- Pupeteer types
- Pupeteer types
- Updated core
- Updated earl
- updated util
- Swedish lang to locale interface
- core and crawler interfaces
- LoadEvent as an export type in core module
- "url_tr" to the SuccessCriteria interface from act-rules module
- Finnish lang to locale interface
- logging options to core interface
- qualweb options translation value from type string to Lang
- full localization support added
- locale changes
- merged changes from develop
- getElementOwnText function to qw-element interface
- downgraded @types/puppeteer to 5.4.3
- qwElement interface
- act-rules interface
- evaluation interface
- qwElement interface
- dependencies
- dom interface
- evaluation global interface
- core options interface
- util interface
- bugs fixed from develop branch
- locale interface
- act-rules interface
- wcag-techniques interface
- best-practices interface
- locale interface
- locale interface
- locale
- locale, core and act-rules interfaces
- qwElement interface changes
- core interface
- core interface
- core interface
- qwPage interface
- crawler interface
- core interface
- qwPage interface
- util interface
- core interface
- util interface
- dom interface
- qwPage interface
- evaluation interface
- util interface
- crawler interface
- evaluation interface
- core documentation
- QualwebOptions to support CrawlOptions
- crawler interface
- crawler interface
- Level and Principle types
- act-rules interface
- several interfaces
- necessary types for object Window on the evaluation module
- several interfaces fixes
- declaration for module wappalyzer
- qw-element styles interface
- qw-element styles interface
- qw-element styles interface
- qw-element styles interface
- dom interfaces
- evaluation interfaces
- act-rules interfaces
- unused dependencies
- qw-element styles interface
- earl-reporter interfaces
- core interface
- core interface
- return values for earl-reporter module functions
- new interfaces for the CSS rules on qw-element module:
- CSSProperties
- MediaProperty
- PseudoSelectorProperty
- CSSProperty
- ACTElement interface
- BestPracticeResult interface. It now supports multiple elements of type BPElement
- timeout to QualwebOptions interface
- you can now set a timeout duration for loading pages
- waitUntil to QualwebOptions interface
- you can now choose what events should puppeteer wait before starting the evaluation
- qwElement.d.ts
- core.d.ts
- evaluation.d.ts
- bugs on evaluation.d.ts
- wcag-techniques.d.ts
- counter.d.ts for counter module
- "exclude" option for ACTROptions, WCAGOptions and BPOptions
- "Execute" interface for core.d.ts
- qw-element definition
- counter module definition types
- updated earl-reporter module
- added getOwnedElements
- util.d.ts interface
- dom.d.ts interface
- dom.d.ts interface
- dom.d.ts interface
- dependencies
- adapting core to wcag tecniques
- changed reports
- wcag module
- core options
- qwElement types
- core types
- updated util
- updated wcag techniques
- util module types
- util module types
- util module types
- dom module types
- Added validator argument to evaluation
- Added validator to dom
- Missing return-type annotations in qwPage and util
- deleted isElementPresention
- deleted getTreeSelector
- new shadowDOM and iframe support
- wcag-techniques definition types
- qw-element interface
- core interface
- merged
- merged
- qwElement interface
- changed util methods
- interfaces that rely on stylesheets
- added cache to qwpage
- core and evaluation interfaces
- html-validator interface
- core interface
- dom and core interfaces
- dependencies
- css-techniques interface
- added method to QWElement
- added method AccessibilityUtils
- fixed evaluation report naming
- fixed evaluation report naming
- fixed imports
- added dom and evaluation
- css-techniques interface
- dependencies
- qwPage interface
- qwElement interface
- dependencies
- qwPage interface
- qwElement interface
- resultCode to CSSTechniqueResult interface
- accessibility-tree.d.ts
- get-dom-puppeteer.d.ts
- html option as input method to core options
- LaunchOptions options to th start() function from core module
- accessibleName attribute to HTMLTechniqueResult and ACTRuleResult
- evaluation modules - normalized rules/techniques/bestPractices to assertions
- core module functions
- earl-report context
- earl-report context
- htmlValidatorEndpoint option to html-techniques module options interface
- htmlValidatorEndpoint option to act-rules module options interface
- htmlValidatorEndpoint option to act-rules module options interface
- util module interfaces
- util module interfaces
- html-techniques module interfaces
- some bugs
- dependencies
- accessibility-tree.d.ts
- DomElement to Node
- util module
- util module
- util module
- util module
- util module
- util module
- util module
- util module
- class Optimization to util module
- a bug in the ACTRRuleMetadata interface
- ACTRRuleMetadata interface
- ACTROptions interface
- earl-reporter module interfaces
- earl-reporter module interfaces
- some bugs
- act-rules module
- css-techniques module
- best-practices module
- earl-reporter module
- core module
- earl-reporter module
- act-rules module
- act-rules module
- act-rules module
- act-rules module
- EvaluationReport interface
- DomOptions interface to PageOptions
- css-practices interface
- best-practices interface
- stylesheets interface
- interfaces bugs
- dependencies bugs
- WappalyzerReport interface from wappalyzer module
- interface Dom from core module
- some bugs
- interfaces from get-dom-puppeteer to core module
- get-dom-puppeteer module
- a bug in the BPOptions interface to best-practices module
- BPOptions interface to best-practices module
- maxParallelEvaluations option to QualwebOptions interface from core module
- act-rules module interface
- target options for html-techniques module
- target options for css-techniques module
- target options for act-rules module
- target options for best-practices module
- best-practices module interface
- act-rules module interface
- best-practices module interface
- best-practices module interface
- get-dom-puppeteer module interface
- core module options interface
- html techniques and act rules modules interfaces
- act-rules module interface
- act-rules module interface
- util module interface
- @qualweb/earl-reporter module changes
- @qualweb/core module changes
- EarlOptions interface on module @qualweb/earl-reporter
- Metadata interface in exports on the core module
- crawler module
- best-practices report type to earl-reporter report interface
- best-practices module to core evaluation interface
- css-techniques minor interface changes
- css-techniques minor interface changes
- css-techniques minor interface changes
- css-techniques CSSTechniqueResult interface changes
- stylesheet interface minor changes
- stylesheet interface to get-dom-puppeteer module
- best-practices module types - minor interface changes
- best-practices module types - minor interface changes
- best-practices module types - minor interface changes
- best-practices module types - best-practices.d.ts
- some fields to be optional on the AccessibleElement interface on file accessibility-tree.d.ts
- containsIds field from the AccessibilityTreeOptions interface on file accessibility-tree.d.ts
- url field to success-criteria structure from interface ACTRuleMetadata on file act-rules.d.ts
- resultCode field to interface ACTRuleResult on file act-rules.d.ts
- url field to success-criteria structure from interface HTMLTechniqueMetadata on file html-techniques.d.ts
- url field to success-criteria structure from interface CSSTechniqueMetadata on file css-techniques.d.ts
- interfaces Dom and Html on file get-dom-puppeteer.d.ts
- interface ACTMetadata on file act-rules.d.ts
- interface HTMLMetadata on file html-techniques.d.ts
- interface CSSMetadata on file css-techniques.d.ts
- interface ACTResult to ACTRuleResult on file act-rules.d.ts
- interface ACTMetadata to ACTRuleMetadata on file act-rules.d.ts
- interface HTMLResult to HTMLTechniqueResult on file html-techniques.d.ts
- interface HTMLMetadata to HTMLTechniqueMetadata on file html-techniques.d.ts
- interface CSSResult to CSSTechniqueResult on file css-techniques.d.ts
- interface CSSMetadata to CSSTechniqueMetadata on file css-techniques.d.ts