In the "Web applications with Node.js" course we will cover the ways of using Node.js. First we will start with the basics: What is Node.js? How to use and run Node.js, working with the file system, etc... Then we will go deeper and will dive into MongodDB, Mongoose the how to create a good abstraction over the work with the database. The course will complete with the Express framework and how to create both standart and SPA web applications.
- "Web applications with Node.js" course introduction
- Introduction to Node.js
- Modules
- IO in Node.js
- Streams in Node.js
- Asynchronous programming in Node.js
- Node.js file databases
- Unit testing with Mocha, Chai and Karma
- Node.js tooling: Grunt, Gulp, Yeoman, Bower, NPM, debuggers, etc..
- NoSQL Databases Overview
- Workshop: Test driven development
- MongoDB: Overview
- MongoDB: MongoDB driver for Node.js
- MongoDB: Using built-in functionality
- MongoDB: Using native Queries
- MongoDB: MongoDB in the cloud
- Brief overview of MongoDB with Mongoose
- Testing the DB Layer
- Live Demo: Using MongoDB
- Workshop: Working with MongoDB
- HTTP in Node.js
- Building Service Layer with Mongoose
- Impementing dependency injection
- Architecture (split the app into small apps)
- Making testable app
- Workshop: HTTP & Async
- Pug overview (formally Jade)
- Express overview
- MVC Architecture in Express application (routers, views, controllers)
- Live Demo: Web apps with Express & Pug
- Authentication with Passport
- Building a RESTful API with Express
- Workshop: Building a Web Application with Express
- Web Sockets with Socket.IO
- Containers Oveview
- Clouds Overview
- Running Node.js application in the cloud (AWS)
- Live Demo: Building a SPA Application
- Workshop: Creating course projects and consultations