Project Name: NestBuspay
FPR Id: 0060
Start Date: 26/04/2018
Hashtag: #nestbuspay
Name of BCF Gitter community room: #proj-nestBuspay
Stakeholders: Mkulima002
Project Summary: This is a payment system for customer using bus services and for bus companies to track all incoming funds
Resources: Programmers, mobile/website developers, mini ipos terminals
Budget: Programmers. $2000 Web developer. $2000 Mini ipos server. @ $12510 Mini ipos cashier terminal. @ $7510 Total. $6000 so let say we round off to $10000 for any other expenses.
Timeline: Recruiting of programmers as soon as possible
Goals: In africa the transport sysytem is very lucrative business but because of cartels and police curruption the stakeholders loose alot of money in the tune of billions every year. So am making something that will be beneficial to both the customers and the business owners. When you enter a bus you scan the code by the door then you send your payment to that address. Which goes to the bus owners address then at the end of the day the owner pays his driver and conductor straight to their own wallet
Other: For more questions send me an email [email protected]