A pomodoro timer which integrates with GitHub issues for mad efficiency and cool stuff.
- Clone this repo
- npm install
- Add the config.env variables (ask us!)
- nodemon src/start.js
- user goes to homepage and logins (GitHub OAuth)
- user can see a list of his/her repos
- user selects a repo and can see all open related issues
- user selects an issue and can see more details on it
- user can start the pomodoro timer on a selected issue (automatically gets assigned and a label 'in-progress' is added)
- user can close the issue at any time before timeout and/or add a comment (two separate buttons/inputs)
- Timer counts down
- On timeout the user can:
- complete the issue ('in-progress' label removed)
- abandon the issue (unassign yourself and label removed)
- keep working (i.e. extend the timer and label changed to 'on-hold')
- user is redirected to homepage when closing or abandoning an issue; else they stay on the pomodoro page
- .gitignore
- config.env
- public
- css
- js
- src
- routes
- index.js
- lib
- server.js
- routes
- views
- layout
- default.html
- partials
- header.html
- timer.html
- login.html
- repos.html
- user_options.html
- home.html
- issues.html
- issue_details.html
- layout
- tests
- tape
- tape-tests.js
- tape
- Server setup using Hapi
- Pages will be setup using handlebars (i.e a layout, views and partials)
- Github token to be put in a JWT (no storage in a server database for now)
- Pomodoro timer to run in the front-end and functionality to be added to the timer partial from the client-side