This repo is a testbench for my immature GAN related experiments. I plan to implement and carefully understand various GAN related research papers.
- Dataset: Anime girl faces (weeb)
for training the model. Replaceload_path = "logs/models/1250.torch"
with the latest model to continue training. TODO: Take this from command line using argparse.config.ini
contains all the hyperparameters and other training
contain the Generator and Discriminator network
is the dataloader.- 1500 epoch took ~16hours on my GTX 1060 6GB, i7 6700 and 16GB RAM.
Basic GANHistorical weight averaging (Tim et. al.)TTUR (works surprisingly good) Heusel et. al.Use config files.Latent walk.Train Time comparison.Load and save model for continuous training.- Current GAN for general size and not just 64x64 pixels.
- Implement the FID metric.
- Other GAN losses like WGAN, RaLSGAN.
- New dataset and C-GANs.
- Progressively growing GANs - ProGAN, BigGAN, StyleGAN.
- More TODOs...
- Add comments.
Thank you kaggle for organizing the Generative Dog Images competition because of which I learned everything about GANs.
- wish I made this before them.