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Simple custom hook for ScrollTo functionality using react-spring v9+.

NPM JavaScript Style Guide


npm install react-spring-scroll-to-hook
yarn add react-spring-scroll-to-hook


useScrollTo hook accepts 1 argument a that is react-spring config: scrollTo function returned from useScrollTo hook accepts 2 arguments:

1: Element | string | number (number of pixels from top of the window)
2: Number (offset in pixels from element you want to scroll to)

I don't know how three shaking works but I would recommend using @react-spring/web (used in this hook) instead of react-spring


import {config} from '@react-spring/web'
import useScrollTo from 'react-spring-scroll-to-hook'

//Scroll to element
const BasicExampleWthConfig = () => {
    const {scrollTo} = useScrollTo(config.molasses)
    return (
        <button type="button" onClick={() => scrollTo(document.querySelector('#id'))}>
            Scroll to Element with predefined config from react-spring

//Scroll to top
const ScrollToTop = () => {
    const {scrollTo} = useScrollTo({ mass: 1, tension: 180, friction: 12 })
    return (
        <button type="button" onClick={scrollTo}>
            Scroll to the top of the page with your config

//Scroll to top with offset and first argument as string only (document.querySelector is used in the hook)
const ScrollToTopWithOffset = () => {
    const {scrollTo} = useScrollTo()
    return (
        <button type="button" onClick={() => scrollTo('#id', 300)}>
            Scroll to the top of the page with default config and offset from element


MIT © TomasSestak