Provides integrations to correlate user source code from various web frameworks with SQL comments from various ORMs.
When results are examined in SQL database logs, they'll look like this:
SELECT * from USERS /*action='run+this+%26+that',
- Hibernate
- Spring
- Jetty
- Netty
- Apache Tomcat
- gRPC
If your're using Spring 5, then you can add the SpringSQLCommenterInterceptor
as follows:
import io.opentelemetry.sqlcommenter.interceptors.SpringSQLCommenterInterceptor;
public class WebConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
public SpringSQLCommenterInterceptor sqlInterceptor() {
return new SpringSQLCommenterInterceptor();
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
If you're using an older version of Spring, then your WebConfig
class needs to extend the WebMvcConfigureAdapter
class instead:
import io.opentelemetry.sqlcommenter.interceptors.SpringSQLCommenterInterceptor;
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigureAdapter {
public SpringSQLCommenterInterceptor sqlInterceptor() {
return new SpringSQLCommenterInterceptor();
public void addInterceptors(InterceptorRegistry registry) {
You can also add the interceptor as a bean in your XML configuration:
<bean class="io.opentelemetry.sqlcommenter.interceptors.SpringSQLCommenterInterceptor"></bean>
or alternatively just for a specific method
<mvc:mapping path="/flights"></mvc:mapping>
<bean class="io.opentelemetry.sqlcommenter.interceptors.SpringSQLCommenterInterceptor"></bean>
If you're using Hibernate via JPA, then you can simply set the hibernate.session_factory.statement_inspector
configuration property in the persistence.xml
configuration file:
<property name="hibernate.session_factory.statement_inspector" value="io.opentelemetry.sqlcommenter.schibernate.SCHibernate" />
If you're using Hibernate via Spring, then you might not use a persistence.xml
configuration file, in which case,
you can set up the hibernate.session_factory.statement_inspector
configuration property as follows:
public class JPAConfig {
public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory() {
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean em
= new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
em.setPackagesToScan(new String[] { "you.application.domain.model" });
em.setJpaVendorAdapter(new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter());
return em;
private Properties additionalProperties() {
Properties properties = new Properties();
properties.setProperty("hibernate.session_factory.statement_inspector", SCHibernate.class.getName());
return properties;
- Please follow the instructions to add the Spring interceptor
- Please follow the instructions to add the Hibernate StatementInspector