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States Bundle - Instruction to install

Install with composer

You must run the command at the root of your project :

php composer.phar require teknoo/states-bundle

Register the bundle into the kernel

You must register this bundle in your kernel app (file app/AppKernel.php), add the line : new Teknoo\Bundle\StatesBundle\TeknooStatesBundle()

in the declared bundle list (commonly defined by the array $bundles.

Warning, you must declare the States bundle before your business bundle.

States library bootstrapping

The states library need a specific bootstrapping to initialize the library :

This bootstrap file instantiate the library.

  • Creates the service to build a new finder (object to locate files of each stated class).
  • Find the Composer instance
  • Instantiates a new loader instance with the composer instance.
  • Registers the loader in the stack __autoload.

This bootstrapping is provided by Teknoo\Bundle\StatesBundle\Service\ComposerFinderService to get the composer instance from PHP's API and Symfony' components and by Teknoo\Bundle\StatesBundle\Service\BootstrapService to reproduce the behavior of the bootstrap implementation of the States library (Not called in this case).

Theses components are implemented via the container and the service definition written in src/Resources/config/services.yml.

States bundle's services are private and are not available. Only the loader is accessible via the DI key :


Configure yours bundle

With States 2.x and States Bundle, it is not mandatory to declare bundle namespace in the States library, The loader reuse now Composer, it's automatic.

By default, the bundle use all components of the States library, but you can change some components. You can define in your config.yml file components to use

  • The factory repository to store all instances of loaded stated classes factories. It must implement the interface \ArrayInterface

         factory_repository: 'className' # default '%teknoo.states.service.factory.repository.class%'
     #Default value :
     teknoo.states.service.factory.repository.class: '\ArrayObject'    
  • The loader of stated classes. It must implement the interface Teknoo\States\Loader\LoaderInterface

         loader: 'className' # default '%teknoo.states.loader.class%'
     #Default value :
     teknoo.states.loader.class: 'Teknoo\States\Loader\LoaderComposer'    
  • The finder, used by the loaded to explore stated classes. It must implement the interface Teknoo\States\Loader\FinderInterface

         finder: 'className' # default '%teknoo.states.finder.class%'
     #Default value :
     teknoo.states.finder.class: 'Teknoo\States\Loader\FinderComposerIntegrated'
  • The function to call to register the loader in the __autoload stack. It must has the same signature has spl_autoload_register

         autoload_register: 'className' # default 'spl_autoload_register'

Enable State Lifecycable behavior

If you are installed the composer package teknoo/states-life-cycle, to enable it under Symfony, you must define this paramter in your config.yml

        enable_lifecycable: true

Services for this extensions are defined in file src/Resources/config/lifecyclable.yml :

  • Observer instance to register a stated class and observe it :
  • Manager to register scenarii about stated class: @teknoo.states.lifecyclable.service.manager
  • Prototype to create a new Yaml Scenario Builder @teknoo.states.lifecyclable.prototype.scenario_yaml_builder
  • Prototype to create a new Scenario Builder @teknoo.states.lifecyclable.prototype.scenario_builder
  • prototype to create a new Scenario : @teknoo.states.lifecyclable.prototype.scenario