A sufficient-sized and secure machine (Physical, VM or in the Cloud) with Ubuntu pre-installed on it
System requirements:
CPU: min. 2 cores
RAM: min. 4 GB
Disk space – > 50GB (blockchain and OS)
Disk Partitions
Recommended to create dedicated partition for storing blockchain database (data); sizing to be adjusted according to the size of the actual blockchain.for other partitions, setup and sizing, follow the best practice for ubuntu installation
Network – the network should be reliable and fast (high speed connection with low latency), and the machine accessible via public IP
2 x 1Gb >= Network adapter (second Network Interface Card (NIC) as a standby or failover interface in case the primary NIC fails. Can also be used for load balancing)
The following are the port(s) to be opened for incoming traffic or connections:
TODO: add
TODO: add
You can see example config here
TODO: add explanation of all config parameters
There are 2 taraxa docker images:
Contains all dependecies required for building taraxa-node project, you can create local taraxa-builder image by running this command in root directory:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --progress=plain --target builder -t taraxa-builder:latest .
Contains final taraxad binary + config. All dependencies are linked statically. To create taraxa-node image, run:
DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --progress=plain -t taraxa-node:latest .