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239 lines (193 loc) · 12.9 KB

File metadata and controls

239 lines (193 loc) · 12.9 KB



Building the API client library requires Maven to be installed.


To install the API client library to your local Maven repository, simply execute:

mvn install

To deploy it to a remote Maven repository instead, configure the settings of the repository and execute:

mvn deploy

Refer to the official documentation for more information.

Maven users

Add this dependency to your project's POM:


Gradle users

Add this dependency to your project's build file:

compile "com.jumpcloud:jcapi-java-client:1.0.0"


At first generate the JAR by executing:

mvn package

Then manually install the following JARs:

  • target/jcapi-java-client-1.0.0.jar
  • target/lib/*.jar

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following Java code:

import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.ApplicationTemplatesApi;

import java.util.*;

public class ApplicationTemplatesApiExample {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
        // Configure API key authorization: x-api-key
        ApiKeyAuth x-api-key = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("x-api-key");
        x-api-key.setApiKey("YOUR API KEY");
        // Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)

        ApplicationTemplatesApi apiInstance = new ApplicationTemplatesApi();
        String id = "id_example"; // String | 
        String contentType = "application/json"; // String | 
        String accept = "application/json"; // String | 
        String fields = "fields_example"; // String | The comma separated fields included in the returned records. If omitted the default list of fields will be returned.
        Integer limit = 56; // Integer | The number of records to return at once.
        Integer skip = 56; // Integer | The offset into the records to return.
        String sort = "The comma separated fields used to sort the collection. Default sort is ascending, prefix with - to sort descending."; // String | 
        String filter = "filter_example"; // String | A filter to apply to the query.
        String xOrgId = ""; // String | 
        try {
            Applicationtemplate result = apiInstance.applicationTemplatesGet(id, contentType, accept, fields, limit, skip, sort, filter, xOrgId);
        } catch (ApiException e) {
            System.err.println("Exception when calling ApplicationTemplatesApi#applicationTemplatesGet");

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
ApplicationTemplatesApi applicationTemplatesGet GET /application-templates/{id} Get an Application Template
ApplicationTemplatesApi applicationTemplatesList GET /application-templates List Application Templates
ApplicationsApi applicationsDelete DELETE /applications/{id} Delete an Application
ApplicationsApi applicationsGet GET /applications/{id} Get an Application
ApplicationsApi applicationsList GET /applications Applications
ApplicationsApi applicationsPost POST /applications Create an Application
ApplicationsApi applicationsPut PUT /applications/{id} Update an Application
CommandResultsApi commandResultsDelete DELETE /commandresults/{id} Delete a Command result
CommandResultsApi commandResultsGet GET /commandresults/{id} List an individual Command result
CommandResultsApi commandResultsList GET /commandresults List all Command Results
CommandTriggersApi commandTriggerWebhookPost POST /command/trigger/{triggername} Launch a command via a Trigger
CommandsApi commandFileGet GET /files/command/{id} Get a Command File
CommandsApi commandsDelete DELETE /commands/{id} Delete a Command
CommandsApi commandsGet GET /commands/{id} List an individual Command
CommandsApi commandsList GET /commands List All Commands
CommandsApi commandsPost POST /commands Create A Command
CommandsApi commandsPut PUT /commands/{id} Update a Command
OrganizationsApi organizationList GET /organizations Get Organization Details
RadiusServersApi radiusServersList GET /radiusservers List Radius Servers
RadiusServersApi radiusServersPost POST /radiusservers Create a Radius Server
RadiusServersApi radiusServersPut PUT /radiusservers/{id} Update Radius Servers
SearchApi searchOrganizationsPost POST /search/organizations Search Organizations
SearchApi searchSystemsPost POST /search/systems Search Systems
SearchApi searchSystemusersPost POST /search/systemusers Search System Users
SystemsApi systemsDelete DELETE /systems/{id} Delete a System
SystemsApi systemsGet GET /systems/{id} List an individual system
SystemsApi systemsList GET /systems List All Systems
SystemsApi systemsPut PUT /systems/{id} Update a system
SystemsApi systemsSystemusersBindingList GET /systems/{id}/systemusers List system user bindings
SystemsApi systemsSystemusersBindingPut PUT /systems/{id}/systemusers Update a system's or user's binding
SystemusersApi sshkeyDelete DELETE /systemusers/{systemuser_id}/sshkeys/{id} Delete a system user's Public SSH Keys
SystemusersApi sshkeyList GET /systemusers/{id}/sshkeys List a system user's public SSH keys
SystemusersApi sshkeyPost POST /systemusers/{id}/sshkeys Create a system user's Public SSH Key
SystemusersApi systemusersDelete DELETE /systemusers/{id} Delete a system user
SystemusersApi systemusersGet GET /systemusers/{id} List a system user
SystemusersApi systemusersList GET /systemusers List all system users
SystemusersApi systemusersPost POST /systemusers Create a system user
SystemusersApi systemusersPut PUT /systemusers/{id} Update a system user
SystemusersApi systemusersResetmfa POST /systemusers/{id}/resetmfa Reset a system user's MFA token
SystemusersApi systemusersSystemsBindingList GET /systemusers/{id}/systems List system user binding
SystemusersApi systemusersSystemsBindingPut PUT /systemusers/{id}/systems Update a system user binding
SystemusersApi systemusersUnlock POST /systemusers/{id}/unlock Unlock a system user
TagsApi tagsDelete DELETE /tags/{name} Delete a Tag
TagsApi tagsGet GET /Tags/{name} List a Tag
TagsApi tagsList GET /tags List All Tags
TagsApi tagsPost POST /tags Create a Tag
TagsApi tagsPut PUT /Tag/{name} Update a Tag

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: x-api-key
  • Location: HTTP header


It's recommended to create an instance of ApiClient per thread in a multithreaded environment to avoid any potential issues.
