extends: - '@commitlint/config-conventional' rules: header-max-length: [1, 'always', 72] type-enum: - 2 - always - - ci - feat - fix - docs - style - refactor - perf - test - revert - chore help: | **Possible types**: `ci`: Changes to our CI configuration files and scripts (example scopes: Travis, Circle CI, BrowserStack, SauceLabs) `feat`: Adds a new feature. `fix`: Solves a bug. `docs`: Adds or alters documentation. (example scopes: readme, worker, code_of_conduct, contributors) `style`: Improves formatting, white-space. `refactor`: Rewrites code without feature, performance or bug changes. `perf`: Improves performance. `test`: Adds or modifies tests. (example scopes: functionals, unit-tests) `revert`: Changes that reverting other changes `chore`: No production code change. Updating grunt tasks etc;