You can translate:
- Text that appears in an Entity as the name of the Entity. Let's use the User Management entity.
Locate the part you want to translate (Usuarios): userManagement.home.title and find it in the JSON file of the language you want to change. in Spanish is located here: ../src/main/webapp/i18n/es/user-management.json
Lang Key../src/main/webapp/i18n/es/user-management.json
"userManagement": {
"home": {
"title": "Usuarios",
"createLabel": "Crear un nuevo usuario",
"createOrEditLabel": "Crear o editar un usuario"
"created": "A new user is created with identifier {{ param }}",
"updated": "An user is updated with identifier {{ param }}",
"deleted": "An user is deleted with identifier {{ param }}",
"delete": {
"question": "¿Seguro que quieres eliminar el usuario {{ login }}?"
"detail": {
"title": "Usuario"
"login": "Login",
"firstName": "Nombre",
"lastName": "Apellidos",
"email": "Email",
"activated": "Activado",
"deactivated": "Desactivado",
"profiles": "Perfiles",
"langKey": "Idioma",
"createdBy": "Creado por",
"createdDate": "Fecha de creación",
"lastModifiedBy": "Modificado por",
"lastModifiedDate": "Fecha de modificación"
"userManagement": {
"home": {
"title": "Users",
"createLabel": "Create a new user",
"createOrEditLabel": "Create or edit a user"
"created": "A new user is created with identifier {{ param }}",
"updated": "An user is updated with identifier {{ param }}",
"deleted": "An user is deleted with identifier {{ param }}",
"delete": {
"question": "Are you sure you want to delete user {{ login }}?"
"detail": {
"title": "User"
"login": "Login",
"firstName": "First name",
"lastName": "Last name",
"email": "Email",
"activated": "Activated",
"deactivated": "Deactivated",
"profiles": "Profiles",
"langKey": "Language",
"createdBy": "Created by",
"createdDate": "Created date",
"lastModifiedBy": "Modified by",
"lastModifiedDate": "Modified date"
NOTE: if you see weird characters like this: "createdDate": "Fecha de creación", for accents you will need to change your project to UTF-8. Check:
- Enums from the database: ie: [MALE, FEMALE]. Let's imagine a Gender Enum for both English(en) and Spanish (es)
<td jhiTranslate="{{'skeletonmemh2App.Gender.' + profile.gender}}">{{profile.gender}}</td>
"skeletonmemh2App": {
"Gender" : {
"null": "",
"MALE": "Male",
"FEMALE": "Female",
"OTHER": "Other"
"jHipsterPress2App": {
"Gender" : {
"null": "",
"MALE": "Hombre",
"FEMALE": "Mujer",
"OTHER": "Otro"