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92 lines (81 loc) · 3.44 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (81 loc) · 3.44 KB

screenshot screenshot screenshot screenshot




  • i3-gaps
  • i3status
  • i3lock
  • dmenu
  • alacritty
  • picom
  • maim
  • light
  • imwheel
  • nitrogen
  • polkit-gnome
  • xclip
  • lxappearance
  • nemo

Set user ID on execution for light

sudo chmod +s $(which light)

Set Wallpaper using nitrogen

Change Theme, Icons and Mouse Cursor from lxappearance

  • Widget Theme : NordArc-Theme
  • Icon Theme : NordArc
  • Mouse Cursor : Capitaine Cursors - White


  • Super or Windows Key : mod

  • Open Terminal : mod + Return

  • Open File Manager : mod + Shift + Return

  • Switch Workspace : mod + 1, mod + 2 upto mod + 9

  • Move Window to Specific Workspace : mod + Shift + {Workspace Number}

  • Application Menu : mod + d

  • Power Menu : mod + 0

  • Restart i3 : mod + Shift + r

  • Close Application : mod + q

  • Toggle Tiling / Floating : mod + Shift + space

  • Focus Up : mod + up

  • Focus Right : mod + right

  • Focus Down : mod + down

  • Focus Left : mod + left

  • Move Focused Window to Up : mod + Shift + up

  • Move Focused Window to Right : mod + Shift + right

  • Move Focused Window to Down : mod + Shift + down

  • Move Focused Window to Left : mod + Shift + left

  • Next Workspace : Alt + Tab

  • Previous Workspace : Alt + Shift + Tab

  • Back and Forth between Workspaces : mod + Tab

  • Move Window to Scratchpad : mod + Shift + minus

  • Show First Window from Scratchpad : mod + minus

  • Split in Horizontal Orientation : mod + h

  • Split in Vertical Orientation : mod + v

  • Toggle Fullscreen : mod + f

  • Stacked Layout : mod + s

  • Tabbed Layout : mod + w

  • Split Layout : mod + e

  • Change Focus between Tiling / Floating Windows : mod + space

  • Window Resize

    • Enter to Window Resize Mode : mod + r
    • Exit from Window Resize Mode : Escape or Return (Enter Key)
    • Action Keys : left, right, up, down
  • Window Gaps

    • Enter to Window Gaps Mode : mod + Shift + g
    • Action Keys : +, -
  • Selected Area Screenshot to Clipboard : Print

  • Save Selected Area Screenshot : mod + Print

  • Toggle Status Bar : mod + b

  • Status Bar Invisible Mode : mod + i