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package com.topflytech.lockActive.data;import java.io.DataInput;import java.nio.ByteBuffer;import java.text.ParseException;import java.util.ArrayList;import java.util.Arrays;import java.util.Date;import java.util.List;/** * @author zhenhui.chen * @version 1.0.0 * @since 2013-03-24 */public class MyByteUtils { public static ArrayList<Integer> columnWidth = new ArrayList<Integer>(){{ add(400); add(400); add(500); add(800); add(300); add(300); add(200); add(200); add(200); add(800); }}; public static String binaryFormat(String binaryStr,int len){ int binaryLen = binaryStr.length(); if(binaryLen >= len){ return binaryStr.substring(binaryLen - len ,binaryLen); }else{ int fixZeroLen = len - binaryLen; String fixZero = ""; for(int i = 0;i < fixZeroLen;i++){ fixZero += "0"; } return fixZero + binaryStr; } } private static String[] binaryArray = {"0000","0001","0010","0011", "0100","0101","0110","0111", "1000","1001","1010","1011", "1100","1101","1110","1111"}; public static String bytes2BinaryStr(byte[] bArray){ String outStr = ""; int pos = 0; for(byte b:bArray){ //����λ pos = (b&0xF0)>>4; outStr+=binaryArray[pos]; //����λ pos=b&0x0F; outStr+=binaryArray[pos]; } return outStr; } public static byte[] binaryToByte(String binaryStr){ if(binaryStr.length() % 8 != 0){ return new byte[]{}; } int len = binaryStr.length() / 8; byte[] result = new byte[len]; for(int i = 0 ;i < len;i++){ String highPosStr = binaryStr.substring(i*8,i * 8 + 4); int highPos = 0; for(;highPos < binaryArray.length;highPos++){ if(highPosStr.equals(binaryArray[highPos])){ break; } } String lowPosStr = binaryStr.substring(i * 8 + 4, i *8 + 8); int lowPos = 0; for(;lowPos < binaryArray.length;lowPos++){ if(lowPosStr.equals(binaryArray[lowPos])){ break; } } int value = highPos * 16 + lowPos; result[i] = (byte)value; } return result; } public static String bytes2HexString(final byte[] bytes, int index) { if (bytes == null || bytes.length <= 0 || index >= bytes.length) { return null; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(""); for (int i = index; i < bytes.length; ++i) { String hex = Integer.toHexString(bytes[i] & 0xFF); if (hex.length() < 2) { builder.append('0'); } builder.append(hex); } return builder.toString(); } public static byte[] hexString2Bytes(String hexStr) { String hex = hexStr.replace("0x", ""); StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(hex); if (buffer.length() % 2 != 0) { buffer.insert(0, '0'); } final int size = buffer.length() / 2; byte[] bytes = new byte[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { bytes[i] = (byte) Integer.parseInt(buffer.substring(i * 2, (i + 1) * 2), 16); } return bytes; } public static long littleEndianBytes2Long(byte[] bytes) { long l = 0; for(int i = bytes.length - 1; i >=0; i--) { l = l << 8; l |= bytes[i]; } return l; } public static long bytes2Long(byte[] bytes) { long l = 0; for(int i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { l = l << 8; l |= bytes[i]; } return l; } public static long binStr2Long(final byte[] binaryStr) { try { return Long.parseLong(new String(binaryStr), 2); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return 0; } public static byte[] short2Bytes(int number) { byte[] bytes = new byte[2]; for (int i = 1; i >= 0; i--) { bytes[i] = (byte)(number % 256); number >>= 8; } return bytes; } public static int bytes2Short(byte[] bytes, int offset) { if (bytes != null && bytes.length > 0 && bytes.length > offset) { if ((bytes.length - offset) >= 2) { short s = (short)(bytes[offset + 1] & 0xFF); return ((int) s) | ((bytes[offset] << 8) & 0xFF00); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid bytes length!"); } public static int littleEnddianBytes2Short(byte[] bytes, int offset) { if (bytes != null && bytes.length > 0 && bytes.length > offset) { if ((bytes.length - offset) >= 2) { short s = (short)(bytes[offset] & 0xFF); return ((int) s) | ((bytes[offset + 1] << 8) & 0xFF00); } } throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid bytes length!"); } public static int bytes2Integer(byte[] bytes, int offset) { return ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, offset, 4).asIntBuffer().get(); } public static long unsignedLittleEndian4BytesToInt(byte[] buf, int pos) { int firstByte = 0; int secondByte = 0; int thirdByte = 0; int fourthByte = 0; int index = pos; firstByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) buf[index+ 3])); secondByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) buf[index + 2])); thirdByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) buf[index + 1])); fourthByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) buf[index ])); index = index + 4; return ((long) (firstByte << 24 | secondByte << 16 | thirdByte << 8 | fourthByte)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; } public static long unsigned4BytesToInt(byte[] buf, int pos) { int firstByte = 0; int secondByte = 0; int thirdByte = 0; int fourthByte = 0; int index = pos; firstByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) buf[index])); secondByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) buf[index + 1])); thirdByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) buf[index + 2])); fourthByte = (0x000000FF & ((int) buf[index + 3])); index = index + 4; return ((long) (firstByte << 24 | secondByte << 16 | thirdByte << 8 | fourthByte)) & 0xFFFFFFFFL; } public static byte[] unSignedInt2Bytes(long num) { byte[] byteNum = new byte[4]; for (int ix = 0; ix < 4; ++ix) { int offset = 32 - (ix + 1) * 8; byteNum[ix] = (byte) ((num >> offset) & 0xff); } return byteNum; } public static byte[] long2Bytes(long num) { byte[] byteNum = new byte[8]; for (int ix = 0; ix < 8; ++ix) { int offset = 64 - (ix + 1) * 8; byteNum[ix] = (byte) ((num >> offset) & 0xff); } return byteNum; } public static float bytes2Float(byte[] bytes, int offset) { int value; value = bytes[offset]; value &= 0xff; value |= ((long) bytes[offset + 1] << 8); value &= 0xffff; value |= ((long) bytes[offset + 2] << 16); value &= 0xffffff; value |= ((long) bytes[offset + 3] << 24); return Float.intBitsToFloat(value); } public static float littleEndianBytes2Float(byte[] bytes, int offset) { int value; value = bytes[offset+3]; value &= 0xff; value |= ((long) bytes[offset + 2] << 8); value &= 0xffff; value |= ((long) bytes[offset + 1] << 16); value &= 0xffffff; value |= ((long) bytes[offset] << 24); return Float.intBitsToFloat(value); } public static boolean getBitFromByte(byte b, int index) { if (index<0 || index>7) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("index "+index +" is out of bound"); } return (b>>index & 0x01) == 0x01; } private static String decodeImei(byte[] bytes, int index) { if (bytes != null && index > 0 && (bytes.length - index) >= 8) { String str = MyByteUtils.bytes2HexString(bytes, index); return str.substring(1, 16); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid bytes length & index!"); } private static LocationMessage parseLockMessage(byte[] bytes) { LocationMessage lockMessage = new LocationMessage(); int serialNo = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes, 5); String imei =MyByteUtils.decodeImei(bytes, 7); Date date = TimeUtils.getGTM0Date(bytes, 15); boolean latlngValid = (bytes[21] & 0x40) != 0x00; boolean isGpsWorking = (bytes[21] & 0x20) == 0x00; boolean isHistoryData = (bytes[21] & 0x80) != 0x00; int satelliteNumber = bytes[21] & 0x1F; double altitude = latlngValid ? MyByteUtils.bytes2Float(bytes, 22) : 0; double longitude = latlngValid ? MyByteUtils.bytes2Float(bytes,26) : 0; double latitude = latlngValid ? MyByteUtils.bytes2Float(bytes,30) : 0; Float speedf = 0.0f; if (latlngValid){ try{ if (latlngValid) { byte[] bytesSpeed = Arrays.copyOfRange(bytes, 34, 36); String strSp = MyByteUtils.bytes2HexString(bytesSpeed, 0); if(!strSp.toLowerCase().equals("ffff")){ speedf = Float.parseFloat(String.format("%d.%d", Integer.parseInt(strSp.substring(0, 3)), Integer.parseInt(strSp.substring(3, strSp.length())))); } } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } int azimuth = latlngValid ? MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes, 36) : 0; Boolean is_4g_lbs = false; Integer mcc_4g = null; Integer mnc_4g = null; Long ci_4g = null; Integer earfcn_4g_1 = null; Integer pcid_4g_1 = null; Integer earfcn_4g_2 = null; Integer pcid_4g_2 = null; Boolean is_2g_lbs = false; Integer mcc_2g = null; Integer mnc_2g = null; Integer lac_2g_1 = null; Integer ci_2g_1 = null; Integer lac_2g_2 = null; Integer ci_2g_2 = null; Integer lac_2g_3 = null; Integer ci_2g_3 = null; if (!latlngValid){ byte lbsByte = bytes[22]; if ((lbsByte & 0x80) == 0x80){ is_4g_lbs = true; }else{ is_2g_lbs = true; } } if (is_2g_lbs){ mcc_2g = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,22); mnc_2g = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,24); lac_2g_1 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,26); ci_2g_1 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,28); lac_2g_2 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,30); ci_2g_2 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,32); lac_2g_3 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,34); ci_2g_3 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,36); } if (is_4g_lbs){ mcc_4g = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,22) & 0x7FFF; mnc_4g = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,24); ci_4g = MyByteUtils.unsigned4BytesToInt(bytes, 26); earfcn_4g_1 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes, 30); pcid_4g_1 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes, 32); earfcn_4g_2 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes, 34); pcid_4g_2 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(bytes,36); } int lockType = bytes[38] & 0xff; if(lockType < 0){ lockType += 256; } int idLen = (bytes[39] & 0xff) * 2; String idStr = MyByteUtils.bytes2HexString(bytes,40); String id = idStr; if (idStr.length() > idLen){ id = idStr.substring(0,idLen); } id = id.toUpperCase(); lockMessage.setProtocolHeadType(bytes[2]); lockMessage.setSerialNo(serialNo); lockMessage.setImei(imei); lockMessage.setDate(date); lockMessage.setOrignBytes(bytes); lockMessage.setLatlngValid(latlngValid); lockMessage.setAltitude(altitude); lockMessage.setLongitude(longitude); lockMessage.setLatitude(latitude); lockMessage.setLatlngValid(latlngValid); lockMessage.setSpeed(speedf); lockMessage.setAzimuth(azimuth); lockMessage.setLockType(lockType); lockMessage.setLockId(id); lockMessage.setIsHistoryData(isHistoryData); lockMessage.setSatelliteNumber(satelliteNumber); lockMessage.setGpsWorking(isGpsWorking); lockMessage.setIs_4g_lbs(is_4g_lbs); lockMessage.setIs_2g_lbs(is_2g_lbs); lockMessage.setMcc_2g(mcc_2g); lockMessage.setMnc_2g(mnc_2g); lockMessage.setLac_2g_1(lac_2g_1); lockMessage.setCi_2g_1(ci_2g_1); lockMessage.setLac_2g_2(lac_2g_2); lockMessage.setCi_2g_2(ci_2g_2); lockMessage.setLac_2g_3(lac_2g_3); lockMessage.setCi_2g_3(ci_2g_3); lockMessage.setMcc_4g(mcc_4g); lockMessage.setMnc_4g(mnc_4g); lockMessage.setCi_4g(ci_4g); lockMessage.setEarfcn_4g_1(earfcn_4g_1); lockMessage.setPcid_4g_1(pcid_4g_1); lockMessage.setEarfcn_4g_2(earfcn_4g_2); lockMessage.setPcid_4g_2(pcid_4g_2); return lockMessage; } private static LocationMessage parseDataMessage(byte[] data) { int serialNo = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data, 5); String imei = MyByteUtils.decodeImei(data, 7); Date date = TimeUtils.getGTM0Date(data, 17); boolean isGpsWorking = (data[15] & 0x20) == 0x00; boolean isHistoryData = (data[15] & 0x80) != 0x00; boolean latlngValid = (data[15] & 0x40) == 0x40; int satelliteNumber = data[15] & 0x1F; double altitude = latlngValid ? MyByteUtils.bytes2Float(data, 23) : 0; double longitude = latlngValid ? MyByteUtils.bytes2Float(data,27) : 0; double latitude = latlngValid ? MyByteUtils.bytes2Float(data,31) : 0; Float speedf = 0.0f; if (latlngValid){ try{ if (latlngValid) { byte[] bytesSpeed = Arrays.copyOfRange(data, 35, 37); String strSp = MyByteUtils.bytes2HexString(bytesSpeed, 0); if(!strSp.toLowerCase().equals("ffff")){ speedf = Float.parseFloat(String.format("%d.%d", Integer.parseInt(strSp.substring(0, 3)), Integer.parseInt(strSp.substring(3, strSp.length())))); } } }catch (Exception e){// e.printStackTrace(); } } int azimuth = latlngValid ? MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data, 37) : 0; Boolean is_4g_lbs = false; Integer mcc_4g = null; Integer mnc_4g = null; Long ci_4g = null; Integer earfcn_4g_1 = null; Integer pcid_4g_1 = null; Integer earfcn_4g_2 = null; Integer pcid_4g_2 = null; Boolean is_2g_lbs = false; Integer mcc_2g = null; Integer mnc_2g = null; Integer lac_2g_1 = null; Integer ci_2g_1 = null; Integer lac_2g_2 = null; Integer ci_2g_2 = null; Integer lac_2g_3 = null; Integer ci_2g_3 = null; if (!latlngValid){ byte lbsByte = data[23]; if ((lbsByte & 0x80) == 0x80){ is_4g_lbs = true; }else{ is_2g_lbs = true; } } if (is_2g_lbs){ mcc_2g = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,23); mnc_2g = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,25); lac_2g_1 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,27); ci_2g_1 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,29); lac_2g_2 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,31); ci_2g_2 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,33); lac_2g_3 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,35); ci_2g_3 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,37); } if (is_4g_lbs){ mcc_4g = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,23) & 0x7FFF; mnc_4g = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,25); ci_4g = MyByteUtils.unsigned4BytesToInt(data, 27); earfcn_4g_1 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data, 31); pcid_4g_1 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data, 33); earfcn_4g_2 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data, 35); pcid_4g_2 = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data,37); } int axisXDirect = (data[39] & 0x80) == 0x80 ? 1 : -1; float axisX = ((data[39] & 0x7F & 0xff) + (((data[40] & 0xf0) >> 4) & 0xff) /10.0f) * axisXDirect; int axisYDirect = (data[40] & 0x08) == 0x08 ? 1 : -1; float axisY = (((((data[40] & 0x07) << 4) & 0xff) + (((data[41] & 0xf0) >> 4) & 0xff)) + (data[41] & 0x0F & 0xff)/10.0f)* axisYDirect; int axisZDirect = (data[42] & 0x80) == 0x80 ? 1 : -1; float axisZ = ((data[42] & 0x7F & 0xff) + (((data[43] & 0xf0) >> 4) & 0xff) /10.0f) * axisZDirect; byte[] batteryPercentBytes = new byte[]{data[44]}; String batteryPercentStr = MyByteUtils.bytes2HexString(batteryPercentBytes, 0); int batteryPercent = 100; if(batteryPercentStr.toLowerCase().equals("ff")){ batteryPercent = 100; }else{ try{ batteryPercent = Integer.parseInt(batteryPercentStr); if (0 == batteryPercent) { batteryPercent = 100; } }catch (Exception e){// e.printStackTrace(); } } float deviceTemp = -999; if ( data[45] != 0xff){ deviceTemp = (data[45] & 0x7F) * ((data[45] & 0x80) == 0x80 ? -1 : 1); } byte[] lightSensorBytes = new byte[]{data[46]}; String lightSensorStr = MyByteUtils.bytes2HexString(lightSensorBytes, 0); float lightSensor = 0; if(lightSensorStr.toLowerCase().equals("ff")){ lightSensor = -999; }else{ try{ lightSensor = Integer.parseInt(lightSensorStr) / 10.0f; }catch (Exception e){// e.printStackTrace(); } } byte[] batteryVoltageBytes = new byte[]{data[47]}; String batteryVoltageStr = MyByteUtils.bytes2HexString(batteryVoltageBytes, 0); float batteryVoltage = 0; if(batteryVoltageStr.toLowerCase().equals("ff")){ batteryVoltage = -999; }else{ try{ batteryVoltage = Integer.parseInt(batteryVoltageStr) / 10.0f; }catch (Exception e){// e.printStackTrace(); } } byte[] solarVoltageBytes = new byte[]{data[48]}; String solarVoltageStr = MyByteUtils.bytes2HexString(solarVoltageBytes, 0); float solarVoltage = 0; if(solarVoltageStr.toLowerCase().equals("ff")){ solarVoltage = -999; }else{ try{ solarVoltage = Integer.parseInt(solarVoltageStr) / 10.0f; }catch (Exception e){// e.printStackTrace(); } } long mileage = MyByteUtils.unsigned4BytesToInt(data, 49); int status = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data, 53); int network = (status & 0x7F0) >> 4; int accOnInterval = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data, 55); int accOffInterval = MyByteUtils.bytes2Integer(data, 57); int angleCompensation = (int) (data[61] & 0xff); if (angleCompensation < 0){ angleCompensation += 256; } int distanceCompensation = MyByteUtils.bytes2Short(data, 62); int heartbeatInterval = (int) data[64]; boolean isUsbCharging = (status & 0x8000) == 0x8000; boolean isSolarCharging = (status & 0x8) == 0x8; boolean iopIgnition = (status & 0x4) == 0x4; byte alarmByte = data[16]; int originalAlarmCode = (int) alarmByte; if(originalAlarmCode < 0){ originalAlarmCode += 256; } byte[] command = Arrays.copyOf(data, 3); boolean isAlarmData = command[2] == 0x04; byte status1 = data[54]; String smartPowerOpenStatus = "close"; if((status1 & 0x01) == 0x01){ smartPowerOpenStatus = "open"; } byte status2 = data[66]; boolean isLockSim = (status2 & 0x80) == 0x80; boolean isLockDevice = (status2 & 0x40) == 0x40; boolean AGPSEphemerisDataDownloadSettingStatus = (status2 & 0x20) == 0x10; boolean gSensorSettingStatus = (status2 & 0x10) == 0x10; boolean frontSensorSettingStatus = (status2 & 0x08) == 0x08; boolean deviceRemoveAlarmSettingStatus = (status2 & 0x04) == 0x04; boolean openCaseAlarmSettingStatus = (status2 & 0x02) == 0x02; boolean deviceInternalTempReadingANdUploadingSettingStatus = (status2 & 0x01) == 0x01; byte status3 = data[67]; String smartPowerSettingStatus = "disable"; if((status3 & 0x80) == 0x80){ smartPowerSettingStatus = "enable"; } Integer lockType = null; if (data.length >= 71){ lockType = (int)data[70]; } LocationMessage locationMessage = new LocationMessage(); locationMessage.setProtocolHeadType(data[2]); locationMessage.setOrignBytes(data);// boolean isNeedResp = (serialNo & 0x8000) != 0x8000; locationMessage.setSerialNo(serialNo);// locationMessage.setIsNeedResp(isNeedResp); locationMessage.setNetworkSignal(network); locationMessage.setImei(imei); locationMessage.setIsSolarCharging(isSolarCharging); locationMessage.setIsUsbCharging(isUsbCharging); locationMessage.setSamplingIntervalAccOn(accOnInterval); locationMessage.setSamplingIntervalAccOff(accOffInterval); locationMessage.setAngleCompensation(angleCompensation); locationMessage.setDistanceCompensation(distanceCompensation); locationMessage.setGpsWorking(isGpsWorking); locationMessage.setIsHistoryData(isHistoryData); locationMessage.setSatelliteNumber(satelliteNumber); locationMessage.setHeartbeatInterval(heartbeatInterval); locationMessage.setOriginalAlarmCode(originalAlarmCode); locationMessage.setMileage(mileage); locationMessage.setIopIgnition(iopIgnition); locationMessage.setIOP(locationMessage.isIopIgnition() ? 0x4000l : 0x0000l); locationMessage.setBatteryCharge(batteryPercent); locationMessage.setDate(date); locationMessage.setLatlngValid(latlngValid); locationMessage.setAltitude(altitude); locationMessage.setLatitude(latitude); locationMessage.setLongitude(longitude); locationMessage.setIsLockSim(isLockSim); locationMessage.setIsLockDevice(isLockDevice); locationMessage.setAGPSEphemerisDataDownloadSettingStatus(AGPSEphemerisDataDownloadSettingStatus); locationMessage.setgSensorSettingStatus(gSensorSettingStatus); locationMessage.setFrontSensorSettingStatus(frontSensorSettingStatus); locationMessage.setDeviceRemoveAlarmSettingStatus(deviceRemoveAlarmSettingStatus); locationMessage.setOpenCaseAlarmSettingStatus(openCaseAlarmSettingStatus); locationMessage.setDeviceInternalTempReadingANdUploadingSettingStatus(deviceInternalTempReadingANdUploadingSettingStatus); if(locationMessage.isLatlngValid()) { locationMessage.setSpeed(speedf); } else { locationMessage.setSpeed(0.0f); } locationMessage.setAzimuth(azimuth); locationMessage.setAxisX(axisX); locationMessage.setAxisY(axisY); locationMessage.setAxisZ(axisZ); locationMessage.setDeviceTemp(deviceTemp); locationMessage.setLightSensor(lightSensor); locationMessage.setBatteryVoltage(batteryVoltage); locationMessage.setSolarVoltage(solarVoltage); locationMessage.setSmartPowerSettingStatus(smartPowerSettingStatus); locationMessage.setSmartPowerOpenStatus(smartPowerOpenStatus); locationMessage.setIs_4g_lbs(is_4g_lbs); locationMessage.setIs_2g_lbs(is_2g_lbs); locationMessage.setMcc_2g(mcc_2g); locationMessage.setMnc_2g(mnc_2g); locationMessage.setLac_2g_1(lac_2g_1); locationMessage.setCi_2g_1(ci_2g_1); locationMessage.setLac_2g_2(lac_2g_2); locationMessage.setCi_2g_2(ci_2g_2); locationMessage.setLac_2g_3(lac_2g_3); locationMessage.setCi_2g_3(ci_2g_3); locationMessage.setMcc_4g(mcc_4g); locationMessage.setMnc_4g(mnc_4g); locationMessage.setCi_4g(ci_4g); locationMessage.setEarfcn_4g_1(earfcn_4g_1); locationMessage.setPcid_4g_1(pcid_4g_1); locationMessage.setEarfcn_4g_2(earfcn_4g_2); locationMessage.setPcid_4g_2(pcid_4g_2); locationMessage.setLockType(lockType); return locationMessage; } public static ArrayList<LocationMessage> getLocationMessage(byte[] inBytes,TopflytechByteBuf decoderBuf){ ArrayList<LocationMessage> result = new ArrayList<LocationMessage>(); decoderBuf.putBuf(inBytes); if(decoderBuf.getReadableBytes() < 5){ return result; } byte[] bytes = new byte[3]; while (decoderBuf.getReadableBytes() > 5){ decoderBuf.markReaderIndex(); bytes[0] = decoderBuf.getByte(0); bytes[1] = decoderBuf.getByte(1); bytes[2] = decoderBuf.getByte(2); if ((bytes[0] == 0x27 && bytes[1] == 0x27 && (bytes[2] == 0x02 || bytes[2] == 0x04))){ decoderBuf.skipBytes(3); byte[] lengthBytes = decoderBuf.readBytes(2); int packageLength = bytes2Short(lengthBytes, 0); decoderBuf.resetReaderIndex(); if(packageLength <= 0){ return result; } if (packageLength > decoderBuf.getReadableBytes()){ return result; } byte[] data = decoderBuf.readBytes(packageLength); if (data != null){ if(bytes[2] == 0x17){ try { LocationMessage locationMessage = parseLockMessage(data); result.add(locationMessage); }catch (Exception e){ } }else{ try { LocationMessage locationMessage = parseDataMessage(data); result.add(locationMessage); }catch (Exception e){ } } } }else{ decoderBuf.skipBytes(1); } } return result; }}