data or perform custom actions. The first processor implemented is one that runs Python scripts. These scripts can access all of the properties of an observation or asset as well as the Agent object.
SysML Integration
Since the release of MTConnect 2.0 the standard is represented in a SysML model. This new release utilizes this machine readable model in order to generate source files so that all of the descriptions and properties are kept up to date and accurate to the model.
Logging has been improved so that each module can output to its own log file so that it is easier to troubleshoot.
The MQTT protocol is updated to match that of the C++ Reference Agent. The previous protocol will be converted to an "Expanded" or "Entity" version as there are still some use cases for it. There is now an MTConnectMqttClient that reads the new protocol and can be interchanged with the MTConnectHttpClient using either the IMTConnectClient or IMTConnectEntityClient interfaces.
Since JSON is not officially supported by MTConnect, I started off with my own format that differs from the format used by the C++ Reference Agent. There is now a "JSON" and a "JSON-CPPAGENT" Document Format IDs to be able to read/write using either.
HTTP Server
The Ceen Http Server is now used to replace the previous HttpListener. This provides better control as well as better HTTPS support. One of the reasons I am releasing this as a "beta" is to test this new server.
TLS is now better supported for both the HTTP Server and MQTT.
- The official Version 6 release should be a few months and I will keep Version 5 as the "master" branch and the Version 6 in the "version-6" branch.
- Published new Nuget packages and Docker images.
- Restructured the repo (libraries, agent, and adapter)
Please let me know if you run into any issues or see anything that can be improved.
MTConnect.NET 5.4.3
MTConnect.NET 5.4.1
Fixes issue with SHDR output with ShdrAdapter.OutputTimestamps set to False by adding the necessary preceding "|" to the line. This addresses Issue #46.
MTConnect.NET 5.4.0
- Updates to the MQTT implementation
- Added support for a connection heartbeat to determine if the Agent is connected to the broker
- Added support for multiple intervals to publish Observations
- Example: MTConnect/Devices/test-device/Observations[1000] would publish at a maximum window of 1000ms
- Added InstanceId to individual JSON entities. This is used to determine if the agent/model has changed.
- Added Category property to JSON output to address issue #45
MTConnect.NET 5.3.0
- Removed filtering for Observation timestamps that don't have an explicit Filter defined, this is the proper MTConnect functionality. This was causing an issue specifically for the Gateway agents as the initial read is often slightly delayed. This change addresses the problems discussed in #43
- Fixed issues with MQTT certificates related to #42
- Added MqttTopicPrefix configuration parameter
- Added documentation to connect to AWS IoT, AWS Greengrass Moquette, and AWS Greengrass MQTT Bridge
MTConnect.NET 5.2.0
MTConnect.NET 5.1.0
This release includes new MQTT Gateway Agent Applications and support for SSL Certificates with MQTT.
MTConnect.NET 5.0
MTConnect 5.0.0 Release
- Updated to support the latest MTConnect 2.1 version
- NEW Agent installers included in repo in order to build your own installer for custom Agents
- NEW Adapter Application project to handle SHDR Adapter development with built in handling of Windows Services, Configuration files, Installer, etc.
- This release is versioned "5.0" in order to catch up to the Nuget package version, in order to not conflict with the version of MTConnect, and to not conflict with other Agent versions
- Improved MTConnectHttpClient classes for reading from MTConnect using HTTP
- Fixed issues and added features to the SHDR Adapter classes
- Fixed issue with adding a NORMAL Condition for a specific NativeCode to clear the corresponding FaultState
- Improved Documentation throughout the repo (more documentation is coming soon)
- Fixed Issue #38
- Fixed Issue #39
- Fixed Issue #40
- Fixed Issue #41
MIT License
This project is now licensed under the MIT Open Source License. The MIT license is even more open than the Apache 2.0 license it was previously licensed under. Again this project is completely open source and free to use and distribute for commercial or personal purposes. I don't ask for any licensing or royalties but if you can show your support for the project by providing feedback and testing that would be much appreciated.
Be aware that a few classes have been moved or renamed. Most notably, the MTConnectClient class is now MTConnectHttpClient and is under the MTConnect.Clients namespace. There are several others that are similar so if you have any questions about where something is or any new functionality, feel free to create an Issue here on Github or to send me an email at [email protected] and I'll be happy to help migrate any changes.
Current Download Counts
- Nuget (total) : 90,000
- GitHub : 2,000
Thank you to everyone who has supported this project and hopefully it is proving to be helpful. I look forward to any feedback on use cases or implementations using this project.