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Please use ng-deep instead`, -}); - - -/** - * Stylelint plugin that prevents uses of /deep/ in selectors. - */ -const plugin = stylelint.createPlugin(ruleName, isEnabled => { - return (root, result) => { - if (!isEnabled) return; - - root.walkRules(rule => { - if (rule.parent.type === 'rule' && - isStandardSyntaxRule(rule) && - isStandardSyntaxSelector(rule.selector) && - rule.selector.includes('/deep/')) { - - stylelint.utils.report({ - result, - ruleName, - message: messages.expected(rule.selector), - node: rule - }); - } - }); - }; -}); - -plugin.ruleName = ruleName; -plugin.messages = messages; -module.exports = plugin; \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tslint.json b/tslint.json index a56230e74e..a1bb5c9ced 100644 --- a/tslint.json +++ b/tslint.json @@ -1,211 +1,4 @@ { "rulesDirectory": ["./node_modules/codelyzer"], - "rules": { - "align": [ - true, - "statements" - ], - "array-type": [ - true, - "array" - ], - "arrow-parens": true, - "ban": [ - true, - [] - ], - "class-name": true, - 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