Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.
To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:
mvn install
To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:
mvn deploy
Refer to the official documentation for more information.
Add this dependency to your project's POM:
Add this dependency to your project's build file:
compile "com.jumpcloud:jcapi-java-client:1.0.0"
At first generate the JAR by executing:
mvn package
Then manually install the following JARs:
- target/jcapi-java-client-1.0.0.jar
- target/lib/*.jar
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.ActiveDirectoryApi;
import java.util.*;
public class ActiveDirectoryApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ActiveDirectoryApi apiInstance = new ActiveDirectoryApi();
String activedirectoryId = "activedirectoryId_example"; // String |
String agentId = "agentId_example"; // String |
String contentType = "application/json"; // String |
String accept = "application/json"; // String |
String xOrgId = ""; // String |
try {
apiInstance.activedirectoriesAgentsDelete(activedirectoryId, agentId, contentType, accept, xOrgId);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ActiveDirectoryApi#activedirectoriesAgentsDelete");
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectoriesAgentsDelete | DELETE /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/agents/{agent_id} | Delete Active Directory Agent |
ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectoriesAgentsGet | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/agents/{agent_id} | Get Active Directory Agent |
ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectoriesAgentsList | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/agents | List Active Directory Agents |
ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectoriesAgentsPost | POST /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/agents | Create a new Active Directory Agent |
ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectoriesDelete | DELETE /activedirectories/{id} | Delete an Active Directory |
ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectoriesGet | GET /activedirectories/{id} | Get an Active Directory |
ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectoriesList | GET /activedirectories | List Active Directories |
ActiveDirectoryApi | activedirectoriesPost | POST /activedirectories | Create a new Active Directory |
ActiveDirectoryApi | graphActiveDirectoryAssociationsList | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/associations | List the associations of an Active Directory instance |
ActiveDirectoryApi | graphActiveDirectoryAssociationsPost | POST /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Active Directory instance |
ActiveDirectoryApi | graphActiveDirectoryTraverseUserGroup | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Active Directory instance |
AppleMdmApi | applemdmsDelete | DELETE /applemdms/{apple_mdm_id} | Delete an Apple MDM |
AppleMdmApi | applemdmsList | GET /applemdms | List Apple MDMs |
AppleMdmApi | applemdmsPost | POST /applemdms | Create Apple MDM |
AppleMdmApi | applemdmsPut | PUT /applemdms/{apple_mdm_id} | Update an Apple MDM |
AppleMdmApi | enrollmentprofilesGet | GET /applemdms/{apple_mdm_id}/enrollmentprofiles/{enrollment_profile_id} | Get an Apple MDM Enrollment Profile |
AppleMdmApi | enrollmentprofilesList | GET /applemdms/{apple_mdm_id}/enrollmentprofiles | List Apple MDM Enrollment Profiles |
ApplicationsApi | graphApplicationAssociationsList | GET /applications/{application_id}/associations | List the associations of an Application |
ApplicationsApi | graphApplicationAssociationsPost | POST /applications/{application_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Application |
ApplicationsApi | graphApplicationTraverseUser | GET /applications/{application_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Application |
ApplicationsApi | graphApplicationTraverseUserGroup | GET /applications/{application_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Application |
BulkJobRequestsApi | bulkUsersCreate | POST /bulk/users | Bulk Users Create |
BulkJobRequestsApi | bulkUsersCreateResults | GET /bulk/users/{job_id}/results | List Bulk Users Results |
BulkJobRequestsApi | bulkUsersUpdate | PATCH /bulk/users | Bulk Users Update |
BulkJobRequestsApi | jobsGet | GET /jobs/{id} | Get Job (incomplete) |
BulkJobRequestsApi | jobsResults | GET /jobs/{id}/results | List Job Results |
CommandsApi | graphCommandAssociationsList | GET /commands/{command_id}/associations | List the associations of a Command |
CommandsApi | graphCommandAssociationsPost | POST /commands/{command_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a Command |
CommandsApi | graphCommandTraverseSystem | GET /commands/{command_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a Command |
CommandsApi | graphCommandTraverseSystemGroup | GET /commands/{command_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a Command |
DefaultApi | jcEnrollmentProfilesDelete | DELETE /enrollmentprofiles/{enrollment_profile_id} | Delete Enrollment Profile |
DefaultApi | jcEnrollmentProfilesGet | GET /enrollmentprofiles/{enrollment_profile_id} | Get Enrollment Profile |
DefaultApi | jcEnrollmentProfilesList | GET /enrollmentprofiles | List Enrollment Profiles |
DefaultApi | jcEnrollmentProfilesPost | POST /enrollmentprofiles | Create new Enrollment Profile |
DefaultApi | jcEnrollmentProfilesPut | PUT /enrollmentprofiles/{enrollment_profile_id} | Update Enrollment Profile |
DirectoriesApi | directoriesList | GET /directories | List All Directories |
DuoApi | duoAccountDelete | DELETE /duo/accounts/{id} | Delete a Duo Account |
DuoApi | duoAccountGet | GET /duo/accounts/{id} | Get a Duo Acount |
DuoApi | duoAccountList | GET /duo/accounts | List Duo Acounts |
DuoApi | duoAccountPost | POST /duo/accounts | Create Duo Account |
DuoApi | duoApplicationDelete | DELETE /duo/accounts/{account_id}/applications/{application_id} | Delete a Duo Application |
DuoApi | duoApplicationGet | GET /duo/accounts/{account_id}/applications/{application_id} | Get a Duo application |
DuoApi | duoApplicationList | GET /duo/accounts/{account_id}/applications | List Duo Applications |
DuoApi | duoApplicationPost | POST /duo/accounts/{account_id}/applications | Create Duo Application |
DuoApi | duoApplicationUpdate | PUT /duo/accounts/{account_id}/applications/{application_id} | Update Duo Application |
FdeApi | systemsGetFDEKey | GET /systems/{system_id}/fdekey | Get System FDE Key |
GSuiteApi | graphGSuiteAssociationsList | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/associations | List the associations of a G Suite instance |
GSuiteApi | graphGSuiteAssociationsPost | POST /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a G Suite instance |
GSuiteApi | graphGSuiteTraverseUser | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/users | List the Users bound to a G Suite instance |
GSuiteApi | graphGSuiteTraverseUserGroup | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a G Suite instance |
GSuiteApi | gsuitesGet | GET /gsuites/{id} | Get G Suite |
GSuiteApi | gsuitesPatch | PATCH /gsuites/{id} | Update existing G Suite |
GSuiteApi | translationRulesGSuiteDelete | DELETE /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/translationrules/{id} | Deletes a G Suite translation rule |
GSuiteApi | translationRulesGSuiteGet | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/translationrules/{id} | Gets a specific G Suite translation rule |
GSuiteApi | translationRulesGSuiteList | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/translationrules | List all the G Suite Translation Rules |
GSuiteApi | translationRulesGSuitePost | POST /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/translationrules | Create a new G Suite Translation Rule |
GraphApi | graphActiveDirectoryAssociationsList | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/associations | List the associations of an Active Directory instance |
GraphApi | graphActiveDirectoryAssociationsPost | POST /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Active Directory instance |
GraphApi | graphActiveDirectoryTraverseUser | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Active Directory instance |
GraphApi | graphActiveDirectoryTraverseUserGroup | GET /activedirectories/{activedirectory_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Active Directory instance |
GraphApi | graphApplicationAssociationsList | GET /applications/{application_id}/associations | List the associations of an Application |
GraphApi | graphApplicationAssociationsPost | POST /applications/{application_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Application |
GraphApi | graphApplicationTraverseUser | GET /applications/{application_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Application |
GraphApi | graphApplicationTraverseUserGroup | GET /applications/{application_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Application |
GraphApi | graphCommandAssociationsList | GET /commands/{command_id}/associations | List the associations of a Command |
GraphApi | graphCommandAssociationsPost | POST /commands/{command_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a Command |
GraphApi | graphCommandTraverseSystem | GET /commands/{command_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a Command |
GraphApi | graphCommandTraverseSystemGroup | GET /commands/{command_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a Command |
GraphApi | graphGSuiteAssociationsList | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/associations | List the associations of a G Suite instance |
GraphApi | graphGSuiteAssociationsPost | POST /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a G Suite instance |
GraphApi | graphGSuiteTraverseUser | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/users | List the Users bound to a G Suite instance |
GraphApi | graphGSuiteTraverseUserGroup | GET /gsuites/{gsuite_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a G Suite instance |
GraphApi | graphLdapServerAssociationsList | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/associations | List the associations of a LDAP Server |
GraphApi | graphLdapServerAssociationsPost | POST /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a LDAP Server |
GraphApi | graphLdapServerTraverseUser | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/users | List the Users bound to a LDAP Server |
GraphApi | graphLdapServerTraverseUserGroup | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a LDAP Server |
GraphApi | graphOffice365AssociationsList | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/associations | List the associations of an Office 365 instance |
GraphApi | graphOffice365AssociationsPost | POST /office365s/{office365_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Office 365 instance |
GraphApi | graphOffice365TraverseUser | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Office 365 instance |
GraphApi | graphOffice365TraverseUserGroup | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Office 365 instance |
GraphApi | graphPolicyAssociationsList | GET /policies/{policy_id}/associations | List the associations of a Policy |
GraphApi | graphPolicyAssociationsPost | POST /policies/{policy_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a Policy |
GraphApi | graphPolicyTraverseSystem | GET /policies/{policy_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a Policy |
GraphApi | graphPolicyTraverseSystemGroup | GET /policies/{policy_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a Policy |
GraphApi | graphRadiusServerAssociationsList | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/associations | List the associations of a RADIUS Server |
GraphApi | graphRadiusServerAssociationsPost | POST /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a RADIUS Server |
GraphApi | graphRadiusServerTraverseUser | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/users | List the Users bound to a RADIUS Server |
GraphApi | graphRadiusServerTraverseUserGroup | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a RADIUS Server |
GraphApi | graphSystemAssociationsList | GET /systems/{system_id}/associations | List the associations of a System |
GraphApi | graphSystemAssociationsPost | POST /systems/{system_id}/associations | Manage associations of a System |
GraphApi | graphSystemGroupAssociationsList | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a System Group |
GraphApi | graphSystemGroupAssociationsPost | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a System Group |
GraphApi | graphSystemGroupMemberOf | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the System Group's parents |
GraphApi | graphSystemGroupMembersList | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a System Group |
GraphApi | graphSystemGroupMembersPost | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a System Group |
GraphApi | graphSystemGroupMembership | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/membership | List the System Group's membership |
GraphApi | graphSystemGroupTraverseCommand | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/commands | List the Commands bound to a System Group |
GraphApi | graphSystemGroupTraversePolicy | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System Group |
GraphApi | graphSystemGroupTraverseUser | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System Group |
GraphApi | graphSystemGroupTraverseUserGroup | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System Group |
GraphApi | graphSystemMemberOf | GET /systems/{system_id}/memberof | List the parent Groups of a System |
GraphApi | graphSystemTraverseCommand | GET /systems/{system_id}/commands | List the Commands bound to a System |
GraphApi | graphSystemTraversePolicy | GET /systems/{system_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System |
GraphApi | graphSystemTraverseUser | GET /systems/{system_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System |
GraphApi | graphSystemTraverseUserGroup | GET /systems/{system_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System |
GraphApi | graphUserAssociationsList | GET /users/{user_id}/associations | List the associations of a User |
GraphApi | graphUserAssociationsPost | POST /users/{user_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupAssociationsList | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a User Group. |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupAssociationsPost | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupMemberOf | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the User Group's parents |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupMembersList | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupMembersPost | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupMembership | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/membership | List the User Group's membership |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupTraverseActiveDirectory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/activedirectories | List the Active Directories bound to a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupTraverseApplication | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupTraverseDirectory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupTraverseGSuite | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupTraverseLdapServer | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP Servers bound to a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupTraverseOffice365 | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupTraverseRadiusServer | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupTraverseSystem | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User Group |
GraphApi | graphUserGroupTraverseSystemGroup | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to User Groups |
GraphApi | graphUserMemberOf | GET /users/{user_id}/memberof | List the parent Groups of a User |
GraphApi | graphUserTraverseActiveDirectory | GET /users/{user_id}/activedirectories | List the Active Directory instances bound to a User |
GraphApi | graphUserTraverseApplication | GET /users/{user_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User |
GraphApi | graphUserTraverseDirectory | GET /users/{user_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User |
GraphApi | graphUserTraverseGSuite | GET /users/{user_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User |
GraphApi | graphUserTraverseLdapServer | GET /users/{user_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP servers bound to a User |
GraphApi | graphUserTraverseOffice365 | GET /users/{user_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User |
GraphApi | graphUserTraverseRadiusServer | GET /users/{user_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User |
GraphApi | graphUserTraverseSystem | GET /users/{user_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User |
GraphApi | graphUserTraverseSystemGroup | GET /users/{user_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a User |
GraphApi | policystatusesList | GET /systems/{system_id}/policystatuses | List the policy statuses for a system |
GroupsApi | groupsList | GET /groups | List All Groups |
KnowledgeApi | knowledgeSalesforceList | GET /knowledge/salesforce | List Knowledge Articles |
LdapServersApi | graphLdapServerAssociationsList | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/associations | List the associations of a LDAP Server |
LdapServersApi | graphLdapServerAssociationsPost | POST /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a LDAP Server |
LdapServersApi | graphLdapServerTraverseUser | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/users | List the Users bound to a LDAP Server |
LdapServersApi | graphLdapServerTraverseUserGroup | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a LDAP Server |
LdapServersApi | ldapserversGet | GET /ldapservers/{id} | Get LDAP Server |
LdapServersApi | ldapserversList | GET /ldapservers | List LDAP Servers |
LdapServersApi | ldapserversPatch | PATCH /ldapservers/{id} | Update existing LDAP server |
Office365Api | graphOffice365AssociationsList | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/associations | List the associations of an Office 365 instance |
Office365Api | graphOffice365AssociationsPost | POST /office365s/{office365_id}/associations | Manage the associations of an Office 365 instance |
Office365Api | graphOffice365TraverseUser | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/users | List the Users bound to an Office 365 instance |
Office365Api | graphOffice365TraverseUserGroup | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to an Office 365 instance |
Office365Api | translationRulesOffice365Delete | DELETE /office365s/{office365_id}/translationrules/{id} | Deletes a Office 365 translation rule |
Office365Api | translationRulesOffice365Get | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/translationrules/{id} | Gets a specific Office 365 translation rule |
Office365Api | translationRulesOffice365List | GET /office365s/{office365_id}/translationrules | List all the Office 365 Translation Rules |
Office365Api | translationRulesOffice365Post | POST /office365s/{office365_id}/translationrules | Create a new Office 365 Translation Rule |
OrganizationsApi | orgCryptoGet | GET /organizations/{id}/crypto | Get Crypto Settings |
OrganizationsApi | orgCryptoPut | PUT /organizations/{id}/crypto | Edit Crypto Settings |
PoliciesApi | graphPolicyAssociationsList | GET /policies/{policy_id}/associations | List the associations of a Policy |
PoliciesApi | graphPolicyAssociationsPost | POST /policies/{policy_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a Policy |
PoliciesApi | graphPolicyTraverseSystem | GET /policies/{policy_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a Policy |
PoliciesApi | graphPolicyTraverseSystemGroup | GET /policies/{policy_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a Policy |
PoliciesApi | policiesDelete | DELETE /policies/{id} | Deletes a Policy |
PoliciesApi | policiesGet | GET /policies/{id} | Gets a specific Policy. |
PoliciesApi | policiesList | GET /policies | Lists all the Policies |
PoliciesApi | policiesPost | POST /policies | Create a new Policy |
PoliciesApi | policiesPut | PUT /policies/{id} | Update an existing Policy |
PoliciesApi | policyresultsGet | GET /policyresults/{id} | Get a specific Policy Result. |
PoliciesApi | policyresultsList | GET /policies/{policy_id}/policyresults | Lists all the policy results of a policy. |
PoliciesApi | policyresultsOrgList | GET /policyresults | Lists all the policy results for an organization. |
PoliciesApi | policystatusesList | GET /policies/{policy_id}/policystatuses | Lists the latest policy results of a policy. |
PoliciesApi | policystatusesList_0 | GET /systems/{system_id}/policystatuses | List the policy statuses for a system |
PoliciesApi | policytemplatesGet | GET /policytemplates/{id} | Get a specific Policy Template |
PoliciesApi | policytemplatesList | GET /policytemplates | Lists all of the Policy Templates |
PolicytemplatesApi | policytemplatesGet | GET /policytemplates/{id} | Get a specific Policy Template |
PolicytemplatesApi | policytemplatesList | GET /policytemplates | Lists all of the Policy Templates |
ProvidersApi | providersListAdministrators | GET /providers/{provider_id}/administrators | List Provider Administrators |
ProvidersApi | providersPostAdmins | POST /providers/{provider_id}/administrators | Create a new Provider Administrator |
RadiusServersApi | graphRadiusServerAssociationsList | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/associations | List the associations of a RADIUS Server |
RadiusServersApi | graphRadiusServerAssociationsPost | POST /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a RADIUS Server |
RadiusServersApi | graphRadiusServerTraverseUser | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/users | List the Users bound to a RADIUS Server |
RadiusServersApi | graphRadiusServerTraverseUserGroup | GET /radiusservers/{radiusserver_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a RADIUS Server |
SambaDomainsApi | ldapserversSambaDomainsDelete | DELETE /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/sambadomains/{id} | Delete Samba Domain |
SambaDomainsApi | ldapserversSambaDomainsGet | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/sambadomains/{id} | Get Samba Domain |
SambaDomainsApi | ldapserversSambaDomainsList | GET /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/sambadomains | List Samba Domains |
SambaDomainsApi | ldapserversSambaDomainsPost | POST /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/sambadomains | Create Samba Domain |
SambaDomainsApi | ldapserversSambaDomainsPut | PUT /ldapservers/{ldapserver_id}/sambadomains/{id} | Update Samba Domain |
SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graphSystemGroupAssociationsList | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a System Group |
SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graphSystemGroupAssociationsPost | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a System Group |
SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graphSystemGroupTraverseCommand | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/commands | List the Commands bound to a System Group |
SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graphSystemGroupTraversePolicy | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System Group |
SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graphSystemGroupTraverseUser | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System Group |
SystemGroupAssociationsApi | graphSystemGroupTraverseUserGroup | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System Group |
SystemGroupMembersMembershipApi | graphSystemGroupMemberOf | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the System Group's parents |
SystemGroupMembersMembershipApi | graphSystemGroupMembersList | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a System Group |
SystemGroupMembersMembershipApi | graphSystemGroupMembersPost | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a System Group |
SystemGroupMembersMembershipApi | graphSystemGroupMembership | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/membership | List the System Group's membership |
SystemGroupsApi | graphSystemGroupAssociationsList | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a System Group |
SystemGroupsApi | graphSystemGroupAssociationsPost | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a System Group |
SystemGroupsApi | graphSystemGroupMemberOf | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the System Group's parents |
SystemGroupsApi | graphSystemGroupMembersList | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a System Group |
SystemGroupsApi | graphSystemGroupMembersPost | POST /systemgroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a System Group |
SystemGroupsApi | graphSystemGroupMembership | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/membership | List the System Group's membership |
SystemGroupsApi | graphSystemGroupTraversePolicy | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System Group |
SystemGroupsApi | graphSystemGroupTraverseUser | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System Group |
SystemGroupsApi | graphSystemGroupTraverseUserGroup | GET /systemgroups/{group_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System Group |
SystemGroupsApi | groupsSystemDelete | DELETE /systemgroups/{id} | Delete a System Group |
SystemGroupsApi | groupsSystemGet | GET /systemgroups/{id} | View an individual System Group details |
SystemGroupsApi | groupsSystemList | GET /systemgroups | List all System Groups |
SystemGroupsApi | groupsSystemPatch | PATCH /systemgroups/{id} | Partial update a System Group |
SystemGroupsApi | groupsSystemPost | POST /systemgroups | Create a new System Group |
SystemGroupsApi | groupsSystemPut | PUT /systemgroups/{id} | Update a System Group |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListApps | GET /systeminsights/apps | List System Insights Apps |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListBattery | GET /systeminsights/battery | List System Insights Battery |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListBitlockerInfo | GET /systeminsights/bitlocker_info | List System Insights Bitlocker Info |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListBrowserPlugins | GET /systeminsights/browser_plugins | List System Insights Browser Plugins |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListChromeExtensions | GET /systeminsights/chrome_extensions | List System Insights Chrome Extensions |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListCrashes | GET /systeminsights/crashes | List System Insights Crashes |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListDiskEncryption | GET /systeminsights/disk_encryption | List System Insights Disk Encryption |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListDiskInfo | GET /systeminsights/disk_info | List System Insights Disk Info |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListEtcHosts | GET /systeminsights/etc_hosts | List System Insights Etc Hosts |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListFirefoxAddons | GET /systeminsights/firefox_addons | List System Insights Firefox Addons |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListGroups | GET /systeminsights/groups | List System Insights Groups |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListIeExtensions | GET /systeminsights/ie_extensions | List System Insights IE Extensions |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListInterfaceAddresses | GET /systeminsights/interface_addresses | List System Insights Interface Addresses |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListKernelInfo | GET /systeminsights/kernel_info | List System Insights Kernel Info |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListLaunchd | GET /systeminsights/launchd | List System Insights Launchd |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListLoggedInUsers | GET /systeminsights/logged_in_users | List System Insights Logged-In Users |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListLogicalDrives | GET /systeminsights/logical_drives | List System Insights Logical Drives |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListMounts | GET /systeminsights/mounts | List System Insights Mounts |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListOsVersion | GET /systeminsights/os_version | List System Insights OS Version |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListPatches | GET /systeminsights/patches | List System Insights Patches |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListPrograms | GET /systeminsights/programs | List System Insights Programs |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSafariExtensions | GET /systeminsights/safari_extensions | List System Insights Safari Extensions |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemApps | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/apps | List System Insights System Apps |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemBitlockerInfo | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/bitlocker_info | List System Insights System Bitlocker Info |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemBrowserPlugins | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/browser_plugins | List System Insights System Browser Plugins |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemChromeExtensions | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/chrome_extensions | List System Insights System Chrome Extensions |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemControls | GET /systeminsights/system_controls | List System Insights System Control |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemDiskEncryption | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/disk_encryption | List System Insights System Disk Encryption |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemDiskInfo | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/disk_info | List System Insights System Disk Info |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemEtcHosts | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/etc_hosts | List System Insights System Etc Hosts |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemFirefoxAddons | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/firefox_addons | List System Insights System Firefox Addons |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemGroups | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/groups | List System Insights System Groups |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemInfo | GET /systeminsights/system_info | List System Insights System Info |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemInterfaceAddresses | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/interface_addresses | List System Insights System Interface Addresses |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemKernelInfo | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/kernel_info | List System Insights System Kernel Info |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemLogicalDrives | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/logical_drives | List System Insights System Logical Drives |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemMounts | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/mounts | List System Insights System Mounts |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemOsVersion | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/os_version | List System Insights System OS Version |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemPatches | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/patches | List System Insights System Patches |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemPrograms | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/programs | List System Insights System Programs |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemSafariExtensions | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/safari_extensions | List System Insights System Safari Extensions |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemSystemControls | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/system_controls | List System Insights System System Controls |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemSystemInfo | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/system_info | List System Insights System System Info |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemUptime | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/uptime | List System Insights System Uptime |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListSystemUsers | GET /systeminsights/{system_id}/users | List System Insights System Users |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListUptime | GET /systeminsights/uptime | List System Insights Uptime |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListUsbDevices | GET /systeminsights/usb_devices | List System Insights USB Devices |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListUserGroups | GET /systeminsights/user_groups | List System Insights User Groups |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListUsers | GET /systeminsights/users | List System Insights Users |
SystemInsightsApi | systeminsightsListWindowsCrashes | GET /systeminsights/windows_crashes | List System Insights Windows Crashes |
SystemsApi | graphSystemAssociationsList | GET /systems/{system_id}/associations | List the associations of a System |
SystemsApi | graphSystemAssociationsPost | POST /systems/{system_id}/associations | Manage associations of a System |
SystemsApi | graphSystemMemberOf | GET /systems/{system_id}/memberof | List the parent Groups of a System |
SystemsApi | graphSystemTraverseCommand | GET /systems/{system_id}/commands | List the Commands bound to a System |
SystemsApi | graphSystemTraversePolicy | GET /systems/{system_id}/policies | List the Policies bound to a System |
SystemsApi | graphSystemTraverseUser | GET /systems/{system_id}/users | List the Users bound to a System |
SystemsApi | graphSystemTraverseUserGroup | GET /systems/{system_id}/usergroups | List the User Groups bound to a System |
SystemsApi | systemsGetFDEKey | GET /systems/{system_id}/fdekey | Get System FDE Key |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupAssociationsList | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a User Group. |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupAssociationsPost | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User Group |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseActiveDirectory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/activedirectories | List the Active Directories bound to a User Group |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseApplication | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User Group |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseDirectory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User Group |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseGSuite | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User Group |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseLdapServer | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP Servers bound to a User Group |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseOffice365 | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User Group |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseRadiusServer | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User Group |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseSystem | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User Group |
UserGroupAssociationsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseSystemGroup | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to User Groups |
UserGroupMembersMembershipApi | graphUserGroupMemberOf | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the User Group's parents |
UserGroupMembersMembershipApi | graphUserGroupMembersList | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a User Group |
UserGroupMembersMembershipApi | graphUserGroupMembersPost | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a User Group |
UserGroupMembersMembershipApi | graphUserGroupMembership | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/membership | List the User Group's membership |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupAssociationsList | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | List the associations of a User Group. |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupAssociationsPost | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupMemberOf | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/memberof | List the User Group's parents |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupMembersList | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/members | List the members of a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupMembersPost | POST /usergroups/{group_id}/members | Manage the members of a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupMembership | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/membership | List the User Group's membership |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseActiveDirectory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/activedirectories | List the Active Directories bound to a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseApplication | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseDirectory | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseGSuite | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseLdapServer | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP Servers bound to a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseOffice365 | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseRadiusServer | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseSystem | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | graphUserGroupTraverseSystemGroup | GET /usergroups/{group_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to User Groups |
UserGroupsApi | groupsUserDelete | DELETE /usergroups/{id} | Delete a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | groupsUserGet | GET /usergroups/{id} | View an individual User Group details |
UserGroupsApi | groupsUserList | GET /usergroups | List all User Groups |
UserGroupsApi | groupsUserPatch | PATCH /usergroups/{id} | Partial update a User Group |
UserGroupsApi | groupsUserPost | POST /usergroups | Create a new User Group |
UserGroupsApi | groupsUserPut | PUT /usergroups/{id} | Update a User Group |
UsersApi | graphUserAssociationsList | GET /users/{user_id}/associations | List the associations of a User |
UsersApi | graphUserAssociationsPost | POST /users/{user_id}/associations | Manage the associations of a User |
UsersApi | graphUserMemberOf | GET /users/{user_id}/memberof | List the parent Groups of a User |
UsersApi | graphUserTraverseApplication | GET /users/{user_id}/applications | List the Applications bound to a User |
UsersApi | graphUserTraverseDirectory | GET /users/{user_id}/directories | List the Directories bound to a User |
UsersApi | graphUserTraverseGSuite | GET /users/{user_id}/gsuites | List the G Suite instances bound to a User |
UsersApi | graphUserTraverseLdapServer | GET /users/{user_id}/ldapservers | List the LDAP servers bound to a User |
UsersApi | graphUserTraverseOffice365 | GET /users/{user_id}/office365s | List the Office 365 instances bound to a User |
UsersApi | graphUserTraverseRadiusServer | GET /users/{user_id}/radiusservers | List the RADIUS Servers bound to a User |
UsersApi | graphUserTraverseSystem | GET /users/{user_id}/systems | List the Systems bound to a User |
UsersApi | graphUserTraverseSystemGroup | GET /users/{user_id}/systemgroups | List the System Groups bound to a User |
UsersApi | usersSendEmails | POST /users/{user_id}/emails | Send User Emails |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysAuthorize | POST /workdays/{workday_id}/auth | Authorize Workday |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysDeauthorize | DELETE /workdays/{workday_id}/auth | Deauthorize Workday |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysDelete | DELETE /workdays/{id} | Delete Workday |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysGet | GET /workdays/{id} | Get Workday |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysImport | POST /workdays/{workday_id}/import | Workday Import |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysImportresults | GET /workdays/{id}/import/{job_id}/results | List Import Results |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysList | GET /workdays | List Workdays |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysPost | POST /workdays | Create new Workday |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysPut | PUT /workdays/{id} | Update Workday |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysSettings | GET /workdays/settings | Get Workday Settings (incomplete) |
WorkdayImportApi | workdaysWorkers | GET /workdays/{workday_id}/workers | List Workday Workers |
- ActiveDirectoryAgentGetOutput
- ActiveDirectoryAgentInput
- ActiveDirectoryAgentListOutput
- ActiveDirectoryInput
- Administrator
- AppleMDM
- AppleMdmPatchInput
- AuthInfo
- AuthInput
- AuthInputObject
- AuthinputBasic
- AuthinputOauth
- Body
- Body1
- Body2
- Body3
- BulkUserCreate
- BulkUserUpdate
- Directory
- DuoAccount
- DuoApplication
- DuoApplicationReq
- DuoApplicationUpdateReq
- DuoRegistrationApplication
- DuoRegistrationApplicationReq
- Emailrequest
- EnrollmentProfile
- Error
- Errorresponse
- GSuiteBuiltinTranslation
- GSuiteTranslationRule
- GSuiteTranslationRuleRequest
- GraphConnection
- GraphManagementReq
- GraphObject
- GraphObjectWithPaths
- GraphType
- Group
- GroupType
- GsuiteOutput
- GsuitePatchInput
- InlineResponse200
- InlineResponse2001
- InlineResponse201
- InlineResponse400
- JcEnrollmentProfile
- JobDetails
- JobId
- JobWorkresult
- LdapServerAction
- LdapServerInput
- Mfa
- OauthCodeInput
- Office365BuiltinTranslation
- Office365TranslationRule
- Office365TranslationRuleRequest
- OrgCryptoSettings
- OrgcryptosettingsSshKeys
- Policy
- PolicyRequest
- PolicyRequestTemplate
- PolicyResult
- PolicyTemplate
- PolicyTemplateConfigField
- PolicyTemplateConfigFieldTooltip
- PolicyTemplateConfigFieldTooltipVariables
- PolicyTemplateWithDetails
- PolicyValue
- PolicyWithDetails
- Provider
- ProviderAdminReq
- ProviderContact
- SalesforceKnowledgeListOutput
- SalesforceknowledgelistoutputInner
- SambaDomainInput
- Sshkeylist
- SystemGraphManagementReq
- SystemGraphManagementReqAttributes
- SystemGraphManagementReqAttributesSudo
- SystemGroup
- SystemGroupData
- SystemGroupGraphManagementReq
- SystemGroupMembersReq
- SystemInsightsApps
- SystemInsightsBattery
- SystemInsightsBitlockerInfo
- SystemInsightsBrowserPlugins
- SystemInsightsChromeExtensions
- SystemInsightsCrashes
- SystemInsightsDiskEncryption
- SystemInsightsDiskInfo
- SystemInsightsEtcHosts
- SystemInsightsFirefoxAddons
- SystemInsightsGroups
- SystemInsightsIeExtensions
- SystemInsightsInterfaceAddresses
- SystemInsightsKernelInfo
- SystemInsightsLaunchd
- SystemInsightsLoggedInUsers
- SystemInsightsLogicalDrvies
- SystemInsightsMounts
- SystemInsightsOsVersion
- SystemInsightsPatches
- SystemInsightsPrograms
- SystemInsightsSafariExtensions
- SystemInsightsSystemControls
- SystemInsightsSystemInfo
- SystemInsightsUptime
- SystemInsightsUsbDevices
- SystemInsightsUserGroups
- SystemInsightsUsers
- SystemInsightsWindowsCrashes
- Systemfdekey
- Systemuser
- Systemuserputpost
- SystemuserputpostAddresses
- SystemuserputpostPhoneNumbers
- UserGraphManagementReq
- UserGroup
- UserGroupAttributes
- UserGroupAttributesPosixGroups
- UserGroupGraphManagementReq
- UserGroupMembersReq
- UserGroupPost
- UserGroupPut
- WorkdayFields
- WorkdayInput
- WorkdayOutput
- WorkdayRequest
- WorkdayWorker
- WorkdayoutputAuth
- ActiveDirectoryOutput
- LdapServerOutput
- SambaDomainOutput
Authentication schemes defined for the API:
- Type: API key
- API key parameter name: x-api-key
- Location: HTTP header
It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient
per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.