Let's open the HomePage to anyone so we can show it like a newspaper (Post object). The FrontPageConfig object has the Posts that we want to show in the Homepage.
First, go the /src/main/java/com/raro/h2skeletonv5/config/SecurityConfiguration.java and open the frontpageconfig api (it should look like this):
.and() .authorizeRequests() .antMatchers("/api/register").permitAll() .antMatchers("/api/activate").permitAll() .antMatchers("/api/authenticate").permitAll() .antMatchers("/api/account/reset-password/init").permitAll() .antMatchers("/api/account/reset-password/finish").permitAll() .antMatchers("/api/profile-info").permitAll() .antMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/api/frontpageconfigs").permitAll() .antMatchers("/api/**").permitAll() .antMatchers("/management/health").permitAll() .antMatchers("/management/**").hasAuthority(AuthoritiesConstants.ADMIN) .antMatchers("/v2/api-docs/**").permitAll() .antMatchers("/swagger-resources/configuration/ui").permitAll() .antMatchers("/swagger-ui/index.html").hasAuthority(AuthoritiesConstants.ADMIN);
Check out Swagger to see any other Api you need to open to the public.
You can also test it from PostMan from http://localhost:9000/api/front-page-configs once your change the (JSESSIONID: CQW9DUWY5-E0gDOUmNugYiNmhimG1-o3_GSA0RqQ) and (XSRF-TOKEN: 99599578-fab8-4aa1-a6c0-fad1cb693ffd) that you will find once you have logged in to JHipster.
You should get you successful answer:
1.- Change your /src/main/webapp/app/home/home.component.ts so it can bring your Data (Frontpageconfig with the desired Posts)
2.- Do not forget to delete the authorities: [] array so all user are allowed into the home.route.ts
export const HOME_ROUTE: Route = { path: '', component: HomeComponent, data: { authorities: [], pageTitle: 'home.title' } };
3.- Modify your HTML so it can show the data that the components is populating /src/main/webapp/app/home/home.component.html