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Update Get-SimpleUnifiedAuditLog to flatten any UAL record type.
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jonnybottles committed Dec 10, 2024
1 parent afb940a commit 87c2d62
Showing 1 changed file with 181 additions and 121 deletions.
302 changes: 181 additions & 121 deletions Hawk/internal/functions/Get-SimpleUnifiedAuditLog.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,170 +1,230 @@
function Get-SimpleUnifiedAuditLog {
Formats unified audit log records into a flat structure for analysis.
Flattens nested Microsoft 365 Unified Audit Log records into a simplified format.
Processes unified audit log records by extracting all properties from both the base record
and the nested AuditData JSON. It flattens nested objects like AppAccessContext and Parameters
into individual columns, making the data easier to analyze in CSV format.
The function handles:
- Base record properties
- Nested AuditData JSON
- Parameter arrays
- AppAccessContext data
- Full command reconstruction
- Error cases with appropriate logging
This function processes Microsoft 365 Unified Audit Log records by converting nested JSON data
(stored in the AuditData property) into a flat structure suitable for analysis and export.
It handles complex nested objects, arrays, and special cases like parameter collections.
The function:
- Preserves base record properties
- Flattens nested JSON structures
- Provides special handling for Parameters collections
- Creates human-readable command reconstructions
- Supports type preservation for data analysis
A PowerShell object representing a unified audit log record. This should be the output
A PowerShell object representing a unified audit log record. Typically, this is the output
from Search-UnifiedAuditLog and should contain both base properties and an AuditData
property containing a JSON string of additional audit information.
.PARAMETER PreserveTypes
When specified, maintains the original data types of values instead of converting them
to strings. This is useful when the output will be used for further PowerShell processing
rather than export to CSV/JSON.
$auditLogs = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -StartDate $startDate -EndDate $endDate -RecordType ExchangeAdmin
$auditLogs | Get-SimpleUnifiedAuditLog
$auditLogs | Get-SimpleUnifiedAuditLog | Export-Csv -Path "AuditLogs.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Processes Exchange admin audit logs, expanding all properties into a flat structure.
Processes Exchange admin audit logs and exports them to CSV with all nested properties flattened.
$userChanges = Search-UnifiedAuditLog -UserIds [email protected] -Operations "Add-*"
$userChanges | Get-SimpleUnifiedAuditLog | Export-Csv -Path "UserChanges.csv" -NoTypeInformation
$userChanges | Get-SimpleUnifiedAuditLog -PreserveTypes |
Where-Object { $_.ResultStatus -eq $true } |
Select-Object CreationTime, Operation, FullCommand
Gets all "Add" operations for a specific user and exports the processed results to CSV.
Gets all "Add" operations for a specific user, preserves data types, filters for successful operations,
and selects specific columns.
Outputs a collection of PSCustomObjects with flattened properties from the audit logs.
Each object contains:
- Base record properties (RecordType, CreationDate, etc.)
- Expanded AuditData properties
- Individual parameter columns prefixed with "Param_"
- Consolidated parameter view
- Formatted full command string
- AppAccessContext data in separate columns
Collection of PSCustomObjects with flattened properties from both the base record and AuditData.
Properties include:
- All base record properties (RecordType, CreationDate, etc.)
- Flattened nested objects with property names using dot notation
- Individual parameters as Param_* properties
- ParameterString containing all parameters in a readable format
- FullCommand showing reconstructed PowerShell command (when applicable)
The function focuses on complete data visibility by exposing all available properties
from the audit logs. This helps administrators and security professionals analyze
the full context of audit events for incident response and compliance purposes.
Author: Jonathan Butler
Version: 2.0
Development Date: December 2024
The function is designed to handle any RecordType from the Unified Audit Log and will
automatically adapt to changes in the audit log schema. Special handling is implemented
for common patterns like Parameters collections while maintaining flexibility for
other nested structures.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

Begin {
begin {
# Collection to store processed results
$Results = @()

Process {
try {
# Convert the AuditData JSON string to an object
$AuditData = $Record.AuditData | ConvertFrom-Json

if ($AuditData) {
# Create hashtable for all properties
$properties = @{
# Common Schema properties
RecordType = $Record.RecordType
CreationDate = $Record.CreationDate
UserIds = $Record.UserIds
Operations = $Record.Operations
ResultIndex = $Record.ResultIndex
ResultCount = $Record.ResultCount
Identity = $Record.Identity
IsValid = $Record.IsValid
ObjectState = $Record.ObjectState

# AppAccessContext properties
AADSessionId = $AuditData.AppAccessContext.AADSessionId
AppAccessContextIssuedAtTime = $AuditData.AppAccessContext.IssuedAtTime
AppAccessContextUniqueTokenId = $AuditData.AppAccessContext.UniqueTokenId

# Common AuditData properties
AuditCreationTime = $AuditData.CreationTime
AuditId = $AuditData.Id
Operation = $AuditData.Operation
OrganizationId = $AuditData.OrganizationId
AuditRecordType = $AuditData.RecordType
ResultStatus = $AuditData.ResultStatus
UserKey = $AuditData.UserKey
UserType = $AuditData.UserType
Version = $AuditData.Version
Workload = $AuditData.Workload
ClientIP = $AuditData.ClientIP
ObjectId = $AuditData.ObjectId
UserId = $AuditData.UserId
AppId = $AuditData.AppId
AppPoolName = $AuditData.AppPoolName
ClientAppId = $AuditData.ClientAppId
CorrelationID = $AuditData.CorrelationID
ExternalAccess = $AuditData.ExternalAccess
OrganizationName = $AuditData.OrganizationName
OriginatingServer = $AuditData.OriginatingServer
RequestId = $AuditData.RequestId
SessionId = $AuditData.SessionId
DeviceId = $AuditData.DeviceId

# Add each parameter as its own column
if ($AuditData.Parameters) {
foreach ($param in $AuditData.Parameters) {
$properties["Param_$($param.Name)"] = $param.Value
function ConvertTo-FlatObject {
Recursively flattens nested objects into a single-level hashtable.
Internal helper function that converts complex nested objects into a flat structure
using dot notation for property names. Handles special cases like Parameters arrays
and preserves type information when requested.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string]$Prefix = "",

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]

# Initialize hashtable for flattened properties
$flatProperties = @{}

# Process each property of the input object
foreach ($prop in $InputObject.PSObject.Properties) {
# Build the property key name, incorporating prefix if provided
$key = if ($Prefix) { "${Prefix}_$($prop.Name)" } else { $prop.Name }

# Special handling for Parameters array - common in UAL records
if ($prop.Name -eq 'Parameters' -and $prop.Value -is [Array]) {
# Create human-readable parameter string
$paramStrings = foreach ($param in $prop.Value) {
$flatProperties['ParameterString'] = $paramStrings -join ' | '

# Also add consolidated parameters view
$properties["Parameters"] = ($AuditData.Parameters | ForEach-Object {
}) -join ' | '
# Create individual parameter properties
foreach ($param in $prop.Value) {
$paramKey = "Param_$($param.Name)"
$flatProperties[$paramKey] = $param.Value

# Create full command string
if ($AuditData.Parameters) {
$paramStrings = foreach ($param in $AuditData.Parameters) {
$value = switch -Regex ($param.Value) {
'\s' { "'$($param.Value)'" }
'^True$|^False$' { "`$$($param.Value.ToLower())" }
';' { "'$($param.Value)'" }
default { $param.Value }
# Reconstruct full command if Operation property exists
if ($InputObject.Operation) {
$paramStrings = foreach ($param in $prop.Value) {
# Format parameter values based on content
$value = switch -Regex ($param.Value) {
'\s' { "'$($param.Value)'" } # Quote values containing spaces
'^True$|^False$' { "`$$($param.Value.ToLower())" } # Format booleans
';' { "'$($param.Value)'" } # Quote values containing semicolons
default { $param.Value }
"-$($param.Name) $value"
"-$($param.Name) $value"
$flatProperties['FullCommand'] = "$($InputObject.Operation) $($paramStrings -join ' ')"
$properties["FullCommand"] = "$($AuditData.Operation) $($paramStrings -join ' ')"
else {
$properties["FullCommand"] = $AuditData.Operation

# Check for any other properties in AuditData and add them
foreach ($prop in $AuditData.PSObject.Properties) {
if (-not $properties.ContainsKey($prop.Name) -and $prop.Name -ne 'Parameters' -and $prop.Name -ne 'AppAccessContext') {
$properties[$prop.Name] = $prop.Value
# Handle different value types
switch ($prop.Value) {
# Recursively process nested hashtables
{ $_ -is [System.Collections.IDictionary] } {
$nestedObject = ConvertTo-FlatObject -InputObject $_ -Prefix $key -PreserveTypes:$PreserveTypes
$flatProperties += $nestedObject
# Process arrays (excluding Parameters which was handled above)
{ $_ -is [System.Collections.IList] -and $prop.Name -ne 'Parameters' } {
if ($_.Count -gt 0) {
if ($_[0] -is [PSObject]) {
# Handle array of objects
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $_.Count; $i++) {
$nestedObject = ConvertTo-FlatObject -InputObject $_[$i] -Prefix "${key}_${i}" -PreserveTypes:$PreserveTypes
$flatProperties += $nestedObject
else {
# Handle array of simple values
$flatProperties[$key] = $_ -join "|"
else {
# Handle empty arrays
$flatProperties[$key] = [string]::Empty
# Recursively process nested objects
{ $_ -is [PSObject] } {
$nestedObject = ConvertTo-FlatObject -InputObject $_ -Prefix $key -PreserveTypes:$PreserveTypes
$flatProperties += $nestedObject
# Handle simple values
default {
if ($PreserveTypes) {
# Keep original type if PreserveTypes is specified
$flatProperties[$key] = $_
else {
# Convert values to appropriate types
$flatProperties[$key] = switch ($_) {
{ $_ -is [datetime] } { $_ }
{ $_ -is [bool] } { $_ }
{ $_ -is [int] } { $_ }
{ $_ -is [long] } { $_ }
{ $_ -is [decimal] } { $_ }
{ $_ -is [double] } { $_ }
default { [string]$_ }

$Results += [PSCustomObject]$properties
return $flatProperties

process {
try {
# Extract base properties excluding AuditData
$baseProperties = $Record | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty AuditData

# Process AuditData if present
$auditData = $Record.AuditData | ConvertFrom-Json
if ($auditData) {
# Flatten the audit data
$flatAuditData = ConvertTo-FlatObject -InputObject $auditData -PreserveTypes:$PreserveTypes

# Combine base properties with flattened audit data
$combinedProperties = @{}
$baseProperties.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $combinedProperties[$_.Name] = $_.Value }
$flatAuditData.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object { $combinedProperties[$_.Key] = $_.Value }

# Create and store the result
$Results += [PSCustomObject]$combinedProperties
catch {
Write-Verbose "Error processing record: $_"
$Results += [PSCustomObject]@{
RecordType = "Error"
# Handle and log any processing errors
Write-Warning "Error processing record: $_"
$errorProperties = @{
RecordType = $Record.RecordType
CreationDate = Get-Date
UserIds = "Error"
Operations = "Error processing audit record: $_"
ResultIndex = 0
ResultCount = 0
Identity = "Error"
IsValid = $false
ObjectState = "Error"
ErrorDetails = $_.Exception.Message
Error = $_.Exception.Message
Record = $Record
$Results += [PSCustomObject]$errorProperties

End {
end {
# Return all processed results

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