Intercept is a small middleware that communicates between various services used in TYPO3 core or core-near world. Intercept can be found online at
Processes, setup, architecture and so on are found in this README.
Please check the information in legacy_hook/
End point "/githubpr" - Hook fired by github TYPO3 core main mirror if a pull request has been pushed to github to transfer that PR to a forge issue and a gerrit review.
End point "/split" - Hook fired by github core main mirror for new pushes (merged patch / new tag), used to update the git split packages at Sub tree splitting and tagging takes a while, jobs are queued with a rabbitmq and a single symfony command cli worker does the main job.
Sends bitbucket webhook push events to packagist to update according packages as packagist currently cannot use the bitbucket server payloads directly. Requests to the hook have to be sent via
Trigger subtree splitting and tagging manually.
Interface to deal with documentation rendering and management.
Interface to link other services to Discord webhooks.
- - Create an issue on forge if a github core pull request is transformed to a gerrit core patch and forge issue.
- (gerrit) - Gerrit calls /gerrit if new core patches are pushed, intercept votes on gerrit for completed bamboo builds, intercept pushes patches to gerrit if a github pull request is transformed to a gerrit core patch and forge issue.
- - repository hooks trigger: git subtree split, git subtree tagging, pull request handling, documentation rendering. intercept pushes patches and tags to core subtree split repositories.
- - intercept pushs messages to slack for failed nightly builds
- sqlite - a local sqlite, stores users, documentation details, information if a single core nightly build has been rebuild already
intercept is sort of a spider that hangs in between different services to communicate and translate between them. On testing side, only the simple data munging parts are unit tested, the main testing logic lies in the functional tests. The coverage is very high to specify in detail what intercept does, and which data is expected from a given service.
- Bundle/ contains a helper class for functional testing
- Client/ contains HTTP clients injected into Services to execute remote calls
- Command/ contains a symfony console cli worker that connects to a rabbitmq and does the core subtree splitting and tagging
- Controller/ contains main controller classes for web and api endpoints
- Creator/ contains value objects created by controllers, eg. a specific gerrit review message to be posted
- Entity/ contains doctrine database entity objects
- Exception/ contains custom exceptions
- Extractor/ contains value objects usually created by services, eg. a class representing a github pull request
- Form/ contains classes representing the various web forms
- GitWrapper/ contains helper classes for details with managing git repositories via PHP. This is used for the github pull request to gerrit service, and by the sub tree split worker.
- Migrations/ contains doctrine database migration classes.
- Repository/ contains doctrine orm repositories
- Service/ contains classes doing the heavy lifting, usually calling Client/ objects and returning Extractor/ objects
- Utility/ contains static helper stuff like date munging or a semver helper
Changes to intercept should go to the develop branch. This branch is deployed to stage - the master branch is updated by creating a new release via gitflow workflow and is deployed to live by github actionts.
Notes: the ddev based setup does currently NOT start the rabbitmq server and the core
split / tag worker. Some further setup is not fully finished, like valid credentials
for third party services. The documented setup has been created to allow easy
development of the documentation part - if more is needed, have a look at the .env
file and write proper values to a .env.local
# Clone repo
ddev start
ddev composer install
ddev exec bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
ddev exec npm ci
ddev exec npm run build
- - intercept web interface
- - rabbitmq interface, user: admin, password: foo
git pull
ddev start
ddev composer install
ddev exec bin/console cache:clear
ddev exec bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
ddev exec npm ci
ddev exec npm run build
ddev exec -s rabbitmq rabbitmqadmin -u admin -p foo declare queue name=intercept-core-split-testing
If changing js / css / web images, files to public dirs need to be recompiled and published:
ddev exec yarn encore dev
An alternative is to start an explicit watcher process to recompile if css files change:
ddev exec yarn encore dev --watch
To use the Discord part of Intercept you need two variables in your .env.local
The server ID is the ID of the Discord server you wish to interact with. You can find this out by turning on developer
mode in Discord, right clicking the server, and then clicking copy id
The Bot is a token needed to interact with the Discord API. You can read more about these here. You also need to make sure the bot you are using is a member of the server you are using!
Once set up you must run the command bin/console app:discord-sync
. This commend will fetch a list of Discord channels to your Intercept installation.
In a production environment, this command should be set as a cronjob for roughly every 10 minutes.
To use Usercentrics you must set these variables in your .env.local
ddev composer t3g:test:php:unit
ddev composer t3g:test:php:functional
Find rendered coverage data at var/phpunit/coverage/index.html
ddev composer t3g:test:php:cover
ddev composer t3g:cgl
If the instance runs with ddev, a .env.local
file inside .ddev
is mandatory. It can be copied from the existing .env.example
file. For no performance profiling tasks, the values may be empty. Else, put your account data here. If in doubt, reach out to Susi.
- Server with enough power,
and ssh access to the docs server (DO NOT DO THIS ON SRV001!) - up-to-date intercept database (Get a copy of
from the live system before you start) - clone of this repository
# rm build dir if it exists
rm -Rf var/docs-build-information/
# generate build information - writes build information files to disk at var/docs-build-information/
./bin/console app:docs-dump-render-info --all
# go to the build folder
cd build
# download and update repositories
time find ../var/docs-build-information/ ! -type d | parallel --progress "./ {}"
# render all documents (~1h on a modern notebook)
time find ../var/docs-build-information/ ! -type d | parallel --progress "./ {}"
# move docs to final structure locally
time find ../var/docs-build-information/ ! -type d | parallel "./ {}"
# rsync rendered docs to live