- Removed dependency on id column
Thanks to AoSiX for rasing the issue and submitting a pull request.
- Changed user/role relationship to many-to-many
Back up your config, update and migrate the bundle. Migrating will transfer your roles across, but it will break your code! You'll need to reflect the new relationship when assigning a Role to a User. See the docs for more information.
- Fixed #19 & #20
Thanks to allartk for raising the issues!
- Added a license
- Fixed README.md code highlighting
- Fixed identity column check (#15)
- Fixed level check with '=' modifier (#16)
- Added new Exception (#18)
- Updated Readme.md to reflect new docs site
Back up your config, update the bundle.
A huge thanks to edvinaskrucas for all the pull requests (#15, #16 and #18)!
- Updated the changelog
- Added cache system for can method (#10)
- Updated readme to avoid confusion when migrating the bundle (#11, #12)
Back up your config, update the bundle
bllim for #10 dshoreman for #12
- Fixed migration issue (#5)
Back up your config, update the bundle.
A massive thanks to dshoreman for fixing #5!
- Added DB prefix (#3)
- Moved permission/role logic to User model
- Updated Readme.md
- Created changelog
Back up your config, update the bundle. Copy back in your config, then add the following:
'prefix' => ''
If want a prefix, and you've already created the tables with the migration, simply prefix them yourself and add it to the config. NO underscore necessary, it'll automatically be added. ('verify' will create 'verify_users', for instance.)
- Changed migration User column 'confirmed' to 'verified' to match the code (#1)
- Fixed Auth::is() not returning correctly unless a User had been checked (#2)
Bit of a mess, but you'll basically have to change the column yourself, as you can only drop/add columns in Laravel, not alter them!
- Initial commit!