BundleDecompiler is a tool for reverse engineering Android .aab files.
This tool decode .aab resources(.xml's) and sources(.dex's) and build also.
USAGE: ApkDecompiler < command > [options]
BundleDecompiler decompile or d
BundleDecompiler build or b
BundleDecompiler sign-bundle
BundleDecompiler sign-universal
decompile Decompile the provided .aab resources
--in= Input app bundle(.aab) file
--out= Output decompile Directory
build build the provided decompiled resources
--in= Input decompiled Directory
--out= Output app bundle(.aab) file
sign-bundle sign-bundle app bundle
--in= Input app bundle(.aab) file
--out= Signed app bundle(.aab) file
sign-universal universal for sign-bundle app bundle
--in= Input app bundle(.aab) file
--out= Signed universal apk(.apks) file
java -jar BundleDecompiler.jar decompile --in=input_app.aab --out=output_dir
java -jar BundleDecompiler.jar build --in=input_dir --out=output_app.aab
java -jar BundleDecompiler.jar sign-bundle --in=input_app.aab --out=output_app.aab
java -jar BundleDecompiler.jar sign-universal --in=input_app.aab --out=output_app.apks