#Teknoo Software - States Bundle - Change Log
##[3.0.2] - 2017-12-10 ###Fix
- Fix dependencies required, not supporting Symfony 3.4+ This bundle is deprecated.
##[3.0.1] - 2017-02-15 ###Fix
- Code style fix
- License file follow Github specs
- Add tools to checks QA, use
make qa
andmake test
to initalize the project, (orcomposer update
). - Update Travis to use this tool
- Fix QA Errors
###[3.0.0] - 2017-01-06 ###Release
- First release
###[3.0.0-beta1] - 2016-12-21 ###Release
- First beta
###[3.0.0-alpha8] - 2016-11-19 ###Removed
- States Lifecyclable is not mandatory
###[3.0.0-alpha7] - 2016-11-12 ###Removed
- Parameters removed into StatesServiceProvider
###[3.0.0-alpha6] - 2016-11-12 ###Removed
- Parameters removed into StatesServiceProvider
###[3.0.0-alpha5] - 2016-11-11 ###Updated
- Use interfaces full qualified name as service tag instead of symfony nomenclature.
- Service name Teknoo\States\LifeCycle\Tokenization\TokenizerInterface
instead of teknoo.states.lifecyclable.service.tokenizer - Service name Teknoo\States\LifeCycle\Event\EventDispatcherBridgeInterface
instead of teknoo.states.lifecyclable.bridge.event_dispatcher - Service name Teknoo\States\LifeCycle\Scenario\ManagerInterface
instead of teknoo.states.lifecyclable.service.manager - Service name Teknoo\States\LifeCycle\Observing\ObservedFactoryInterface instead of teknoo.states.lifecyclable.service.observed.factory
- Service name Teknoo\States\LifeCycle\Observing\ObserverInterface instead of teknoo.states.lifecyclable.service.observer
###[3.0.0-alpha4] - 2016-11-03 ###Fixed
- Event Dispatcher Bridge use EventDispatcherInterface instead of EventDispatcher
- Convert this bundle into an universal package, respecting the PSR11 draft and container-interop/service-provider to be use with any framework
- Update documentation
###[3.0.0-alpha3] - 2016-10-31 ###Updated
- Require States 3.0.0-alpha4 at least.
- Require States Lyfecycable 2.0.0-alpha4 at least.
- Event and EventDispatcherBridge to use symfony/event-dispatcher as event system for States LifeCycable.
###[3.0.0-alpha2] - 2016-10-27 ###Updated
- Require States 3.0.0-alpha3 at least.
- Code style fix
- Update doc
###[3.0.0-alpha1] - 2016-10-09 ###Updated
- Require minimum States 3+ (alpha 1) and States Life Cyclable (alpha 1).
- Bundle bootstrapping, useless with States 3+
- Bootstrap service to initialize the States library, not needed with States 3+
- Composer finder service, not needed with States 3+
- Factory and Startup Factory, removed for States 3+
- Removed Integrated proxies for Doctrine's entities and Doctrine's documents, Integrated proxies are removed for States 3+.
- Doctrine Class Meta Listener, not needed with States 3+ to initialize stated class, not needed with States 3+.
- Symfony options to customize the Bundle initialization: services removed.
##[2.2.3] - 2016-08-23 ###Fixed
- Minimum version of teknoo/state, use ^ operator insteadof ~ to allow to use the version 2.1 of States.
##[2.2.2] - 2016-08-04 ###Fixed
- Improve optimization on call to native function and optimized
##[2.2.1] - 2016-07-26 ###Updated
- Remove legacy reference to Uni Alteri in licences
- Change minimum version about State Life Cyclable exension
- Missing namespace use in IntegratedTrait about document and entity for doctrine's tags
##[2.2.0] - 2016-07-26 ###Updated
- Remove deprecated "prototype" scope in Symfony container, to be replace by shared services
- Remove Symfony 2.7 support, Symfony 2.8 is needed
##[2.1.1] - 2016-07-26 ###Updated
- Fix code style with cs-fixer
- Improve documentation and fix documentations
- Add the API documentation about the 2.x branch.
##[2.1.0] - 2016-04-16 ###Added
- Split States lifecycable support in an optional behavior
- Dependency to States lifecyclable is now not mandatory
##[2.0.3] - 2016-04-09 ###Fixed
- Fix code style with cs-fixer
##[2.0.2] - 2016-02-26 ###Fixed
- Compatibility with Symfony 3.0 (remove use of factory_method, replaced by factory)
##[2.0.1] - 2016-02-26 ###Fixed
- Minimum PHP requirement in composer.json
##[2.0.0] - 2016-02-12 ###Updated
- Stable Release, 1.x is switched on legacy branch and next is merged with master.
##[2.0.0-rc6] - 2016-02-03 - Available on the branch "next" ###Updated
- Fix yaml service.yml file
##[2.0.0-rc5] - 2016-02-02 - Available on the branch "next" ###Updated
- Fix composer minimum requirements
##[1.1.2] - 2016-02-02 ###Fixed
- Fix composer minimum requirements
##[1.1.1] - 2016-01-27 ###Added
- Clean .gitignorefile
##[2.0.0-rc4] - 2016-01-20 - Available on the branch "next" ###Updated
- Clean .gitignore
- Optimizing for inlined internal functions
##[2.0.0-rc3] - 2016-01-19 - Available on the branch "next" ###Updated
- Finalize support of States Lifecyclable extenstion
- Documentation about this extension with Symfony 2.7+
##[2.0.0-rc2] - 2016-01-18 - Available on the branch "next" ###Added
- Support of States Lifecyclable extenstion
- Bug in configuration use token teknoo_states instead of uni_alteri_states
##[2.0.0-rc1] - 2015-12-06 - Available on the branch "next" ###Added
- Release Candidate 1 about 2.0
- Coverage test code
##[1.1.0] - 2015-12-06 ###Added
- Stable release 1.1.0
- Typo3 class alias loader
##[1.1.0-beta6] - 2015-10-21 ###Fixed
- Fix bug to retrieve composer instance via spl functions
##[2.0.0-beta2] - 2015-10-31 - Available on the branch "next" ###Changed
- Migrate from Uni Alteri to Teknoo Software organization
##[1.1.0-beta5] - 2015-10-31 ###Fixed
- Migrate from Uni Alteri to Teknoo Software organization
##[2.0.0-beta1] - 2015-09-17 - Available on the branch "next" ###Added
- Support of Mongo
- Split Doctrine ODM (Mongo) and Doctrine ORM entities and factories
- Build on States 2.x
- Refactoring Factory and Entities
- Refactoring States loader in bundle to use Symfony' components
- Refactoring bundle bootstrap to use container definition
- Refactoring Doctrine listener for support
##[1.1.0-beta4] - 2015-07-23 ###Fixed
- Some tests issues
##[1.1.0-beta3] - 2015-07-19 ###Changed
- Split Entity and Document support in two traits
- Added support of LoaderComposer instead of LoaderStandard in bundle to avoid multiple autoloading mapping
##[1.1.0-beta2] - 2015-07-02 ###Added
- Support of Doctrine ODM Proxy
##[1.1.0-beta1] - 2015-06-22 ###Changed
- Define a new complementary trait to write easier new integrated proxies.
##[1.0.6] - 2015-06-10 ###Added
- Support of States 2.x
- Support of States 1.2
##[1.0.5] - 2015-05-24 ###Added
- Support of PHP7 (States is 7x faster than with PHP5.5)
- Add travis file to support IC outside Uni Alteri's server
##[1.0.4] - 2015-05-06 ###Fixed
- Documentation
##[1.0.3] - 2015-02-15 ###Fixed
- Api Documentation
- Update Composer dependencies
##[1.0.2] - 2015-02-09 ###Changed
- Documentation updated
- Contribution rules
##[1.0.1] - 2015-01-28 ###Fixed
- Code style
- Documentation updated
##[1.0.0] - 2015-01-17
- First stable of the states Bundle